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1、Chapter 4 Translation of Sentences,Part 2 Passive Voice, Negation vs. Affirmation,Procedures of today,A brief review of conversion and inversion Translation of passive voice sentences Negation vs. affirmation Exercises in class Assignments,Review,After some underground nuclear tests, large numbers o

2、f tiny aftershocks are recorded during the next few weeks. 在进行某些地下核试验以后的几星期内,可以记录到大量微弱的余震。 A word can now go by telephone from the Atlantic to the Pacific in one-twelfth of a second. 现在电话可在十二分之一秒钟内把一句话从大西洋传到太平洋。 The so-called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more appa

3、rent than real. 理论科学和应用科学家之间的所谓区分,与其说是实际存在的,不如说是表面的。 Conversely, work in applied science and technology frequently acts as a direct stimulus to the development of pure science. 相反,应用科学和技术领域内的工作,往往起着促进纯科学发展的作用。,Passive voice,For a long time, aluminium has been thought as an effective material for pre

4、venting metal corrosion. 长期以来,铝被当作一种有效地防止金属腐蚀的材料。 As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. 一边钻井,一边下钢管,以防周围土层塌陷。 Vulcanized rubber was a perfect insulating material; on the railway it was used for shock-absorbers and cushions. 硫化橡胶是一种很好的绝缘材料,在铁路上

5、可用来做减震器和减震垫。,译成主动句,By the summer of 1982 about 1,500 lakes had been limed at a cost about 15 million. 到1982年夏,约有1,500个湖泊撒了石灰,耗资约1,500万美元。 Since numerical control was adopted at machine tools, the productivity has been raised greatly. 自从机床采用数控以来,生产率大大提高了。 Although the first synthetic materials were c

6、reated little more than a hundred years ago, they can now be found almost everywhere. 虽然第一批合成材料仅在一百多年前才研制出来,但现在人们几乎到处都能见到他们。 On the screen the skylab could be seen orbiting round the earth in outer space. 在电视屏幕上,人们可以看到那个空间实验室在外层空间轨道上饶地球运行。,译成主动句,A few years ago it was thought unusual that programs c

7、ould ever be called up by viewers to be displayed on their TV screens at home. 几年前人们还认为,观众竟然能打电话要求在自己家里的电视屏幕上播出节目是一件稀罕的事情。 It is believed to be natural that more and more engineers have come to prefer synthetic material to natural material. 人们相信,越来越多的工程人员宁愿用合成材料而不用天然材料是很自然的。,译成无主语句,Attention has bee

8、n paid to the new measures to prevent corrosion. 已经注意到采取防腐新措施。 Account should be taken of the low melting point of this substance. 应该考虑到这种物质的熔点低。 Such great lifting force is generated with a great saving in electric power per passenger. 这样就能产生大得多的提升力,从而大大节约每个旅客所消耗的电力。,译成判断句,This kind of device is mu

9、ch needed in the mechanical watch making industry. 这种装置在机械表制造工业中是很需要的。 The first explosive in the world was made and used in China. 世界上最早的炸药是在中国制造和使用的。 Produced by electrons are the X-rays, which allow the doctor to look inside a patients body. 电子产生的是X射线,它使医生能透视病人的身体。,译成被动句,The metric system is now

10、used by almost all the countries in the world. 米制现在被全世界几乎所有的国家采用。 New uses have been found for old metals, and new alloys have been made to satisfy new demands. 老的金属有了新用途,新的合金被冶炼出来,以满足新的需求。 How long has nuclear power been known to scientists? 核动力为科学家所认识已经有多久了?,More examples,Fuzzy control is found an

11、 effective way to control the systems without precise mathematic models. 人们发现,模糊控制是一种不具备精确数学模型的有效方法。 The test instrument is joined to the circuit with all the switches off so that no current should flow. 将测试仪器连接到电路上,并关断所有开关,使电路没有电流。 A motor which is too small would be subjected to frequent overload.

12、 容量太小的电动机时常会发生超载的现象。 One major medical experiment was carried out in a cylindrical chamber like this. 一项主要的医学实验是在一个像这样的圆筒形空间内进行的。 The earth is hit from time to time by streams of electrically charged particles poured out by the sun. 地球不时为太阳发出的带电粒子流所袭击。,Negation vs. affirmation,英语的否定: 部分否定、全部否定、双重否定、

13、形式否定和含蓄否定等 英语按照否定部位分为一般否定和特殊否定。前者指谓语部分的否定,后者是指除谓语以外的部分的否定。 否定成分的转移:不少英语否定句中的否定词出现的部位与其否定对象并不一致,因此我们常会看到,从语法结构上看,明明否定的是谓语,即一般否定,而实际上否定的是状语或其他成分。反之亦然。 一般来说,否定转移只出现在一般否定和特殊否定之间。即在各种否定句的内部,各种否定成分之间不会出现转移的问题。,一般否定转移成特殊否定,程度、方式、地点、时间、原因、目的或频率等状语 I do not recommend him because he is my brother. TT1: 我推荐他并不

14、是因为他是我的兄弟。 TT2: 因为他是我的兄弟,所以我不推荐他。 The computer is not valuable because it is expensive. TT1:计算机因为其价格贵而没有价值。 TT2: 计算机不是因为价格贵才有价值。 He was not listening all the time. TT1: 他一直都没有听。 TT2:他没有一直都在听。 The motor did not stop because the electricity was off. TT1: 电动机停转并非由于断电。 TT2:因为断电,电动机没有停下来。,否定谓语转为否定主语,All

15、substances are not good conductors of electricity. TT1: 所有的物质都不是电的导体。 TT2:并非所有的物质都是电的导体。 = Not all substance are good conductors of electricity. All that glisters is not gold. 闪光的东西并非都是金子。 = Not all that glisters is gold. In a thermal power plant, all the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted

16、 into heat. 在热电站中,燃料的化学能并不全部都转变成热能。,否定主句的谓语转移为否定从句的谓语,I dont think he will come today. 我认为他今天不会来。 I dont believe this book is worth reading. 我认为这书不值得一读。,特殊否定转移为一般否定,No sound was heard. 没有听到声音。 There can be no doubt about the difference between these compounds. 对这些化合物之间的差别不应有任何怀疑。 We shall consent to the designing plan under no circumstance. 在任何情况下,我们都不会同意这个设计方案。 The Yellow River goes by Jinan, not through the city. 黄河流经济南市郊而不穿过市区。,部分否定的译法,all, every, both, always, many, often等含有“整体”或“多数”意义的词



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