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1、“Post 90s”,-Decade of a New Generation,As usual, let us watch a video about post 90s ,which is selected from “8090”-a programme in Hunan Satellite TV and leads me to have a strong desire to talk about the topic “post 90s”.,Near the end of it,What I want to talk about today is not the triangle relati

2、onship among the three guys or the touching end of the complex feeling, for the video is just a beginning about my topic-”post 90s”, a generation which is under general debate nowadays.,Post 90s , a generation which is often questioned by the society ,has received more praise and abuse than any gene

3、ration in contemporary society.,I have ever heard a description about different generations: 60后的艾敬在唱着雅皮士的忧郁, 70后看村上春树、向往嬉皮士的生活, 80后的关键词是小资和奋斗, 90后们汹涌而来的是“非主流”,和他们相关的还有奇装异服、空间、签名和火星文,But is that all right ? Does it judge the post 90s objectively?,Were born in a computer era ,so we have more access t

4、o the Intenet than other generations ,which lead Post 90s to live in a world connected with “QQ”. : QQ Qzone, QQ show, QQ Game, QQ Pet and a world with Mop.,But post 90s are not a generation addicated to the virtual world and sparing no time on their study and daily life. We can see many shining sta

5、rs of post 90s in every aspect of society.,The shining stars of the post 90s,Sports:,江钰源,林跃,陈若琳,刘诗雯,The shining stars of the post 90s:,Sports:,龙清泉,李晓旭,Sports:,李晓旭,龙清泉,Sports:,李晓旭,The shining stars of the post 90s,Performing Arts:,曾轶可,郑爽,The shining stars of the post 90s,张一山,The shining stars of the

6、post 90s:,The shining stars of the post 90s,Literature:,张牧笛,她从12岁起开始写作,至今已在儿童文学、少年文艺、美文、中华少年写作精选、中学生、诗选刊、读友、意林等报刊.发表散文、诗歌、小说等作品60余万字,在全国性的征文赛事中获特等奖、一等奖40余次,被称为90后最具实力的小作家之一。,Chess:,周睿羊,丁仕源,Entrepreneurship:,12岁-2002年,课余时间在深圳龙岗区成人培训中心学习了新闻学、市场营销、心理学、策划管理、服装等课程。 14岁-2004年,进入报社担任记者 15岁-2005年下旬,转入担任记者及客

7、户主管,进入电视台实操,带动了一批新人。 16岁-2006年初,再次转战报社集团的担任记者及广告客户主任,此期间,在多家公司任职(艺术总监,营销顾问,策划总监);整合了娱乐的资源,塑造了一些品牌,策划及加入了“深圳服装服饰交易会”等。 16岁-2006年5月,转战深圳报业集团的担任记者、主编助理及广告总监, 参与策划、组织了上百场演出活动,未来发展,After the founding of 30 years and at the beginning of the reform and opening up, Chinese people knowledge of the world is v

8、ery small. Reform and opening up 30 years, almost all of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people have more comprehensive, more in-depth understanding, have their own ideas and opinions. Age the lighter, contact new things, and the more trendy, and the world is also closer. The children and a

9、fter 90s the tide of world development and trend is synchronized. 新中国成立后的30年以及改革开放之初,中国的老百姓对世界的了解是很少的。改革开放30年后,几乎绝大多数中国人都对世界有了更全面、更深入的了解,有了自己的观点和主张。年龄越轻,接触的新事物就越多,就越新潮,与世界的距离也更近。90后的孩子与世界发展的潮流和趋势是同步的。,“5 12 wenchuan earthquake,“ after the 1990s Cenozoic calm, “but had to let with strong and courageo

10、us prejudices of people sit up and take notice, a young childs heroic story couldnt help people dont admire unceasingly, deeply touched. They face disaster, not shrink back, desperate SheJiJiuRen, dare to bear, courage, responsible, “after“ with their 1990s practical action changed people past evalu

11、ation. “512”四川汶川大地震,“90后”新生代的沉着镇定、坚强勇敢却不得不让抱有成见的人所刮目相看,一个个年幼孩子的英雄故事不由得人们不敬佩不已、感动不已。他们直面灾难、毫不退缩,奋不顾身、舍己救人,敢于担当、勇于负责,“90后”用他们的实际行动改观了人们以往的评价。2009年10月1日,是中华人民共和国成立60周年的日子,参加本次阅兵的部队的主体是“80后”、“90后”新一代官兵,他们的表现也是令人赞赏。2010年上海世博会期间,大量的“80后”、“90后”青少年充当了世博园区内的志愿者和工作人员,亲临一线投入了世博园区的服务和保障,他们的表现也得到了全社会的广泛好评。其中,被俗称

12、为“小白菜”的志愿者们还成为了2010年上海世博会中一道亮丽的风景线。,October 1, 2009, is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of days, join this parade troops are the subject of “after 80“ and “after“ the new generation of 90 soldiers, their performance is admirably. During the 2010 Shanghai world expo, the

13、number of “after 80“, “90“ teenage acted as the government after the volunteers and staff area, the government has invested to a service and security, they were also got the whole society of widespread high praise. Among them, are commonly known as “cabbage“ volunteers also became in the 2010 Shangh

14、ai world expo a beautiful scenery line.,2009年10月1日,是中华人民共和国成立60周年的日子,参加本次阅兵的部队的主体是“80后”、“90后”新一代官兵,他们的表现也是令人赞赏。2010年上海世博会期间,大量的“80后”、“90后”青少年充当了世博园区内的志愿者和工作人员,亲临一线投入了世博园区的服务和保障,他们的表现也得到了全社会的广泛好评。其中,被俗称为“小白菜”的志愿者们还成为了2010年上海世博会中一道亮丽的风景线。,Theres no denying the fact that post 90s is playing an indispen

15、sable role in contemporary society. what I want to say is that ,we are growing up and on the way to becoming,mature, bearing heavy burden from parents, schools and society.,Perhaps the contribution made by post 90s is not as great as the post 70s and 80s by this time ,but I think in the future, we p

16、ost 90s will perform excellently in every fields of the society, just as what the guests in the video had said -post 90s is powerful, invincible and promising!,The end Thank you for your attention,还记得莽撞少年 天真又无邪 站在十字路口等明天 理想与现实碰面 轻狂的誓言 总会等到幸福的请柬 现在我慢慢长大了 也会痛并快乐着 我唱起这首歌 你是否跟着和 这时代虽然无奈道理简单我不怕难 唱给那单纯的小孩 唱给那梦想的年代 谁给我青春的信赖 谁让我坚强勇敢 唱给那单纯的小孩 唱给那梦想的年代 谁让我相信了真爱 和孤单说句Bye-Bye,


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