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1、.20172018学年度第一学期期末水平测试 六年级英语期末测试题学校: 班别: 姓名: 座号: (全卷共2页,满分120分,60分钟完成) 得分:_ 等级:_ 家长签字:_密封线内不要答题听力部分:(50)一.听单词,入所缺的字母,并写出汉语意思:(10) 1.str m 2. sh ts 3. op 4. boar 5. h bby 二 听句子,找出其答语(8) 1. ( ) B. It comes from the clouds. 2. ( ) C. It comes from the vapour. 3. ( ) D. It comes from the water in the ri

2、ver.学校: 班别: 姓名: 座号: 4. ( ) E. The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.三听对话,根据对话内容填入句中所缺的单词(10) A. are you to do, Tom.B. Im going to some flowers. A. do you do that?B. Its easy. First, put the in the . Next it. We can see the in several days.四. 听对话,判断下列句子与对话的内容是否相符,用 或 表示。(10)a. Sarahs aunt lives

3、 in the city. ( ) b. Chen Jies mother watches TV in the evening. ( )c. Amy likes listening to music. ( )e. My father likes singing and playing football( )五.听音,填入所缺单词。(12)a. Go _ for five minutes. You can see the_. b. I want to be a science_ one day.c. There is a _ show on _ in the museum.笔试部分:(70)一.

4、 根据所给单词首字母, 完成单词拼写,使句子正确、通顺。(10)a. I like m kites. I have many beautiful kites. b. There are many animals and p on the earth(地球). c. What are you going to do o w ? d. W s you do then? e. S is my f season.f. Can you go w us?g. I am an . I like working with numbers. 二. 首字母填空:(10)A: Excuse me. W i the

5、sience museum , p ?B: It s n the shoe store.A: But h c I g t the shoe store?B: Walk south for t minutes. Its there.A: Thank y .三. 根据实际情况回答问题:(4)1 Is there a bookstore near your home? 2. Where is your school? 3. How can you get to Zhongshan Park? 4. How many chairs are there in your classroom? 四. 连词成

6、句。(4) a. chess does the policeman playing like( ? ) b. to a the TV want future in I be reporter( . ) c your do does aunt what ( ? ) d. you post cards do have any ( ? ) 五. 阅读下列句子,请用阿拉伯数字按事情发生顺序重新排列。(8)( ) Im going to plant flower seeds in my garden. ( ) I water them. ( ) I dig the soil. ( ) I wait fo

7、r them to grow. ( ) I put the seeds into the soil.( ) In several days, I see the sprout. ( ) Im happy. ( ) Theyre strong.六. 选择填空,把表示正确答案的编号填入题前括号内(“”表示不填)。(6)( ) a. My favourite hobby is . (A. sleep B. sleeps C. to sleep D. sleeping )( ) b. Can you play violin? No, I cant.(A. a B. an C. the D. )( )

8、c. Sarah is from Canada. She lives Canada.(A. in B. on C. at D. under ) ( ) d. Water drops turn into vapour when its .(A. hot B. warm C. cold D. raniny)( ) e. My mother often TV in the evening.(A. watch B. watches C. watchs D. watching )( ) f. How your brother go to school? (A. do B. doing C. is D.

9、does)七. 根据情景完成下列句子。(5)a. 你想告诉别人你不会洗衣服,你说: b. 你的老师想知道你每天晚上都看报吗,他问你: c. 你想知道去邮局的路线该怎样走,你问: d. 李明说他打算今天打扫房间,他说: e. 请同伴参加自己星期天下午的生日聚会,你怎么说? 八 .根据上下文及括号内的中文意思把短文补充完整。(10) Im Jane. Im going to _ a _ (去远足) with my parents _ _ (这个周末). We are going to a village. It is _ the _ (在山里). There are _ _ _ (许多房子) and a _ (河流). We can _ _ the _ (在草地上跑). There is a lake there. I am _ to _ (打算游泳). Amy is _ to _ _ (打算画画). Mike is _ to _ _ (打算下棋) with



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