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1、2019年高三二轮复习语法填空的解题技巧及训练+动词时态的复习(2)一、课程介绍知识点 1.归纳讲解语法填空的解题技巧(2)-不给词填空(盲填)的解题技巧2.重点语法: 动词的时态语态(2)-动词的语态及其应用 教学重点 1.如何确定所填空部分的词性2.被动语态的判断依据及考点 教学难点如何判断部分没有被动语态的动词二、要点回顾语法填空Jonny: Hey! Im just practicing Tai Chi(太极).Would you like to join me?Peter: I know nothing about it. Is it difficult?Jonny:It seems

2、 easy, but you need a lot of practice. You just follow me like this.Peter: OK. Dont laugh 61 me. I may look funny.Jonny: Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and 62 (soft). Try to keep your body straight. Move slowly , then be sure to keep your balance and d

3、ont let your body shake.Peter: I cannot control my body well. My legs become 63 (pain)Jonny: Keep 64 (hold) your position for a while .It helps develop your strength and flexibility .Raise your leg and let 65 stay in the air for seconds.Peter: I feel my legs shaking . I cannot do this any longer.Jon

4、ny: Be patient! Tai Chi 66 (call)“shadow boxing in English. It asks you to act like water: to be flexible as well 67 strong. In real competition, a TaiChi master borrows the strength of the competitor and uses this energy to fight back. The 68 (hard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get

5、 hit.He controls you!Peter: Unbelievable! Oh., 69 you dont mind, Ill stop and take a deep 70 .【答案】61.at 62.Softly 63.painful 64.holding 65.it66. is called 67.as 68.harder 69.if 70.breath(注意)66题在判断时必须考虑到时态语态三、知识精要1.语法填空的解题思路(二)题型II:不给词填空(或称为盲填。每空只填一个词)1. 连词:(1) 并列连词:and,but,or,so(2) 从属连词(引导从句的连词):tha

6、t,what,which,who,when,how等2.冠词:(1)根据翻译:a/an“一个”,the“这个,那个,这些,那些”(2)固定搭配:如in the 1990s,等3.介词:同样从翻译和搭配入手4.代词:主要填人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词2.语法动词时态和语态(二)注意:时态语态的考查一方面要从时间状语入手,另一方面要从上下文翻译及语境入手时态语态的考查方向:语法填空、改错、写作本讲主要讲解动词的语态考点聚焦 2、被动语态考查要点简述被动语态的构成方式:be + 过去分词,口语只也有用get / become + 过去分词表示。被动语态的基本用法:不知道或没必要提到动作的执

7、行者是谁时用被动语态。强调或突出动作的承受者常用被动语态(by短语有时可以省略)。(1)使用被动语态时应注意的几个问题。主动变化被动时双宾语的变化。看下列例句。My friend gave me an interesting book on my birthday.An interesting book was given to me(by my friend)on my birthday.I was given an interesting book (by my friend)on my birthday.主动变被动时,宾补成主补(位置不变);(作补语的)不定式前需加to。The boss

8、 made him work all day long./He was made to work all day long(by the boss)短语动词变被动语态时,勿要掉“尾巴”。The children were taken good care of (by her).Your pronunciation and spelling should be paid attention to.情态动词和be going to、be to、be sure to、used to、have to、had better等结构变被动语态,只需将它们后面的动词原形变为be +过去分词。当句子的谓语为sa

9、y、believe、expect、think、know、write、consider、report等时,被动语态有两种形式:(A)谓语动词用被动语态,动词不定式作主补。(B)用it作形式主语,真正的主语在后面用主语在后面用主语从句来表示。如:People say he is a smart boy.It is said that he is a smart boy.He is said to be a smart boy.People know paper was made in China first.It is known that paper was made in China firs

10、t.Paper was known to be made in China first.类似句型有:It is said / known / suggested / believed / hoped/ thought that (2)不能用被动语态的几种情况。所有的不及物动词或不及物动词词组不能用于被动语态之中。表示状态的谓语动词,如:last、hold、benefit、contain、equal、fit、join、mean、last、look like、consist to等。表示归属的动词,如have、own、belong to等。表示“希望、意图”的动词,如:wish、want、hope

11、、like、love、hate等。宾语是反身代词或相互代词时谓语动词用主动语态,不能用被动语态。宾语是同源宾语,不定式、动名词等谓语动词不用被动语态。有些动词以其主动形式表示被动意义,特别是当主语是物时,常见的动词有sell、write、wash、open、lock等。(3)主动形式表被动意义。当feel、look、smell、taste、sound等后面接形容词时;当cut、read、sell、wear、write等词带状语修饰语时;当动词表示“开始、结束、关、停、转、启动”等意义时。This kind of cloth washes easily.这种布易洗。These novels wo

12、nt sell well.这些小说不畅销。My pen writes smoothly.我的钢笔写起来很流畅。The door wont lock.门锁不上。The fish smells good.鱼闻起来香。当break out、take place、shut off、turn off、work out等动词表示“发生、关闭、制定”等意思时。The plan worked out successfully./The lamps on the wall turn off.want, require, need后面的动名词用主动表示被动含义。be worth doing用主动形式表示被动含义。

13、在“be + 形容词 + to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动代被动。This kind of water isnt fit to drink./The girl isnt easy to get along with.另外:be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动。(4)被动形式表示主动意义的几种情况。be seated坐着He is seated on a bench.(He seats himself on a bench.)坐在凳子上。be hidden躲藏He was hidden behind the door.(He hid

14、 himself behind the door.)他藏在门后。be lost迷路be drunk喝醉be dressed穿着The girl was dressed in a red short skirt.(5)被动语态与系表结构的区别被动语态强调动作;系表结构表主语的特点或状态。如:The book was sold by a certain bookstore.(被动语态)四、要点讲练【要点1】语法填空-填并列连词这时设空部分的前后是等同的成分,可能是两个句子,也可能是两个词或短语,也可能是固定搭配,如either.or ,neither.nor,both.and, not only.

15、but also 等【例题1】 (2016全国卷III)In much of Asia,especially the so-called“rice bowl” cultures of China,Japan,Korea,41 Vietnam,food is usually eaten with chopsticks.【答案】and【解析】通过空的前后可知,前后都是国家名,再根据意思判断,表示并列关系,所以填and【例题2】 (2016四川卷) It was time for her to have a new baby,50 it was also time for the young panda to be independent.【答案】and【解析】通过空的前后可知,前后都是简单句,再根据意思判断,表示并列关系,所以填and【例题3】 (2017东北三省四市高三第一次联合考试) Doctors and resear


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