[高二英语]unit2 reading 语言点

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1、Overview,This teaching plan includes three sections: Language points; Vocabulary test; Retelling,Section A Listen Para 1-3 and answer the following questions. Q1: How many people see Albert Einstein? Q2: What brought about the development of unclear energy? Q3: According to Einstein, what was his un

2、ique gift/talent? How do you understand the word “curiosity”? Q4: What is the other aspect in Einsteins personality according to the text? Q5: Whats the reason for Einsteins being invited to talk about his theories?,Elaborate Understanding,1. great minds 大思想家 e.g. the great minds of this century Mor

3、e great minds: Galileo Charles Darwin Isaac Newton Confucius Karl Marks ,Elaborate Understanding,2. genius n. a person who is very intelligent e.g. Tests showed that the child was a genius. gift or talent 天才,天资 e.g. He has a genius / gift / talent for getting along with children.,Langlang is a geniu

4、s. Langlang is regarded as a genius. Langlang has a genius for piano.,He is generally regarded as one of the best basketball players in the NBA. Many things (which were) regarded as impossible in the past are now quite common. related phrases think of as / look onas / consideras (to be)/treat as,Mak

5、e a sentence using “regard as” according to the key words: Confucius / a great thinker Washington / the first president of the United States Please complete the following sentences using “regard as” (the voice is not limited): He is generally Many things (which were) ,3. regard n. 问候,致意P复数 Please gi

6、ve my best regards to your parents. = Please remember me to your parents. related phrase regardless of 不理会,不顾 e.g. He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. in / with regard to 至于,关于 e.g. In regard to teaching method, we have not yet discussed it.,4. attempt n. an act of trying

7、 to do something e.g. His attempt to explain the workings of the universe led to the development of nuclear of energy. 他对宇宙(规律)的解释促进了核能的发展。 Their attempt to climb the mountain was successful. Please complete the sentences: My attempt failed / succeeded. My fathers attempt is unreasonable. Japans att

8、empt is sure to fail.,phrase make no / an to do / at (on) sth. or doing sth. 不想/ 试图做什么 translation Though he swore to study hard, he made no attempt to learn his lessons at all. He made an attempt at/on the world record. They attempted to finish / attempted finishing the task before July.,5. lead to

9、: to have as a result 导致 e.g. His laziness led to failure. So: Diligence leads to _. trans Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. 太多的工作和太少的休息常常会导致疾病。, 通向 e.g. All roads lead to Rome. trans 这是一条通向公园的路。 This is a road which leads to the park. leading to the park.,success,6. nuclear e

10、nergy 核能;原子能 e.g. There are both good and bad aspects of nuclear energy. 核能有利有弊。 Nuclear energy can improve our living conditions. produce electricity without giving poisonous gases. destroy our environment if not properly managed.,7. curiosity n. a strong desire to find out about something U (+abou

11、t) +to-v e.g. Curiosity is part of human nature. 好奇心是人类天性的一部分。 trans He has curiosity about everything around him. 他对周围的一切感到好奇。 = He is curious about / as to everything around him. to know everything around him. I am curious about your little dirty secret. Would you please ? my curiosity? meet,8. a

12、sense of humour 幽默感 e.g. His sense of humour makes him popular with the students. sense n. 感觉,意识; e.g. have a sense of time (right and wrong/ responsibility / honour / music five senses / the sixth sense / the sense of touch (smell/taste/sight/hearing) common sense 意思,意义 (sth.) make (no) sense 有(没有)

13、意思(义) (sb.) make (no) sense of (不)理解 e.g. This sentence makes no sense. = This sentence is meaningless. Can you make any sense of his report? = Can you understand his report? in a sense = to some degree (extent) 在某种程度上,sensible adj. 有理性的,有理智的 e.g. a sensible woman / idea It was sensible of you to re

14、fuse his invitation sensitive adj. 敏感的 phrase be sensitive to 对敏感 e.g. The eyes are sensitive to light.,9. reputation n. the opinion that many people have about sb. or sth. based upon past actions e.g. The shop enjoys / has an excellent reputation (for dealing). a young man with a growing reputation

15、 一个声名鹊起的年轻人 Filling比賽時 ? 敗壞了那位選手的聲望。 ? at the game ruined that players reputation. Cheating / Spitting / Quarrelling,10. Its a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Dr Einstein. = Its pleasant to drive a genius like you, Dr Einstein. = Driving a genius like you is a pleasure, Dr Einstein. trans 和你一起工

16、作真是件乐事。 Its a pleasure to work with you.,Section B Listen to Para 4-6 and answer the following questions. Q1: What did Einstein wish to do on his way to a distant university one evening? Whats the reason behind? Why did Einstein still have to give the lecture? Q2: What did Hans suggest to Einstein? What did Hans say to make sure that he can do the job well for Ein


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