小学英语四年级下册课件:unit2 what time is it第四课时(新人教pep版)

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小学英语四年级下册课件:unit2 what time is it第四课时(新人教pep版)_第1页
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1、第四课时,天津市津南区双港小学 杨恩妍,Read and write.,比一比:谁写的好?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/,What time is it?,Its seven oclock.,Its time to get up.,What time is it? = Whats the time?,Its.(oclock).,Its time to.,breakfast,Its time to have breakfast.,Its time for breakfast.,lunch,Its time for lunch.,Its time to have lunch.,Its time

2、for dinner.,dinner,Its time to have dinner.,Listen and read,Lets make up a new dialogue and act.,6:00,a.m.,p.m.,6:00 a.m. 上午六点,6:00 p.m. 下午六点,What time is it? Its 6 oclock. Its time to get up. What time is it? Its 10 oclock. Its time for music class. What time is it? Its 6 oclock. Its time for dinne

3、r.,Lets chant,Make a survey,What time is it? = What s the time? Its . oclock. Its time to/for.,(1)单项选择 ( )Its 8:00. Its time _ English class. A.for B.to C.in ( )Its 6:00. Its time to _ . A.school B.lunch C.get up ( )What time _? A.is it B.it is C.this is ( ) Look at my .Its 8 _. A.oclock, clock B.cl

4、ock ,clock C.clock, oclock ( )Its 7:00. Its time to_. A.go to bed B.breakfast C.lunch ( )What time is it? Its _. Its time for home. A. at 5:00 oclock B.3:00 oclock C.there,A,A,C,C,A,B,is, time, it, what (?) to, is, get, it, time, up (.) it, time, is, lunch, for (.),(2)连词组句,What have we learned?,Homework:,(1)Listen to and repeat “Read and write” . (2)Try to make a new dialogue in groups. (3)Make up sentences using the sentence patterns: It is time to/It is time for,Thanks for listening!,



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