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1、Oral Cavity and Pharynx,HOSPITAL : China-Japan Union Hospital DEPARTMENT:Rheumatology Immunology NAME:Zhao Feng,Look to thy mouth, diseases enter there. George Herbert,The mouth and oral cavity are used by individuals to express the entire range of emotions. As early as infancy, the mouth provides g

2、ratification and sensory pleasure.,General Considerations,infancy 婴儿期 初期(prime) 同根词: infant infantile infantilism,vocabulary,gratification 满足感,喜悦之情。 近义词: satisfaction 同根词: gratify gratifying,vocabulary,sensory 感觉的、知觉的。 同根词: sense sensation sensational sensor sensorial,vocabulary,Approximately 20% of

3、 all visits to primary care physicians are related to problems of the oral cavity and throat. Most patients with these problems present with throat pain, which may be acute and associated with fever or difficulty in swallowing. A sore throat may be the result of local disease, or it may be an early

4、manifestation of a systemic problem.,General Considerations,It has been estimated that more than 90% of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have at least one oral manifestation of the disease. It appears that as further immunologic impairment develops, the risk of oral lesions

5、increases. There are several important oral manifestations that are strongly associated with early HIV infection. The presence of any of them mandates HIV testing.,General Considerations,immunodeficiency 免疫缺陷。 同根词: immune immunization immunology immunoglobulin immunohistochemistry,vocabulary,mandate

6、 授权;命令;委托管理。 同根词: mandatory 同近义词: empower,vocabulary,Oral cancer represents about 3% of all cancers. Cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx was responsible for 7550 deaths in 2007, killing approximately 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. The rate of death from oral cancer is higher than those from

7、cervical cancer; Hodgkins disease; cancer of the brain, liver, testis, kidney, or ovary; or malignant melanoma.,General Considerations,cervical (宫)颈的 词组: cervical cancer cervical vertebra 同根词: cervix,vocabulary,testis 睾丸 testes (复数) ovary 子房(植物);卵巢 近义词 germen 同根词 ovariectomy,vocabulary,cervical 宫颈的

8、词组: cervical cancer cervical vertebra 同根词: cervix,vocabulary,malignant benign melanoma 同根词: melanosis,vocabulary,One of the reasons for this high death rate is that the cancer is routinely discovered late in its development, with metastases to other areas or invasion deep into local structures. Oral

9、 cancer is also particularly dangerous because it has a high risk of producing second primary tumors. This means that patients who survive a first encounter with the disease have up to a 20 times higher risk for development of a second cancer.,General Considerations,metastasis mtstss metastases (pl)

10、 同根词: metastasize 同近义词: transfer / diversion,vocabulary,There is a 2:1 male-to-female incidence ratio and a 2:1 African-Americantowhite death rate ratio. It is estimated that a man has a 1:72 lifetime risk for development of oral cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately 34,36

11、0 new cases of oral cancer were diagnosed in 2007 in the United States, with 24,180 cases occurring in men and 10,180 in women.,General Considerations,Worldwide, the problem is much greater: More than 350,000 to 400,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Although the exact cause of tongue cancer rem

12、ains unknown, it most often occurs in people who use tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco), consume alcohol (especially when combined with tobacco use), or chew betel nuts. Chewing of betel nuts is not a common practice in the United States, but it is a widespread habit

13、 in many parts of the world, especially in Taiwan.,General Considerations,consume 同根词: consumption consumer betel betel nut,vocabulary,Red staining of teeth in a betel nut user.,Many physician visits for oral problems are associated with psychiatric disturbances. Psychosomatic disease symptoms often

14、 center on the mouth. Patients with psychosomatic disease may complain of “burning” or “dryness” of the mouth or tongue.,General Considerations,psychiatric 精神病的 词根:psycho 同根词: psychic psychiatrist psychoanalysis psychosomatic 心身疾病,vocabulary,Bruxism, or grinding of the teeth other than for chewing,

15、occurs especially during sleep. This overuse of the muscles of mastication has often been interpreted as a manifestation of rage or aggression that is not overtly displayed; it may also be an infantile response to reduce psychic tension.,General Considerations,bruxism = teeth grinding mastication ma

16、sticate,vocabulary,Bruxism can produce facial pain, which causes further spasm of the muscles and continued bruxism, resulting in a vicious circle. Individuals who habitually have something in their mouths, such as a pipe, a thumb, or a pencil, may cause damage to their oral cavities.,General Considerations,vicious 词根:psycho 同根词: viciously viciousness 近义词: infamous,vocabulary,Although it is often thought that the oral cavity is examined only


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