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1、第二部分交际用语,USE OF ENGLISH,大学英语(B)专题讲座,交际用语考试题型及比分 学习、练习中应注意的几 个方面 三. 根据交际功能分类练习 四. 根据语法句型分类练习,交际用语考试题型及比分。 交际用语这部分试题由10个选择题形式 的小题组成,主要是针对英语日常会话设计 而成,这些试题体现了英语交际功能的多样 性和应用性,目的是为了检测在不同的情景 中运用英语进行交际的能力。 10小题每题1分,占试卷总分的10%。由 于这部分内容相对简单些,建议在10分钟内 完成。,二. 学习、练习中应注意的几个方面 1.熟悉日常交际的句型。 在日常交际中,人们为了获取所需的信息 或达到交际的

2、目的,在特定的情景中使用了 不同的交际功能的句型,熟悉掌握这些句型 有助于了解说话人的意图及题目的考点在, 为选出正确的答案奠定良好的基础。,2. 找出规律来帮助判断。 就是根据问话选答语或根据上文选下文时 在熟悉交际功能句型的基础上,找出答语或 下文具有共性的一些规律,如“礼貌原则”、 时态、句型一致、肯定或否定的一致性等规 律来帮助自己作出正确的判断与选择,3. 按照英语的习惯选答语。 由于英汉两种语言之间存在一定的文化差 异,在做题时,应按照英语的习惯来选择答 语,如接电话时的答语,反意疑问句的答语, 情态动词MUST的否定性答语等。,三. 根据交际功能分类练习 为了帮助同学们更好的学习

3、掌握交际 用语这部分知识,下面我们把常见的一些 交际用语进行分类归纳总结,希望通过这 些练习,使大家能熟悉了解,并逐渐培养 自己的分析判断和运用交际语言的能力。,一). 提出请求,征求意见。 May I? Would you? Can/could I ? Do you think? Yes/Sure/Certainly Of course Here you are. Thats OK/All right Im afraid Im sorry Youd better not,1.Hello , may I talk to the headmaster now? _ A.Sorry, he is

4、busy at the moment B. No, you cant C. Sorry, you cant D. I dont know,Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _ A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Yes , help yourself D. It doesnt matter,3. Would you mind changing seats with me? _ A.Yes , you can B. Of course I like to C. No, I dont mind D.

5、 Certainly, please do,May I see your tickets and passports, please? _ A. No , you cant B. Yes, you can C. Here you are D. No, they are mine,5. Can you turn down the radio , please? _ A. Oh, I know B. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud C. Ill keep it down next time D. Please forgive me,6. Exc

6、use me, may I sit here ? _ A. Please sit down B. Youre welcome C. Yes, certainly. This seats free D. Yes, it doesnt matter,二). 提供、寻求帮助。 Can/Could I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want me to ? What can I do for you? Let me do/carry/help ? Thanks. That would be nice/fine Thats ve

7、ry kind of you. Thank you for you help,No,thanks/thank you Thank you all the same Thats very kind of you, but I wonder if you could help me Please give me a hand Certainly/Of course Yes, what can I do for you,Can I help you with your suitcase ? _ A. I have no idea B. No, no. I can carry it myself C.

8、 Thats a good idea D. Thank you. I can manage myself,2. Can I help you to get it down? _ A. No problem B. Yes. Lets get it C. Thanks. Its so nice of you D. Its no trouble at all,3. I wonder if you could help me? _ A. I could B. Yes, I do C. No, not at all D. Certainly 4. Please give me a hand, wont

9、you? _ A. Of course I will B. Youre welcome C. You are so kind D. Dont mention it,5. Oh, the box is too heavy. _? A. Whats in it B. Can I help you to carry it C. Whose is it D. May I have a try,三). 提出建议、劝告。 Youd better(not) Shall we ? You should/ought to Lets What/How about ? Why not? Why dont you?

10、Sure/Great Thats a good idea No,thanks,There is an hour to go. Could we seat somewhere to have a drink ? _ A. Have a try B. sure C. Dont go please D. No, I cant 2. What about another coffer? _ A.No, thanks B. Youre so kind C.Yes of course D. Sorry for the trouble,3. What about going for a walk ? _ A

11、. Walking is good to you B. Thats all right C. So , do I D. Why not? A good idea,4. In my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off . _ A. I will take your advice B. Let me see C. Never mind D. Im afraid so,5. Please tell Dived not to drink too much . _ A. OK, lets go B. I see C. Its time for l

12、unch D. Please have a drink,四). 表示邀请与约会。 Will you come to ? Would you like to ? Id like to invite you to Yes, Id love to Yes, its very kind/nice of you Id love to ,but ,Are you/Will you be free? How about tomorrow? Shall we meet at? Yes,thats all right Yes, Ill be free then All right. See you then N

13、o, I wont be free then.,Would you like to have a dinner with us this evening ? _ A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting now B. No, I cant C. Sorry, I will go to airport this evening D. I dont know,2. We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? _ A. Yes, its very kind of yo

14、u B. Of course not. I have no idea C. No, I cant D. Thats all set,3. Can you come over for dinner with us ? _ A. Id love to, but I have a meeting tonight B. It doesnt matter C. No, I dont like D. Oh, that sounds well,4. I have got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together ? _ A. The tickets must be expensive B. The match must be exciting C. Why not ? Let



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