unit 9 lesson 3clean machines 教学课件

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1、Unit 9 Lesson 3 Clean Machines,Is your car clean?,What is most important, if you live in a big modern city? Many would answer the car. You will find it difficult to go to work or move without a car. More and more families have their own cars in order to make life more convenient, but have you ever t

2、hought about what would happen to the city?,The more, the better?,Test your knowledge about cars.,Are you interested in cars? If so, how many different types of cars have you seen or you know about? Talk about cars in your group.,Talk about the car you know best in your group. The following question

3、s and the key words in Exercise 2 are for your reference.,What type of car are you going to talk about? What do you think is the most important to a car? What are the main kinds of fuel used for cars? Is the fuel used for the car you are talking about favorable? Whats the problem with the fuel now?,

4、Have you got any idea to improve a car? Speak it out and share it with your friends.,Look at the following picture. Whats it?,Have you ever heard of a solar car? Read the interview. Maybe you will find something special.,A solar car,Read the interview to learn about the solar car racing and remember

5、 to collect information.,A car which uses suns energy for power.,Why are people interested in solar cars?,At university.,How many races has Marie Logan taken part in?,It ran across the whole of Australia from North to South.,How long did the race take?,Building a new car with a team from Queensland

6、University.,Writing a book about solar cars,Whats the main problem with solar cars?,They are too slow or unreliable.,What do you think of the solar racing car? Would you like to have a try to design one of your own? Improve your former design.,Describe your design of a new car to your friends and li

7、sten to their suggestions.,If you are really interested in solar car racing, read more about solar car racing.,Extensive Reading,What is a solar car?,Solar Car,A solar car is a light weight, low power vehicle designed and built with a single purpose in mind - racing (or “raycing“, a combination of “

8、race“ and “ray“ from the sun).,Similar to an Indy or Formula One race cars, solar cars do not represent a practical means of transportation. They have limited seating (usually one, sometimes two people), they have very little cargo capacity, and they can only be driven during the day. They do, howev

9、er, offer an excellent opportunity to develop future technologies that can be applied to practical applications.,Solar vehicles representing five college teams left Cal State- Sacramento on Tuesday morning at the start of a six-day, 670-mile race to Los Angeles. They reached Stanford via Vallejo, th

10、e San Francisco- Oakland Bay Bridge, a foggy San Francisco and Highway 280.,Read to learn about solar car racing.,Solar car races were led across the first-day finish line by the Western Washington Universitys Viking XX, a sleek car under a slanted array of solar cells like a roof of shiny blue tile

11、. The Viking, which reached Stanford with an elapsed driving time of 4 hours, 27 minutes, placed fifth internationally in the World Solar Challenge in Australia last November.,The cars are powered by the sun, but the race itself is powered by the organization and dedication of college students. It s

12、tarted with the Stanford Solar Car Project, a loose collection of 40 or so students who have so far built two solar cars with a little faculty advice and a lot of hard work. Graduate student Dave Caditz spearheaded the idea of a race that would zig-zag across California and inspire the publics inter

13、est in alternative-powered vehicles.,The American Solar Challenge,The American Solar Challenge (ASC) is a competition to design, build and rayce solar-powered cars in a cross-country event.,In 2005 there will be a special edition of ASC, the 2005 North American Solar Challenge. Teams will compete in

14、 a solar vehicle rayce from United States through Canada!,How to Design a Solar Car,If you are interested in solar car racing, please read the following to learn how to design a solar car.,Designing and Building a Solar Car,Read and learn how to make a solar car. Designing and building a solar car i

15、s an enormous project that can take up to two years to complete.,Energy Flow for a Solar Car,Energy flow diagram for a solar car,The sunlight hits the cells of the solar array, which produces an electrical current. The energy (current) can travel to the batteries for storage, go directly to the moto

16、r controller, or a combination of both. The energy sent to the controller is used to power the motor that turns the wheel and makes the car move.,Driver Controls,Solar cars do have some of the standard features found in conventional cars, such as turn signals (front & rear), brake lights, accelerator (gas pedal), rear view mirrors, fresh air ventilation, and usually cruise control.,Electrical System,The heart of a solar car is the electrical system which



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