牛津版m6u4reading (language points)

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1、英语课件,牛津版 高二模块六 Unit 4,Helping people around the world The UN bringing everyone closer together Language points,1. The UNbringing everyone closer together. bring.together 使和好, 团聚 The loss of their son _ the two of them _.丧子使他们重归于好。 The policemans help _ the parents and the lost son _. 警察的帮助使父母和走散的儿子团

2、聚。,brought,together,brought,together,拓展:bring相关的词组 bring on 引起;导致 ;帮助;提高; 改善 bring out 生产;制造 bring round 使苏醒 使改变主张 bring under 镇压;压制;使就范: bring up 教育;养育; 提出;引出呕吐 bring in 产生(利益); 赚到 引进;吸收参加,bring about 引起; 致使; 造成; 达成 bring along 带来 bring down 使落下, 使倒下, 击落 bring back 回忆; 使忆起 使返回; 归还; 带回来 bring forwar

3、d 提出 出示; 展示, Working out in the rain for a long time may _ a fever. 在雨中工作很长时间可能使人发高烧。 They succeeded in _ a new kind of soap. 他们成功生产了一种新肥皂。 _ to our point of view. 让他赞成我们观点。,bring on,bringing out,Bring him round, The frost fire has been _ _. 森林大火已被控制住。 The general manager _ a new reform plan on the

4、personnel system for the company. 总经理为公司提了一份有关人事制度改革的新方案。,brought under,brought forward,control, The final examination will be _ June instead of July. 期末考试将由七月提前到六月举行. The boys _ 60 a week. 这些男孩子每周赚60镑。,brought forward to,bring in, They tried to make the shop _ the price of the computers. 他们试图使让商店降低

5、电脑价格。 This would _a lowering of the general level of intelligence in the population. 这将使人口一般智力水平下降。,bring down,bring about,2. I am pleased to have this chance to talk to you about the United Nations, or the UN, as it is more often referred to. (lines 1-2) as conj. 正如,如同 e.g. As you know, Julia is le

6、aving soon. As I said in my last letter, Im taking the exam in July.,refer v. (常与to 连用) 涉及; 提到; 查资料; 提交; 交付 e.g. When I said some people are stupid, I wasnt _ you. Dont _ this matter again, please.,referring to,refer to, Keats is _ _ epic poetry when he mentions Homers proud demesne. 当济慈提到荷马“骄傲的领域”时

7、,他指的是史诗。 The new law does not _ farm land. 新法律与耕地无关。,refer to,referring to, The shop _ the complaint _ the manufacturers. 商店把投诉转交给制造商。 The invention of the compass is _China. 指南针是中国发明的。,referred,to,referred to, The teacher _ him _ Chapter V. 老师叫他看第五章。 The visitors are _ _ the information desk. 让来访者到

8、问事处去。,referred to,referred,to, He _ his success _ the good teaching he had had. 他把他的成功归于他以前所受的良好教育。 I _ my watch for the exact time. The original text is here for _.,referred,to,referred to,reference,3. The UN is an international group made up of countries that want to promote world peace. ( lines 2

9、-3) be made up of 由组成 e.g. The club is mainly made up of girls. One hundred years make up a century.,4. I feel very honoured to have been able to take on this role. honour vt. 给荣誉,尊敬 使感到荣耀 e.g. I feel honoured by the kind things you have said about me. Im honoured to be asked to speak here. honour 也

10、可作名词,“荣誉,荣幸”等 e.g. Its my honour to meet you.,take on 雇用; 聘用; 开始显现; 变得有; 承担(工作、责任等) She was _ as a trainee. 她受聘当实习生。 Our city has _ a new look since the reform. 自从改革以来, 我们城市呈现了新面貌。,taken on,taken on, I cant _ any extra work. 我不能承担额外的工作。 拓展: take for 当作; 误认为 take in 收留, 收容 (某人) 包括; 囊括;包含,take on,take

11、 off 脱掉(衣服)(飞机)起飞 take up 开始从事; 专注于 take back 收回,带回 take place 举行,举办 take away 带走 take down 拿下, Mr. Pier has taken his son _ from the boarding-school(寄宿学校). He would neither apologize nor take _ what he had said. I took the book _ to the library yesterday. The rain has stopped. You may take _ your u

12、mbrella.,away,back,back,down, The motorists name and address were taken _ by the policeman. He took _ his glasses and wiped them again, outside and in. A helicopter is able to take _and land straight up and down.,down,off,off, The dentist is going to take this tooth _. The weather is perfect for tak

13、ing the children _ for a walk. The concert takes _ next Friday.,out,out,place,conflict n. 战争; 战斗; 冲突; 利益冲突; 争论; 抵触; 论战 Can you tell me about the _ religion and science? 你能告诉我关于宗教与科学之间的冲突吗?,conflict between,5. is helping end some of the worlds most horrible conflicts., She found herself _ her parents

14、 over her future career. 她发现自己在将来择业问题上与父母存在冲突。 John often comes _ his boss. 约翰经常和老板发生冲突。,in conflict with,into conflict with,conflict vi 冲突; 争执; 抵触 The two stories _, so I did not know what to believe. 两个故事相冲突, 我不知道相信哪一个。 All these actions by the NATO _ the universally accepted international laws. 北约的这些行动都与公认的国际法相抵触。,conflicted,conflicted with,辨析:conflict, fig



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