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1、Chapter 3,Diction,In order to make an accurate and smooth translation, a translator should consider how to find a word or words by which the original idea may be most aptly expressed. Diction, the choice of words and phrases to express meaning, is therefore one of the basic techniques. The meaning o

2、f a word is its use in the language, not only its definitions in the dictionary. A dictionary does not require a particular sense of a word but records the uses that have been found for it. Now and then a word is in the process of acquiring a new sense. The dictionary definition is for the most part

3、 a record of the denotation of a word and often cannot give its connotation. Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words. Each word when used in a new context is a new word. Beginners often rigidly adhere to the verbal consistency of words in two languages, while neglecting their cont

4、extual consistency. Care should therefore be taken in translating to determine from the context the exact shade of meaning of a word and the choice of an appropriate one to express the meaning in the target version.,3.1 Choice of Affective Meanings,Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of

5、 the feelings and attitudes of the writer towards the reader. You may address somebody as an “idiot” to convey your despise, or describe something as “marvelous” to express your positive evaluation. There are basically three types of affective meanings: positive, neutral, and derogatory.,Some words

6、when used in different contexts may have different affective meanings. In translating, it is significant to determine the implications of these words according to the context.,Still more important to translation is the fact that the affective meanings of some words are culture-bound. That is, becaus

7、e of the differences between the two cultures, a word is commendatory in English, but its equivalent in Chinese is derogatory, or vice versa, hence the necessity to make certain changes in translation. 1. individualism: feeling or behaviour of a person who likes to do things his/her own way, regardl

8、ess of what other people do; theory that favours free action and complete liberty of belief for each individual person; the idea that the rights and freedom of the individual are the most important rights in a society. 个人主义:一切从个人出发,把个人利益放在集体利益之上,只顾自己,不顾别人的错误思想。个人主义是生产资料私有制的产物,是资产阶级世界观的核心。它的表现形式是多方面的

9、,如个人英雄主义、自由主义、本位主义等。 Therefore, individualism (中性词)个人主义(贬义词)个体主义,2. liberalism: liberal opinions or principles, esp. with regard to social and political matters; liberal: willing to understand and respect the ideas and feelings of others; supporting or allowing some change, e.g. in political or reli

10、gious affairs; encouraging or leading to a wide general knowledge, wide possibilities for self-expression, and respect for other peoples opinions; giving freely and generously; given freely; large; neither close nor very exact. 自由主义: 19世纪和20世纪初期的一种资产阶级政治思想。自由主义者代表资产阶级的利益,反对政治的、社会的和宗教的束缚,在历史上曾经起过进步的作

11、用。但在资产阶取得政权后,自由主义就成了掩饰资产阶级统治的幌子。 革命队伍中的一种错误的思想作风,主要表现是缺乏原则性,无组织,无纪律,强调个人利益等。 Therefore, liberalism (中性词)自由主义(贬义词),3. pragmatism: pragmatic ways of considering and dealing with things; pragmatic: dealing with matters in the way that seems best under the actual conditions, rather than following a gene

12、ral principle; concerned with practical results. 实用主义:现代资产阶级哲学的一个派别,创始于美国。它的主要内容是否认世界的物质性和真理的客观性,把客观存在和主观经验等同起来,认为有用的就是真理,思维只是应付环境解决疑难的工具。 Therefore, pragmatism (褒义词)实用主义(贬义词),Meaning means intention. Words, phrases, or sentences often convey authors feelings or attitudes towards certain ideas or vi

13、ewpoints. In translation, we have to choose the most proper and suitable words from our own “thesaurus” to express authors original intentions according to the context. Be careful to convey the intention of the author, not that of the translator. Examples: 1. Aggressive nations threaten world peace.

14、 侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平。 A salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 推销员如要成功,必须有闯劲。 2. He incited the soldiers to fight bravely. 他激励士兵勇敢作战。 He was charged with inciting people to violence. 他被控煽动人们暴动。 3. Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意之时。 4. “You chicken!” he cried, looking at Tom with contempt. “你这胆小

15、鬼!”她轻蔑地看着汤姆嚷道。,Drills 3.1,(1) Compare and translated the following words with the help of dictionaries: crowd; mob deep dealings; a deep scholar praise; boast childlike; childish steadfast; obstinate statesman; politician (2) Compare the meanings and implications of the English and Chinese words: pe

16、asant, 农民 dragon, 龙 propaganda, 宣传 goat, 山羊 compromise, 妥协 west wind, 西风,peasant:(贬)a person without education or good manners; a person with rough unrefined manners, 无教养的人,粗野的人,乡下人,土包子,大老粗;(尤其用于指发展中国家或从前的)农民,农夫,小浓,雇农。 农民: (无贬义)在农村从事农业生产的劳动者。 dragon: an imaginary animal with wings and claws, able to breathe out fire; (比喻贬)a fierce person, esp. a woman. (英美民族所想象的)“龙”,从词典所画的图像看,与中国龙(Chinese dragon) 不一样;比喻凶恶的人,尤指悍妇 龙:中国古代传说中的神异动物,身体长,有


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