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1、THE CHAMPIONS 冠軍 Using the Olympic Spirit to Create Your Wealth and Business Success 運用奧林匹克精神創造財富並成為成功的企業經營者,Dr. Denis Waitley 2004 2004 年 Denis Waitley 博士,P.O.W.,Prisoner of War? 戰俘? Prince of Wales? 威爾斯王子? Power of Women? 女權? Prisoner of Wishes? 願望的俘虜? Prisoner of Work? 工作的俘虜? Psychology of Winnin

2、g? 勝利心理學?,Life is a perception through the eyes of the beholder - Its not what happens that really counts, its how you take it and what you make of it 生活是一種透過旁觀者眼光的洞察力:真正重要的不是發生了些什麼事,而是您如何處理,並從中得到了些什麼,Participants in the Game of Life 生命遊戲的參加者,Spectators 觀眾 Losers 輸家 Winners 贏家,E,P,E,E,E,M,The Winner

3、s Circle 贏家圈,Winning in Life 在生命中得勝,Taking the potential you were born with and the knowledge and skills you have developed, and using them fully to benefit others as well as yourself 掌握你與生俱來的優勢,以及你所發展的技能,發揮最大的功效使自己及其他人受惠,Winning is an Attitude 勝利是一種態度,Your attitude is either the lock on or key to y

4、our door of success! 你的態度不是銬住成功之門上的鎖,就是開啟成功之門的鑰匙,Secret 1: The Wealth Mentality 秘訣 1:財富心智,Poor 貧窮 Wealth is all material 財富全是物質面的 Money is the root of evil 金錢是邪惡的根源 I am my environment 環境造就了我 Poverty is a virtue 貧窮是美德 Ill always be broke 我永遠都會破產 Wealth is quantity 財富以量計算 Scarcity mentality 心智貧窮,Rich

5、 富有 Wealth is a state of mind 財富是心靈的狀態 Greed is the real evil 貪心是最邪惡的 I create my environment 我造就我的環境 Poverty is a prison 貧窮是監獄 I am temporarily broke 我只是暫時破產 Wealth is quality 財富以質計算 Abundance mentality 心智富有,Whats holding you back? 是什麼阻礙了你?,Externals beyond your control? 你無法掌控外在因素? Internals within

6、 your control? 你可以掌控內在因素? A thermometer reflects the temperature 溫度計反應溫度 A thermostat sets the temperature 溫度調節器設定溫度,Setpoint/Comfort Zone 設定點 / 舒適區,Setting Yourself Free 獲得自由,Life is what you make it. Its not what happens that counts, its how you take it. 生活是由你自己創造。重要的不是發生了些什麼,而是你如何看待它。 Past Condit

7、ioning = Present Behavior 過去的狀態 = 現在行為 Present Inputs = Future Behavior Past Conditioning and Performance 現在的投入 未來的行為及表現 過去的狀態,Setting Yourself Free 讓自己自由,You have been selling yourself short throughout your life 你一生中都在將自己賣空 You have more potential than you could utilize fully in a millennium 在黃金時代中

8、,你的潛力並未完全發揮 Now is your time to win! 現在是你獲勝的時候了!,BEHAVIOR 行為,SUCCESS TRAITS 成功特點 Self-confidence 自信 Ambition to achieve 達成目標的野心 Mental toughness 堅強的心靈,PROBLEM TRAITS 不成功特點 Lack of self-control 缺乏自制 Inflexibility 缺乏彈性 Over-emotionality (most difficult to change because it is ingrained early in life)

9、過度情緖化 (最難改變,因為於生命早期已根深蒂固),The Olympian Within 內在的奧林匹克選手,You only sell you. The decision of the buyer is based on the value of the seller. 你只銷售你自己。買家是根據銷售者的價值決定是否購買。 You never close a sale, you open a long-term relationship 你永遠不會結束買賣,你展開的是一段長遠的關係。,Self-Esteem is the deep down, inside the skin feeling

10、 of your own worth, regardless of your current performance. 不管你目前的表現如何,自我評價是你內心深處對自我價值的認知。,Successful People Believe in Their Dreams, When Thats all They Have to Hang Onto 成功人士相信自己的夢想,那也是他們唯一必須堅持的,Bad News Sells 壞消息銷售,Good news is like elevator music 好消息就如同乏味的音樂一般 Good news creates envy and resentme

11、nt in those who feel unlucky 好消息令感覺不幸的人妒忌和忿怒 Bad news shocks, which is why violence sells tickets and lifestyles 壞消息令人震驚,這也是暴力片賣座並引人仿效的原因 Bad news makes viewers glad they werent the victims of the day 壞消息令觀賞者感到愉悅,因為他們並不是那個受害者,FEAR IS False Evidence Appearing Real 恐懼是看來真實的虛假證據,Ignorance “What will ha

12、ppen?” 無知 會發生什麼事? Prejudice “I cant forget what happened before” 偏見 我無法忘記從前發生過的事 Premonition “It will happen again” 預感 這將再次發生,SUCCESS ROADBLOCKS 成功的障礙物,The Fear of Catastrophic Danger - The Unknown 恐懼慘敗的危險:未知 The Fear of Change - The Unfamiliar 恐懼改變:不熟悉 The Fear of Failure - Rejection of Others 恐懼失敗

13、:拒絕他人 The Fear of Success - Self-Doubt & Guilt 恐懼成功:自我懷疑和罪惡感,Overcoming Fears 克服恐懼,The Jungle is Neutral 生存競爭的叢林是中立的 Knowledge, Training, Skills, Experience 知識、訓練、技能、經驗 Role models, coaches and mentors 角色模範、教練和導師 Courage and confidence come with knowledge and training 伴隨知識和訓練而來的勇氣和自信,Acres of Diamon

14、ds 鑽石就在你家後院,Uncut Gemstones of Priceless Potential 未經琢磨的寶石,具有無窮的潛力,The Key to Positive Self-Esteem 獲得正向自我評價的關鍵,Paying Value to Others 給予他人評價 Accepting Value Paid to Me 接受他人給予我的評價,TIP is an acronym. The original meaning is “To Insure Performance.” TIP (訣竅) 是縮寫字。它原本的意思是確保成果。,Building Self-Esteem 建立自我評

15、價,Praise and critique performance 稱讚並評論表現 Reinforce good behavior and help boost self-esteem after failures and setbacks 加強好的行為,並在遭遇失敗及挫折後增進自我評價 Set example in hygiene and grooming 設立衛生習慣及裝扮的典範 Eye contact, personal communication style 眼神接觸、個人溝通風格 Demonstrate positive self-talk 示範正面的自我對話,Positive si

16、gn-on and sign-off daily 每日進行正面的標準設立及驗收 Dont criticize awkwardness or off-the-wall suggestions. 不要批評笨拙或瘋狂的建議。 The greatest self-esteem builder is to be there in person. Nothing speaks more of value and love than giving your time. 增進自我評價的最佳方法就是身體力行。沒有什麼是比花時間去做更重要。,Building Self-Esteem 建立自我評價,NON-SITUATIONAL INTEGRITY 非情境式誠實,Being honest 24-hours-a-day, 7-days a week, and not compartmentalizing professional and personal behavior 全年無休的誠實,任何時刻皆行為一致,Life is lik


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