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1、(26) Long ago in Egypt, workmen stopped working on the Great Pyramid when they did not get enough garlic(大蒜)to eat. The food the Egyptians liked so much 1 to the lily family(百合科).,1. A. belongs B. contributes C. sticks D. leads,1.A根据句意及空后的the lily family可知这里填belongs。,It is a ball made up of small cl

2、oves(丁香). It has one of the 2 flavors known to man. The Romans hung bags of garlic around their 3 . They hoped it would keep away the evil eye.,2. A. ugliest B. smelliest C. dirtiest D. strongest 2.D根据常识及空后的flavor(味道)可推出填strongest。 3. A. feet B. necks C. waists D. ears 3.B根据常识及句中的动词hung(悬挂)可知。其他选项不合

3、常理。,They also thought it would prevent them getting 4 . A similar idea is still held. Many people take garlic, thinking it will 5 or cure disease. Most 6 say it does no such thing.,4. A. angry B. upset C. ill C. hungry C由下句中的cure disease可知这里选C。ill与disease是词语同现。 5. A. prevent B. suffer C. find D. sto

4、p A根据空后的并列动词cure可推出填prevent。prevent与cure是词语同现。 6. A. physicists B. Doctors C. chemists D. historians B由上句中的disease可推出。doctors与disease是词语同现。,They say it may help in one way, though. Its 7 may force people to stay far away. At least then they cant 8 germs(细菌)on to each other. But keeping your distance

5、 can be 9 at times.,7. A. shape B. size C. smell D. color 7.C根据常识,大蒜的气味(smell)难闻, 故选C。 8. A. give B. hand C. take D. pass 8.D根据句意及搭配可知, pass on to“传递”。 9. A. easy B. hard C. simple D. complex 9.B根据下句的举例可推出填hard。,What if youre in a play, for instance? 10 have been known to forget their lines because

6、they couldnt 11 the garlic smell from a fellow actors breath.,10. A. Actors B. Teachers C. Drivers D. Players 10.A由句中的fellow actors 可知。与actor是原词复现。 11. A. smell B. hold C. stand D. see 11.C根据句意尤其是句中的forget their lines可推出这里填stand(忍受)。,Through the years man has tried to 12 with the smell of garlic. Bu

7、t no medicine, mouthwash, chewing gum, or toothpaste seems to 13 much. We now know why. Its been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth or 14 .,12. A. agree B. combine C. cope D. connect C根据句意及下句内容可推出。cope with“处理; 对付”。 13. A. matter B. improve C. develop D. help D由句意可知选D, help“

8、起作用”。 14. A. tongue B. lips C. eyes D. nose A根据句意,尤其是空前的teeth可知。其他选项不合常理。,They go into the lung(肺), from where they are breathed out. They pass out through the skin too. Garlic is being used in more and more foods. It can now be bought in 15 form. This makes it easier to use. But most good cooks sti

9、ll say fresh garlic is better.,15. A. baked B. packed C. cooked D. dried,15.D根据下句内容, 尤其是fresh garlic可推出。dried与fresh是词语同现。,couldnt stand不能忍受 fellow同事的, 搭档的 prevent. from doing sth.阻止做某事,(27) A Californian woman divorced her husband because he played computer games at night and slept during the day, w

10、hich affected her sleep greatly. Another was arrested after 1 her husband with a knife because of his snoring(打鼾). Both examples involve a serious but rarely discussed field for 2 :sleep disharmony.,1. A. providing B. presenting C. meeting D. hurting 1.D由句中的was arrested及with a knife可推出填hurting。hurt与

11、knife是词语同现。 2. A. wives B. husbands C. families D. couples 2.D根据前面的两个例子及关键词sleep可推出填couples。,Research by the Sleep Council has found that half of us are regularly 3 about six times a night by our partners, 4 if they snore or fidget(动个不停).,3. A. eared B. hurt C. woken D. shaken 3.C根据句中的if they snore

12、or fidget可推出填woken。woken与sleep是词语同现。 4. A. generally B. Particularly C. occasionally D. actually 4.B有句意可知这里需填表递进关系的副词(particularly), 故选B。,A psychologist says that it often results in relationship 5 . The problem is so great that more people seem to be taking single 6 .,5. A. disharmony B. disappeara

13、nce C. agreement D. disagreement 5.A第一段最后一句中的sleep disharmony有提示。与disharmony是原词复现。 6. A. beds B. rooms C. quilts D. meals 6.A根据句意及本文的关键词sleep可推出。bed与sleep是词语同现。,The Sleep Council says that one in four of us regularly retreats to a 7 room or a sofa for a comfortable nights sleep, and the National Ass

14、ociation of Home Builders 8 that by 2015 more than 60 percent of traditional houses will have double master 9 .,7. A. lonely B. spare C. big D. small 7.B由空后的与之并列or a sofa可推出填spare(多余的;闲置的)。 8. A. predicts B. insists C. means D. realizes 8.A根据句中的by 2015可推出填predicts。 9. A. kitchens B. toilets C. studi

15、es D. bedrooms 9.D根据句中的houses及本文的关键词sleep可推出填bedrooms。bedrooms与houses是词语同现。,This is the right approach, say all increasing number of psychologists and 10 experts. In a world where sleep is increasingly 11 , single beds may represent the future.,10. A. rest B. sleep C. marriage D. family 10.B根据语境及本文主

16、题可知。与sleep是原词复现。 11. A. expensive B. Valuable C. precious D. worthy 11.C由句意及常识可推出填precious(宝贵的)。,12 is the most obvious cause of bedtime tensions. About a quarter of us - 15 million people - are snorers, according to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association, and may be depriving(剥夺)their 13 of two hours sleep a night.,12.


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