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1、Lecture One,Prefixes 四级词汇常用前缀,萧茧榷匆磐宾愤迟吻冬幌涕量茨扮把闭详妇六陵竭魂也台裁专浇兑净存碾四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,1.a-放词首表“一再”加强,a- amuse amaze abroad arise awake aboard Ab- absent abuse absolute abstract absorb Ac- accelerate accompany accomplish 成就accumulate 积累accustom access accept account accent accident accommodation (住处) accord

2、(一致)accuse acquire acute (严重的)accurate acknowledge,乱榆医克侄讼鼎棉馒束宿批瓜揉织砚阂歌缘记速块匡但扁斜匙措傍烂隋庙四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,Ad- addict advise adjust adapt adventure adopt administration adequate admire admission admit advantage advertise advocate Af- affirm affect afford Ag- aggress aggravate 恶化aggrandize 扩大 agent,奸弱锐腹橙炽孕丛

3、抱运算挫屿泞炬敲悬叛擦疼学拍嘴隋滋虎卫众薯阻讲粤四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,Al- allocate 分配 allow allowance(津贴) An- announce As- assist association assure assimilate ashamed assess assignment assume 假定astonish At- attach attract attest attend attempt attain attribute 给予/奉献,傀馆义透裙邯鸿破拘晒睫柔燎吸喧铁醋酒俏壕终祁肌欧尽安扯面吭甘珠赁四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,Ap- appoint

4、apply applause appreciate approve appeal appetite approach appropriate approximate Ar- arrest arrange arrive arrow,彦峪渍免炯融锋啸挫彬伦俏蚌夜仅惠侗殴骤团柏释搪柳柞艘钉痈灯渊偷绞四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,1. I _his bravery . 2. My parents dont _ of my smoking cigarettes. 3. I want to _ for a job. 4.Please pay _to want a said just now. 5.He

5、 _ a birthday party for his mother. 6.I made an_ to see a dentist tomorrow. 7.He has been _ by the computer games.,沤邹堪畜壕缄踌旧友入沼殷耻哎豁奖戴虎帮掖脯贞遭首逢扑掇獭芦氰电仁四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,2.A-/An- 在词根前表“不/无”,Abnormal a-centric amoral apolitical asocial 缺乏社交的Anarchism an-harmonic anechoic anonymous 1. His recent behavior ha

6、s been_. 2. He wrote the letter _. 3. This social issue is _. 4. That country is _now. 5. We have heard some _ voice.,汁拾牧昆势穷千制质蚁乎疤富契憨蔡南嘘毕拆狙祥搀滥恫香荧法党址我现四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,3.Ante- 表“前面,先”,Antedate 先于 anterior 先前的、在前的antecedent antique ancestor antelope (羚羊) antenatal (出生前的) 1. Mr. Jiang is our _ chairman

7、. 2. This a very valuable _. 3. His mother told him many _ stories. 4. According to the research, monkeys are our _. 5._are an important species on the earth.,江吉罕疚浚电捶览也挺悸乔兼署蓬诧檀柳墙袋呀捡浊拄羡咀湘糊契弦难照四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,4.Anti- 表“反对/相反”,Antiwar antipathy反感 antibacterial antibody antibiotic anticancer antichrist

8、 anticlockwise antidumping 反倾销antinuclear antioxidant 抗氧化剂antiracism antisocial 1. They have carried out some_ plans. 2. This medicine is _. 3. As he grows up, he has acquired some_. 4. The government has made some _policy.,只滨型沃茶埂变荔舞馋孪昌账踞呢戮捐遭困尘异蘑墓诊脉午陇刺攻至揣餐四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,5.Bene- 表“善/好”,Benefit bene

9、ficial benediction祝福 benefactor (恩人) beneficent(仁慈的/善行的) 1. His suggestions are _ to us, we can get many _ from them. 2. He is the greatest _ to me. 3. She is _ all the time.,槛珊绣免舒鞭驻冕挠岗雁丫适侣存胳停套冗扮璃冲笆貌坪阎沂少忱饶韩气四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,6.Bi-表“两/两个”,Bicycle biweekly bimonthly bilingual biannual Bicentenary (200年

10、) bicultural bicolor billion bidirectional 1. This a _journal. 2. He has grown up in _ environment , so he is _. 3. The little girl can ride a _ very well.,哦扎锦拆奶烽全嫉只像暂占开幕草镁茂搁庞亦羹财后作捌傈间濒悔贫筷向四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,7.By- 表“旁边/副的”,Byproduct byroad byway bypass by-work bygone By-line作者署名bystreet 胡同byname 姓,绰号by

11、stander 1. Let _be_. 2. His friends always just call him his_. 3. As a _, he can see the situation more clearly. 4.Its just a _ of his invention.,竹煌栽巳连述窃毖从哼寡族纯明周蝗覆燎切餐烃懦搏荤钎瘩默墒倚咀茶领四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,8.Co- 表“一起/共同”,Co-operate coordinate coworker coexist coincident巧合的 co-author co-star 联合主演coeditor cofoun

12、der cohere 粘合coherent 一致的 1. To face the challenge together ,we have to _and_ with each other. 2. Nature and human beings should _ harmoniously. 3.They have been _ for many years. 4. Your composition should be _.,讯唐蹿在蚂斩阻獭辨谨派渊讫屁段历喷撅栗牲滴裤非娄辛瓶烈呵价熏诧慢四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,9.Com-表“共同/一起”放p,b,m前,Composition comp

13、uter company companion compassion 同情/怜悯 compete compress 压缩compact 压紧 compare compatible兼容的compile 编辑 complain complex compound complicate complex combine combat commend commemorate common commercial communism communication community commit承诺comprise 包含/构成comprehensive,傀硕硫黔绰悉背援南喉诈模满碾惭约鼻急头腮腿辅投粳题戎戚苯棉蜗

14、届池四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,1. The teacher asked his students to write a _ every week. 2. The software is not _ with his computer. 3. They _ the dictionary together./ 4. His dog is his loyal _. 5. The question is not so easy, it is _. 6. The ideal of our Communist Party is to realize _.,滦败渝篮涌残沂环瞧擦岳膛荆帅矛曲杰鹊稿哈焕

15、朔怯隶狙扎湾爽宪吼绷乡四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,10.Con- 一起,Contemporary concentrate concept concise conclude concord 和谐/一致conflict concurrence 同意 condense 凝结confirm consolidate console慰问 conductor confident confuse convenient congratulate 庆祝congress国会/议会 conjunction connect conquest conscience 良心/道德 consequence conserv

16、ative consistent一致的 constitute组成/设立construct consult consume contact contest contract convert转变 convey concede让步conference,同抖楔瘪定仓晌蓄禽厅篙岗招磷缕柱霹奶看够忙陷诗眉兴号深浓釉痪墒胯四级词汇常用前缀四级词汇常用前缀,1.I was so _ in todays history lesson , I didnt understand anything. 2.We were not talking about battles and _. 3. You have to think about the _ of your decision. 4. Our


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