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1、1,Unit Ten Straight- A Illiteracy,2,Learning objectives Learn to write in a concise and clear way. Develop full consciousness of style.,3,Teaching procedures,Dictionary and Library work Comprehensive questions Detailed learning of the text Text analysis,4,plight: condition, state, or situation; esp.

2、 a serious, sad, difficult or unfavorable one as often as not: at least half the time; frequently articulate: using language easily and fluently; having facility with words a coveted fellowship: a fellowship (i.e., the money given to postgraduate students to allow them to continue their studies at a

3、n advanced level) that everyone longs jealously to possess allegorically: figuratively,5,gibberish: talk or writing containing many obscure, pretentious, or technical words; meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing providentially: fortunately; luckily inexorably: inescapably profundity: profoun

4、d or deep matters E.g.: a scholar of great profundity. grapple with: try to deal with,6,1. Allegory 2. Pleasure principle 3. Brights disease,7,1. Allegory a form of imaginative literature constructed in such a way that their readers are encouraged to look for meanings hidden beneath the literal surf

5、ace of the fiction. a narrative in which the characters, events and setting represent deeper truths or generalizations than those suggested by the surface story. a broad term covering any piece of writing or image which has meanings additional to the literal sense.,8,Greek word allegoria, which mean

6、s “speaking otherwise”. Allegory is a story either in verse or in prose with a double meaning: surface meaninga story, and under-the-surface meaninga hidden truth. Allegory are effective in teaching or explaining some abstract idea. They are favorably used in moral teaching.,9,讽喻,文学体裁的一种。含有讽喻或明显教训意义

7、的故事。它的结构简短。主人公可以是人,可以是动物,也可以是无生物。多用借喻手法,使富有教训意义的主题或深刻的道理在简单的故事中体现。 寓言式文学作品这种体裁,常带有讽刺或劝戒的性质,用假托的故事或拟人手法说明某个道理或教训。“寓”有“寄托”的意思,最早见于庄子寓言篇。有同名歌曲和音乐专辑。,10,Allegory is a story or visual image with a second distinct meaning partially hidden behind its literal or visible meaning. The principal technique of a

8、llegory is personification, whereby abstract qualities are given human shape, as in public statue of Liberty or Justice. The most famous religious allegory in English is Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress.,11,In allegories, names of the characters and places are often symbols of certain qualities. In Ban

9、yans Pilgrims Progress, from the names of the characters “Christian”(基督徒,信徒 ), “Mr. Blind-man”, Mr. No-good”, the names of places “Vanity Fair(浮华世界 )”, “Celestial City(天国 )”, we can easily understand the meaning behind these names.,12,The Pilgrims Progress A religious allegory,13,这部英国古典文学名著被誉为“英国文学中

10、最著名的寓言”。 十七世纪英国清教徒约翰班扬因不信奉国教,被关押在狱十二年之久。天路历程作为他狱中心血凝成的杰作,被译成多种文字,在世界各地不断再版,家喻户晓的程度仅次于圣经。本书讲述了一个坚韧的基督徒为寻求永生而踏上荆棘遍布的漫漫长旅,充满危险,诱惑与灾难的尘世被他一步步抛弃,只为负罪的灵魂在高天之上得到迎接。小说人物形象丰满,想像奇特,故事生活化,对人性弱点的观照尖锐而深刻,理想主义的热情震撼人心,因而超越了时间和宗教的局限,在成书三百多年后的今天依然光彩夺目。,14,Allegory, Fable和Parable,相同点:不直接说明一个道理。 不同点:1. 寓言(Allegory)是建立

11、在假借过去或别处的事例与对象之上,传达暗示,影射或者讥讽现世各种现象的含义。 2. 言浅意深的寓言(Fable), 是大师级的儿童文学家李欧.李奥尼 最惯用的创作语言,是隐喻却浅显得连幼儿都看得懂的手法. 3. 指(道德说教性的,犹指圣经中的)寓言,比较简洁。,15,2. Pleasure principle: Man is both a biological animal and social being. In keeping with his biological endowment, man tends to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. This

12、truism is known as the “pleasure principle“.,16,In Freudian psychology, the pleasure principle is the psychoanalytic concept describing people seeking pleasure and avoiding suffering (pain) in order to satisfy their biological and psychological needs. Specifically, pleasure principle is a driven for

13、ce of id. Furthermore, the counterpart concept, the reality principle, describes people choosing to defer gratification of a desire when circumstantial reality disallows its immediate gratification.,17,In infancy and early childhood, the id rules behavior by obeying only the pleasure principle. Peop

14、le in that age would only seek for immediate gratification in order to reduce their urges such as hunger, thirst or even sex. Maturity is learning to endure the pain of deferred gratification, when reality requires it; thus, the Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud proposes that “an ego thus educated has bec

15、ome reasonable; it no longer lets itself be governed by the pleasure principle, but obeys the reality principle, which also, at bottom, seeks to obtain pleasure, but pleasure which is assured through taking account of reality, even though it is pleasure postponed and diminished”.,18,Sigmund Freud di

16、scusses this idea, pleasure principle, and its limits in more details in his book, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, published in 1921. In his discussion of the opposition between Eros, the life instinct, and the Thanatos, the death instinct, he examines the role of the repetition compulsion caused by the pleasure principle and of the sexual instincts.,19,3. Brights Disease - a historical classification of kidney diseases - named after Dr. Richard Bright, English physician w


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