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1、改变人生的改变人生的改变人生的改变人生的 100 个方法个方法个方法个方法 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself 简介: 哲学家说: 人因梦想而伟大 ,心理学家以认知改变态度演绎这句名言, 而本书你做得到-改变人生的 100 个方法则以作者的自身体验,詮释了生活 中小故事的智慧。 作者曾经以为,其他人在某个时候获赠了一本如何让人生成功的指南, 而因为某种理由,当他们发这本书时他正好不在。 一直到三十五、六岁的时候, 我还在挣扎,对前途很悲观,生活也没有目标。 直到他开始接触到自我激励 的书籍与课程,才逐渐与沮丧说再见。 希望快乐、成功、致富是人心底或强烈的慾求,然而事实却

2、是,我们受沮丧、 挫折、不良的习惯与负面的想法的折磨。 作者在近中年时才开始这一连串的接触体验,最后他成为一位企业训练专 家,四处演讲自我激励的主题。这本书则是收录了他最常与大眾分享的 100 个促使改变发生的信念与方法。 悲观的人看这类像是卡内基式的自我激励书籍不免认为: 他的成功不 过是从小幸运吧。 可亲的是,作者在书中多次自己悲观的幼年期、吸毒的青年 期,也提到许多受沮丧困扰的其他人,让读者觉得自己的沮丧并不孤单,而篇幅 长度正好,不至於多到让人陷入自怜的情绪中。 过去三十年,大眾心理学与自助式书籍在美国阅读市场佔有一个重要的位 置,一方面是由於,不是人人都负担得起接受心理治疗的高昂费用

3、,另一方 面,这类书籍中强调我办得到的积极态度,切中美国人相信人可以经由努力 改善人生的信念。本书则应用认知改变态度、态度改变行为这一个心理学概 念,鼓励读者,成功始於每一个小小的行动改变。 简单的说,这是一本告诉人如何成功的书,藉由对自己正面喊话以鼓舞 乐观,尤其适合主管送给新进业务员。例如,对於财富我们想追求却又犹豫,作 者说:赚钱这件事是我们以自己对世界的贡献,交换和使用金钱。 、 如果我 活在贫困之中,我能给孩子和其他人多少爱和帮助呢?赚钱、赚更多的钱没有 什么不对,而且有了更高远的意义。 内容简介 一九七六年,当阿诺史瓦辛格告诉本书作者,他想成为好莱坞最受欢迎的电 影明星时, 只是一

4、名身躯庞大而笨重的举重选手, 且带着一口浓重的奥地利口音。 他达成那个目标的可能性几乎是零,但是阿诺后来做到了。 本书捕捉了阿诺成功的秘诀,再加上许多引人入胜的实际行动方案,将能帮 助你培养自我激励的能力,把如果当初那么做就好了! 的悲观思想,转化成 我将来可以怎么做?成为什么样的人?的乐观思想。 书中提出的方法,都是来自作者丰富的企业员工训练经验,一百个已被证实 最能被人们记住的方法,将有助於你在事业和生活上创造一个行动计画,改变阻 碍你达成目标的负面及悲观思想,朝向理想中的人生迈进。 以下这是整本书 key points: 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself Act

5、ion is required. Goals are not enough. You have to take action. 1. Create a vision. Create a vision of who you want to be and live into that picture as if its already true. You create it, you dont wait until you receive it. You can make it up. 2. Tell a true lie. Make up a lie about how great you ar

6、e to make yourself sound unbelievably wonderful. Think of a picture of who you want to be. Without that picture, you cant live up to that self. 3. Leave your comfort zone. Our society encourages us to seek comfort. And yet only challenge will test our skills and make us better. Only challenge and th

7、e self motivation to engage that challenge will transform us. And every challenge we face creates a more skillful self. Look for challenges to motivate yourself. Its up to you to notice your stuck in a comfort zone. Its up to you to break free from it and fly away. 4. Find your key. Book: “The Maste

8、r Key to Riches“ by Napoleon Hill. “The great master key to riches is nothing more or less than the self discipline necessary to take complete full control of your own mind. Remember the only thing you have complete control is your own mental attitude.“ Maybe the hill book is not your “key“, but you

9、ll find your own instruction book if you look for it. Its out there, waiting for you. 5. Plan your work. When youre too depressed or when youre too upset to start something new. But then thats the perfect time to learn lifes important rule. The rule is the transmutation of those negative emotions th

10、rough “definitely planned work.“ Definitely planned work is the path to self motivation after you create your vision of who you want to be. Definitely planned work contained the power of PURPOSE. One hour of planning saves three hours of execution. It is impossible to work passionately with a sense

11、of purpose and feel depressed at the same time. Successfully planned work will motivate you to do more and more than you ever thought possible. 6. Move your goal posts. Most people dont realize the reason their not getting what they want in life is because their major goals are too small and too vag

12、ue. And therefore have no power. Your major goal will not be reached if it fails to excite your imagination. What really moves you is to set a large and specific POWER goal. A power goal is a DREAM that drives you. People that create power goals are living on PURPOSE. They know what their up to in l

13、ife. You know you had a power goal by observing its effect on you. Its not was a goal is thats important, its what it does. 7. Dribble with your other hand. Its not that you cant, its that you havent. You need to start reprogramming your habits of thinking. You can think optimistically if you build

14、it up slowly one thought at a time. i.e. with small persistent incremental victories. 8. Play your character. How you act is who you become. We can get energy and motivation by doing the character who we want to be. We can become that character if we practice being that character all the time. 9. Do

15、nt just do something, sit there. Sit quietly and do absolutely nothing. Be alone for a long time all by yourself. Sitting in silence allows your true dream in life to take shape and clarity. In life today, your either living your dream or someone else. And unless you give your dreams the time and sp

16、ace it needs to express itself, youll live the better part of your life living the dreams of other people. 10. Use the right chemicals. Use the chemicals that already exists in your system when you laugh, sing, dance, hug someone. When your having fun, your body chemistry changes. Once you make a job fun, you solved the problem of self motivation. 11. Leave high school. In high school we become fearing about


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