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1、Unit 8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic 1 Whats the weather like in spring?Section ASection A needs 1 period. Section A 需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。. Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn the new words about seasons:spring, summer, fall, winter(2)Learn other new words:weather, wa

2、rm, season, hot, cold, rain, snow, ground2. Learn how to describe the weather.Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm.How is the weather in fall? Its cool.3. Learn to use superlative forms to express preference about seasons.Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter?I liked wi

3、nter before, but now I like summer best. Teaching aids 教具图片/小黑板/录音机 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)复习上单元内容,导入本课。1. (复习第7单元部分重点句型。将学生分成4组,对以下问题进行抢答,哪个组表现最好,哪个组获胜。 (1)When were you born?(2)Whats the shape of your pencil-box?(3)Where was she born?(教师指着一个女孩问。)(4)How long/w

4、ide is it?2. (师生对话,承前启后,导入本课。) He was born in spring. And can you tell me how many seasons there are in a year?S2: There are four.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:11分钟)3. (教师指着春、夏、秋、冬的图片。) Good. T Whats the weather like in spring? (教师板书此句并解释weather词义。)Whats the weather like in spring?Ss:暖和。4.T:Yes. War

5、m. What do you often do in spring?S4:I often fly kites.here are four seasons in a year. What are they?Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟)巩固1a, 掌握语音和语调。1. (放1a录音, 让学生跟读, 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。) Follow the tape, and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.2. (角色表演:教师让4名学生到讲台前, 分别扮演4个季节。介绍各自季节的天气情况和适应这个季

6、节的活动。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟).1(让学生听3a的录音, 并填表格。简和康康喜爱什么季节?为什么?听完后核对答案,再用图片呈现单词rain, snow, ground,并要求学生掌握。)2. (让学生再听3a录音, 跟读并表演3a。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (小组活动。把全班分成四组, 在两分钟内说出可以描述四个季节的句子。在限定时间内, 说出句子最多的组获胜。)Section B. Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn adjectives about weather:clo

7、udy, snowy, rainy, windy, foggy, bright (2)Learn other new words:temperature, low2. Talk about the weather.How is the weather there?Its rainy today. But it was sunny and warm yesterday.3. Learn how to understand weather reports.Whats the temperature, do you know?The low temperature is -8 and the hig

8、h temperature is 2. Teaching aids 教具图片/天气预报简图/录音机/卡片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:4分钟)导入1a。T: Boys and girls, we learned some words about the weather last lesson. Now, who can answer the question? Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter, and why?

9、S1: I like spring best, because its warm.S2: I like summer best, because it is hot.S3: I like fall best, because it is cool.(方案:根据上节课所布置的家庭作业,找几名学生展示自己根据调查结果所写的小短文。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)呈现1a,2a,学习询问天气的句型。掌握表示天气的形容词。1. (教师手指着窗外。)T:How is the weather today?Ss:Its raining.T:Right. It is r

10、ainy today.(转入一般过去时。)T:Today is Tuesday. What day was it yesterday?Ss:It was Monday.T:How was the weather yesterday?Ss:It was 下雪.T:Yes. It was snowy.(运用同样的方法,分别教学It was foggy./It was sunny./It was windy./It was cloudy.)(教师分别出示下雪、有雾、晴朗、有风、多云、下雨的图片。师生互动。) 2. (呈现1a,理解内容,找出关键词句。)(2)(核对答案)T: OK, lets che

11、ck the answers together.3. (听录音1a,用铅笔标出重音和语调。)4. (让学生听1a录音核对重音和语调,然后跟读, 再两人一组表演。) T: Now, listen to 1a, follow it and practice in pairs, then I will choose some pairs to act it out.5. (呈现2a,学习询问温度的表达法。)6. (让学生听2a的录音,并回答问题。)7. (然后将学生分成两部分,分角色朗读2a并表演。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)完成1b和1c。巩固表示天气

12、的功能用语。 (看图, 听1b录音, 完成1b。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)1完成2b和3。练习天气及温度表达法。2. (听3录音, 填写表格。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10) 气温表达法:英语表达法中, 18指的是十八摄氏度, 读作eighteen degrees Celsius/ centigrade, 又如-10读作ten degrees Celsius/centigrade below zero, minus ten degrees Celsius/centigrade。Celsius现在已很少使用。Section C

13、Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 . Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:hometown, if, trip, wear, had better(do sth.), find out, umbrella, go out, Australia, remember, most, part, sun, 2. Review how to express temperature.The

14、low temperature is -8 and the high temperature is 2.3. Learn how to make suggestions for traveling.Youd better find out the weather in different places in August. Teaching aids 教具录音机/一张世界天气预报图/一个旅行包/一顶太阳帽/一副太阳镜/一把雨伞/一条冬天用的毛围巾/一架照相机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)使用学过的句型

15、向学生询问天气情况,复习一般现在时、一般过去时和温度表达法。Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1.呈现1a。T:Whats the temperature, do you know?S2: The low temperature isand the high temperature isT: What do you think of the weather yesterday?S3: It wasT: What was the temperature yesterday, do you know?Ss: The high temperature wasand the low temperature wasT: I think it is a good time to travel. Do you like traveling?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Good! I like traveling, too. Summer holidays are coming



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