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1、Speciality English for Chemistry Chemistry and Society,Textbook,Features of Speciality English for Chemistry Strategy to study Speciality English for Chemistry Compositions of the final scores,Introduction to Speciality English for Chemistry,Lots of specialized words involved Lots of English papers

2、to read Write English papers Listening and speaking ability to communicate with others,Features of Speciality English for Chemistry,Enhance English abilities through translations Master specialized words during reading English papers Writing practice Speaking practice Fast reading practice,Strategy

3、to study Speciality English for Chemistry,Class performance: 20 scores Final examination: 80 scores,Compositions of the final scores,Chemistry is such a broad, all-encompassing area of study that people almost despair in trying to define it.,Chapter 1 What is Chemistry,化学是一个如此广泛的、涵盖一切的学科领域,以至于人们在尝试给

4、它下定义时几乎绝望了。,encompass: inkmps, vt.包围,环绕 despair: disp, n. & vi. 绝望,失望,Indeed, some have taken a cop-out approach by defining chemistry as “what chemists do”. But that wont do; its much too narrow a view.,事实上,有些人采取一种逃避的办法,把化学定义为“化学家们所做的”。但是那行不通,它的视野范围太狭窄了。,cop-out: kpaut 逃避,Chemistry is we all do. We

5、 bathe, clean, and cook. We put chemicals on our faces, hands, and hair.,我们每个人的活动都牵涉到化学。我们洗浴、做清洁、烹调食物。我们把一些化学制品用在脸上、手上和头发上。,Collectively, we use tens of thousands of consumer chemical products in our homes.,总起来说,我们在家庭中使用成千上万种消费化学品。,Professionals in the health and life sciences use thousands of addit

6、ional chemicals as drugs, antiseptics, or reagents for diagnostic tests.,保健和生命科学的专家们用各种各样的化学品作为药物、杀菌剂或诊断测试的试剂。,antiseptic: ,ntiseptik adj. 防腐的, 杀菌的 n. 防腐剂,杀菌剂 reagent: ri(:)eidnt n. 反应物, 试剂 diagnostic:,dainstik adj. 诊断的, 判断的,Your body itself is a remarkable chemical factory. You eat and breathe, tak

7、ing in raw materials for the factory. You convert these supplies into an unbelievable array of products, some incredibly complex.,你的身体本身就是一个不同寻常的化工厂。你通过饮食和呼吸为这个工厂摄入原材料。你把这些供给转化成多得令人难以置信的产物,有些复杂得不可思议。,array: rei n. 阵列, 一大批, 大量 incredible: inkredbl adj. 难以置信的; 可疑的,This chemical factory - your body als

8、o generates its own energy. It detects its own malfunctions and can regenerate and repair some of its component parts.,你的身体这个化工厂也产生它自己的能量。它发现自己的故障,并能够再生和修复它的一些零部件。,malfunction: mlfkn n. 故障, 障碍,It senses changes in its environment and adapts to these changes. With the aid of a neighboring facility, t

9、his fabulous factory can create other factories much like itself.,它察觉环境中的变化并适应这些变化。在邻近设施的帮助下,这个神奇的工厂能够创造跟它自身非常相像的另外的工厂。,fabulous:fbjuls adj. 寓言般的, 难以置信的, 神奇的,Everything you do involves chemistry. You read this sentence, light energy is converted to chemical energy. You think, protein molecules are s

10、ynthesized and stored in your brain. All of us do chemistry.,你所作的一切都牵涉到化学。你阅读这个句子,光能转化成了化学能。你思考,一些蛋白质分子就被合成并储存在你的大脑中。我们所有人都在从事化学。,Chemistry affects society as well as individuals. Chemistry is the language and the principal tool of the biological sciences, the health sciences, and the agricultural a

11、nd earth sciences.,化学对社会和个人都有影响。化学是生物学、保健科学、农业科学和地球科学的语言和基本工具。,Chemistry has illuminated the entire natural world; from the tiny atomic nucleus to the immense cosmos.,从微小的原子核到无垠的宇宙,化学给整个自然界以启迪。,illuminate: Ilju:mineit vt. 照亮; 阐明; 启迪 nucleus:nju:klis n. (原子)核 immense:imens adj. 极大的, 巨大的 cosmos: kzms

12、n. 宇宙,We believe that knowledge of chemistry can help you. Chemistry can be related immediately to problems and opportunities in the life and health sciences.,我们相信化学知识能够帮助你。化学能够直接与生命和保健科学中的问题和机会联系起来。,And we believe that this can make the study of chemistry interesting and exciting, especially to no

13、chemists.,我们也相信这会使化学的学习变得有趣和激动人心,特别是对非化学工作者。,For example, an “ion” is more than a chemical abstraction. Enough mercury ions in the wrong place can kill you, but the right number of calcium ions in the right place can keep you from bleeding to death.,例如,“离子”不只是一个化学概念。足量的汞离子在不合适的地方会致人死命,而适量的钙离子在合适的地方却

14、能够使人避免因流血过多而死。,ion: ain n. 离子 mercury: m:kjuri n. 汞, 水银 calcium: klsim n. 钙,“ pV = nRT ” is an equation, but it is also the basis for the respiratory therapy that has saved untold lives in hospitals.,“pV = nRT ” 是一个方程式,但它也是在医院中挽救无数生命的呼吸疗法的基础。,respiratory:rispairtri adj. 呼吸的, 呼吸用的 therapy:erpi n. 疗法,

15、“Hydrogen bonding” is a chemical phenomenon, but it also helps to account for the fact that a dog has puppies while a cat has kittens and a human has human babies.,“氢键”是一个化学现象,但它还有助于说明一些事实的原因,比如狗生出的后代是小狗、猫生出的后代是小猫,而人类生出的后代仍然是人类。,puppy: ppi n. 小狗, 幼犬 kitten: kitn n. 小猫,There are hundreds of similar f

16、undamental and interesting applications of chemistry to life.,化学在生活中还有许许多多类似的重要而又有趣的应用。,Knowledge of chemistry has already had a profound effect on the quality of life. Its impact on the future will be even more dramatic.,化学知识已经对生活质量产生了深远的影响。它对未来的影响将会更加激动人心。,profound:prfaund adj. 深度的; 深切的; 深远的 dramatic:drmtik adj.戏剧性的, 激动人心的,At present we can control diabetes, cure some forms of cancer


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