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1、Unit 1,How often do you exercise?,What do they do on weekends?,Lets have a talk 聊一聊,What do they do on weekends?,Go skateboarding.,They often go skateboarding.,go to the movies,play football,What does he usually do on weekends?,He usually does homework.,What does she do on weekends?,She often watche

2、s TV.,read books,watch TV,go to the park (often),A: What do they do on weekends?,B: They often go to the park.,four times a week,A: How often do they go to the park?,B: They go to the park four times a week./ Four times a week.,read some books (always),A: What does she do on weekends?,B: She always

3、reads some books.,every day,A: How often does she do some reading?,B: Every day.,go skateboarding ( usually),A: What does he do on weekends?,B: He usually goes skateboarding.,three times a week,A: How often does he go skateboarding?,B: Three times a week.,surf the Internet (sometimes),A: What does h

4、e do on weekends?,B: He sometimes surfs the Internet.,twice a week,A: How often does he surf the Internet?,B: Twice a week.,exercise (usually),A: What does she do on weekends?,B: She usually exercises.,three or four times a week,A: How often does she exercise?,B: Three or four times a week.,do homew

5、ork (always),A: What does he do on weekends?,B: He always does homework.,every day,A: How often does he do homework?,B: Every day.,shop/ go shopping (hardly ever),A: Do they often go shopping on weekends?,B: They hardly ever go shopping.,twice a month,A: How often do they go shopping?,B: Twice a mon

6、th.,swim /go swimming (hardly ever),B: She hardly ever goes swimming.,A: Does she often go swimming on weekends?,once a week,A: How often does she go swimming?,B: Once a week.,never . 从不,hardly ever . 几乎不,sometimes . 有时,often . 经常,usually . 通常,always . 总是,0% 100%,频率副词,频率副词一般用在一般现在时当中! 尤其要注意当主语是第三人称时

7、(he ,she或者是单数名词时),谓语动词的用法。,What do you usually do on weekends ?,频度副词常与一般现在时连用,Most students exercise three or four times a week. She reads English every day.,He usually does homework.,What does she do on weekends?,She often watches TV.,频度副词:1.always总是 2.usually通常 3.often经常 4.sometimes有时候 5.hardly ev

8、er几乎不 6.never决不 频率由高到低: always(100%) usually(80%) often(60%) sometimes(40%) hardly ever(20%) never(0%),How often,every day once a week twice a week three times a week once a month four times a month,:对频率副词提问,应该用哪个特殊疑问词呢?,how often do you exercise? 次数的表达方法: once a day每天一次 twice a week每星期两次 three time

9、s a month每月三次 four times a year 每年四次 five times a year每年五次 six times a year每年六次 seven times a year每年七次 ,A: How often do you exercise? B:,three times a week,exercise,B: Once a week.,A: How often do you surf the Internet ?,the McDonalds,Homework11 .How often do you eat junk food? 2 . Do you like it? ,

10、junk food,fruit,Homework2 1 . How often do you eat fruit? 2 .Do you like it? ,Homework3 Translate these sentences into Chinese,1.What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer. 2.What do they do on weekends? They often go to the movies. 3.How often does she watch TV? She watches TV twice

11、a week. 4.How often does he shop ? He shops three times a month.,I usually exercise. She always goes shopping. I often go skateboarding. I sometimes watch TV. She hardly ever watches TV. He never plays.,I watch TV twice a week. I read every day. I go to the movies once a month. I exercise about thre

12、e times a week. She shops about twice a month.,Listen ! Cheng is talking about how often he does different activities . Number 1-5,Activities,How often,a. go to the movies,every day,b. watch TV,once a week,c. shop,twice a week,d. exercise,three times a week,e. read,once a month,twice a month,Match t

13、he activities of Cheng,A: how often do you watch TV?,B:I watch TV every day.,A: Whats your favorite program?,B: Its Animal World.,A: How often does she watch it ?,B: She watches it twice a week.,A: How often does he go shopping ?,B: He goes shopping three or four times a week.,How often 的运用,every da

14、y,Pair work :,Report: I have a good friend. His / Her name is He / She watches TV every day.,food,junk food,healthy food,chocolate,cola,coffee,chip,We should eat junk food less!,所谓的垃圾食品指的是仅仅提供一些热量,别无其他营养成分的食 物;或是提供超过人体需求,变成多余成分的食品,比如咸菜中的 盐分常常会超过人体需求而造成水钠潴留,成为体内多余的垃圾。 世界卫生组织公布的十大垃圾食品包括:油炸类食品、腌制类 食品、加

15、工类肉食品(肉干、肉松、香肠、火腿等)、饼干类食品 (不包括低温烘烤和全麦饼干)、汽水可乐类饮料、方便类食品 (主要指方便面和膨化食品)、罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类) 、话梅蜜饯果脯类食品、冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒、雪糕等) 、烧烤类食品。 对照一下我们每天吃的食物,有多少属于垃圾食品呢?不可否认, 上面列举的垃圾食品,我们每天都难免会接触到,绝对一点垃圾食 品都不吃似乎是不可能做到的事情。但是,尽量避免多吃这些食品 还是我们能做到的!,垃圾食品,fruit,vegetables,milk,We should try to eat them more!,其实,可以替代垃圾食品的食物很多

16、,世界卫生组织公布的最佳食 品包括 1.最佳水果 木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子和 西瓜。 2.最佳蔬菜 红薯既含丰富维生素,又是抗癌能手,为所有蔬菜之首; 其次是芦笋、卷心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、胡萝卜、荠菜、 苤兰菜、金针菇、雪里蕻、大白菜。 3.最佳肉食 鹅鸭肉化学结构接近橄榄油,有益于心脏。鸡肉、新鲜鱼、 虾类。 4.最佳汤类 鸡汤最优,特别是母鸡汤还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用, 尤其适用于冬春季饮用。 5.最佳食用油 玉米油、米糠油、芝麻油、橄榄油、花生油等尤佳, 植物油与动物油1:0.5为宜。 6.最佳护脑食物 菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、椰菜、柿椒、豌豆、番茄、 胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜等蔬菜,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、 松子、杏仁、大豆等壳类食物以及糙米饭、猪肝等。 简言之,只要是新鲜的,经过健康方式加工的蔬菜、水果、肉类 主食等,都是健康食品,健康食品,Health



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