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1、Passage Two,Before Moko the dolphin turned up, the beached whales were in clear distress. But when Moko arrived at Mahia beach on the east coast of New Zealands North Island, their mood changed and they followed him to safety. The ability of some animals to communicate is well known. What is less we

2、ll documented, however, is the communication between species. Justin Gregg, vice president of the Dolphin Communication Project, said it is possible that a dolphin and a whale could communicate in some way. “But it wouldnt be instructions like Hey, buddy, the open ocean is over here. Follow me, “ he

3、 says. Dolphins use three forms of signaling to other dolphins-whistles, clicking and postures. A whale might have signals in common with a dolphin, just as different species of dolphins are known to share signals which might theoretically allow a form of basic interspecies communication. But just a

4、s its possible that Moko the dolphin and the stranded whales shared a signal, it is also possible that the whales just saw a vaguely similar creature and followed it.,There are many reasons why different species communicate, says Vincent Janik, lecturer at the Sea Mammal Research Unit at St Andrews

5、University. “The animals exploit the systems of others for their own benefits. Sometimes the benefits are the same for each, therefore they share information. Sometimes they are trying to take advantage of the other. Getting food may not be to the advantage of the one giving up the food. “,1.Read th

6、e 1st paragraph and do Ex 24. 2.Read the 2nd paragraph and do Ex 25 3. Read the 3rd paragraph and do Ex 26 4. Read the 4th paragraph and do Ex 27 5. Read the 5th paragraph and do Ex 28 6.Paraphrase sentence by sentence and explain the important words and expressions and long and difficult sentences.

7、 7.Check the exercises.,一 Steps:,二 Exercises:,(24) What happened after Moko the dolphin appeared at Mahia beach? A. The beached whales still felt distressful. B. Moko led the whales back to the sea. C. The whales were still stuck on the beach. D. Moko and the whales swam together ashore. 答案 B。 解析 细节

8、题.根据第一段最后一句的 their mood changed and they followed him to safety它们的情绪发生了变化并跟它到了安全地带,说明是Moko领着搁浅的鲸鱼回到大海,否则它们会死在岸边。,(25) Scientists engaged in animal studies have collected_. A. enough data on how animals speak human languages B. none of the data on animals ability to communicate C. less data on how an

9、imals communicate between species D. some data on animals tendency to talk to humans 答案 C。 解析 语义理解题。第二段中“What is less well documented, however, is the communication between species. 然而物种之间沟通的知识没有全部备案可查。”是依据,说明记载的信息很少。,(26)Dolphins communicate with one another, using all the following types of signal

10、ing EXCEPT . A. gestures B. whistles C. clicking D. postures 答案 A。 解析细节题。第三段第一句话“Dolphins use three forms of signaling to other dolphins-whistles, clicking and postures. 海豚之间有三种打招呼的信号-哨音,拍打声和姿势。”没有提到gestures, 所以此为真确选项。,(27) The whales stranded on the beach followed the dolphin to safety probably bec

11、ause . A. they understood the dolphins instruction “Follow me“ B. they had signals in common with one another C. they recognized some other animals not far away D. they shared those inter-species signals with the dolphin 答案 D。 解析细节题。根据第三段最后一句话“Moko the dolphin and the stranded whales shared a signal

12、. Moko海豚可能和搁浅的鲸鱼共享一种信号”说明他们共享信号。,(28) Why do animals of different species communicate with one another? A. Because they like to set up their own communication systems. B. Because they want to take advantage of the other species. C. Because they tend to keep more food to themselves. D. Because they b

13、enefit from using the information from other species. 答案 D。 解析 最后一段的“The animals exploit the systems of others for their own benefits. Sometimes the benefits are the same for each, therefore they share information.一种动物利用对自己有好处其他类动物的系统。有时对它们都有好处,所以它们共享信息。”说明物种间能共享有利的信息。,三 Important words and expressi

14、ons.,(1)Moko 地名 乍得 莫科 Mahia 地名 新西兰 马希亚 (2).dolphin n. 海豚,(3).beach:n. 海滩;海滨 e.g.:1.Mike awoke to find that he was lying on the beach. 迈克一觉醒来发现自己躺在海滩上。 2. A bevy of bathing beauties appeared on the beach. 沙滩上出现了一群游泳的美女。 V.(船等)搁浅 e.g.1.We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank.我们把独木舟径直划到岸边,并拖

15、上岸。 2.The boat beached on a mud flat.船搁浅在一片淤泥滩上。 3.Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves. 专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上 。,(3)in distress 表示在痛苦中,在困境中 e.g.1While a ship is in distress, rescuing passengers from danger is a heroic action. 当船遇险时,营救乘客脱离危险是一种英勇的行为。 2.She cried in distress,

16、“oh, Emil, why did you do?“她忧伤地惊叫道:“哦,爱弥儿,你为什么这样做?” 3.He had no right to abandon his Commander-In-Chief in distress.他无权置总司令于危难之中而不顾。 4.The news story was headlined “Actress in Distress“.那篇新闻报导加上了“苦恼中的女演员“的标题。 5.He was ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in distress. 什么人有难,他都乐于帮助。,(4)mood n. 心情;语气;气氛;坏心境 in bad mood 心情不好 black mood 情绪低落 just a mood 只不过是一种风格 e.g.:1.Watch your step; the boss is in a particularly bad



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