实验2-2 操作系统定制

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《实验2-2 操作系统定制》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《实验2-2 操作系统定制(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、北京理工大学珠海学院计算机学院 嵌入式系统研究室 陈东伟Lab 2-1 Clone a BSP 8Lab 2-1: 克隆BSP,创建、构建并且运行Windows CE操作系统Clone a BSPCreate, Build, and Run a New OS Design学习目标Learning Objectives 下载NK.bin到PXA270-S硬件平台 利用Platform Builder创建OS DesignCreate an OS Design using Visual Studio 掌握OS Design中catalog特性Identify the catalog feature

2、s included in the design(组件) 通过增减组件来扩展标准的OS DesignExtend the standard design by adding catalog items 为运行镜像进行构建配置并构建一个运行的镜像Build configuration for the run-time image and build a run-time image 运行OS镜像在目标设备上Run the OS image on the target devicePrerequisites Knowledge of the vocabulary used in OS design

3、, Visual Studio, and the Platform Builder Plug-in for Visual StudioEstimated time to complete this lab估计时间: 9045 minutesLab Setup To complete this lab, you must have: A development workstation running Windows XPVisual Studio 2005 (Version 8) with Platform Builder plug-inExercise 1 克隆BSP下载镜像到PXA270本练

4、习下载已经编译好的内核镜像NK.bin到实际的硬件平台PXA270-S上 环境搭建1. 打开超级终端,连接好串口线。配置串口为112500/8/N/1 2. 连接好宿主机和目标机的网线,确保网线连通3. 打开开发板电源,及时观察超级终端并及时敲击键盘任意键,进入BLOB控制台先使用ifconfig查看设备和宿主机IP地址;然后使用“ifconfig ip 设备IP”来配置设备IP; 使用“ifconfig server 宿主机IP”来配置tftp的IP。使两者处于同一网段然后在blob命令行键入eboot,则进入Windows CE的bootloaderEthernet bootloader

5、配置eboot4. 进入EBOOT后,需要如下几项参数:l 0:配置平台IP,须和宿主机在同一网段。l 1:配置网关。l 5:切换到DOWNLOAD NEW方式 。l 8:配置MAC地址,任意6位。l N:允许将内核写入Nand Flash,选为 disable 。l 9:存储所设置的参数。F:格式化 FLASH下载镜像5. 配置好eboot,打开宿主机的PB5.0,将NK.bin的拖入PB中6. 在eboot下选择D,确认连接好网线。此时超级终端出现如下类似信息:Using device name: MAINSTN14146 +EbootSendBootmeAndWaitForTftp Se

6、nt BOOTME to Sent BOOTME to 7. 选择PB菜单中的TargetConnectivity Options, 弹出如下对话框8. 在 Download 栏中点击 Settings 按钮,出现下面的对话框9. 在 Active Devices 框中会识别出设备名,点击框中的设备,在 Device Boot Name中选中该设备,之后点击 OK 选择 Target|Attach Device ,此时会出现下载进度。下载完毕后,目标板上的Windows CE系统会自动运行Exercise 21 克隆Clone B

7、SP本练习将使用PB克隆现存的模拟器的BSP。In this exercise, you will use the Clone BSP tool in Visual Studio 2005 to create a copy of the existing Device Emulator Board Support Package (BSP). We can modify this copy instead of modifying the original that was delivered as a part of the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 tools. 克隆

8、模拟器的BSPClone the DeviceEmulator BSP10. 启动Platform BuilderLaunch Visual Studio 2005. 11. 选择Select the Tools | Platform Builder for CE6.0 | Clone BSP Wizard |Clone an existing BSP menu in Visual Studio to bring up the Clone BSP dialog box 选项.12. In the Clone BSP dialog select在 Clone an existing BSP下拉菜

9、单中选择 Device Emulator: ARMV4I from the Source Board Support Package: drop down box.Note 如果你是在实际的硬件平台上进行开发,则选择对应的具体硬件的BSP。如如博创平台的BSP。If you are working with a hardware reference platform, select the BSP corresponding to your specific hardware. 13. Type 输入TrainingBSP in the Name field in the New Board

10、Support Package Info area.,以此命名此BSP对应的CEC文件 Type a description for your new BSP in the Description field.14. Type输入 TrainingBSP in the Platform Directory field.来命名Catalog Name15. 输入ZhbitType GeneriCo in the Vendor field.来命名Vendor16. 填写对该BSP的描述Type 1.0 in the Version field.17. 输入 TrainingBSP,来命名Platf

11、orm Directory,并选择对应的CPU类型。 Click the Clone Button. The Clone BSP tool will create a new Board Support Package based on the DeviceEmulator Board Support Package.18. Open the C:WINCE600PLATFORMTrainingBSPFILES folder using Windows Explorer. 选择并配置BSP所包含的内容 19. 点击Finish,向导将克隆BSPRename the deviceemulator

12、-preri.bat file to trainingbsp-preri.bat.NoteThe previous step was necessary due to a bug in the Clone BSP tool. It is only necessary if the source BSP contains certain build related batch files in the FILES directory. This is not common, but is the case with the DeviceEmulator BSP. Failure to make

13、the change will cause a build error in a later step. The DeviceEmulator Board Support Package has now been cloned into a new Board Support Package called TrainingBSP. The TrainingBSP Board Support Package will be used in the remaining labs.8实验2 操作系统定制Exercise 32 2 创建、构建模拟器并运行OSCreate, build and run

14、the OS design本练习将创建In this exercise you will create an一个 OS design, 然后通过增减组件来定制操作系统。然后运行定制的Windows CE操作系统在设备模拟器上。 and then customize that design by adding components from the catalog and build the result. You will run the OS design on the Device Emulator.This OS design will be used in other labs and

15、 will be a suitable platform for running a variety of Windows CE applications. You will learn how to: Create an OS Design Set up the build configuration for your OS run-time image Build an OS run-time image Run the OS Design on the Device Emulator 创建一个Create an OS design1. 选择Select File | New Platform | Project from the Visual Studio menu.点击NEXT2. Select the Platform Builder for CE 6.0 project type in the New Project dialog.3. Select OS Design under Visual Studio installed templates.4. 输入Type TrainingOSDesign 作为工程名 in the Name field. The solution name w


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