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1、 Lesson 54,sticky fingers 粘糊的手指,【New words and expressions】,sticky adj 粘的 as sticky as glue和胶水一样粘 finger n 手指 thumb大拇指 index finger食指 (index 5indeks n vi vt) middle finger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指 toe tEu 脚趾,pie n 馅饼 mix v 混合, 拌和 mixture n混合物 pastry n 面糊 annoying adj 恼人的 It is annoying annoy

2、ed感到烦恼的 比anger的语气弱,receiver n 电话的话筒 dismay v 失望, 泄气 dismay sb让某人感到失望 dismaying令人失望 dismayed感到失望,recognize v 认出, 听出 persuade v 说服, 劝说 reason with sb劝说; 并不能说明是否劝说成功 try to persuade 劝说; persuade表示劝说已经成功,mess n 乱七八糟 what a mess! you are a mess!你真邋遢 the man/woman is a mess make a mess of sth把.搅得乱七八糟 he m

3、ade a mess of my job 他把我的工作搅得一团糟,doorknob n 门把手 sign v 签字 sign your name(s) here在这签名 (许多人加 “s” ) signature 签名 I need your signature我需要你的签名 autograph 明星, 名人的签名 (n 亲笔签名 v 签署) registered letter挂号信 sign for签收,register v 挂号邮寄,【课文讲解】,after breakfast在吃过早饭后 I send the children to school 送孩子上学 at school在上学 a

4、t work 在上班 at home在家休息,be busy doing忙于做某事 flour面粉, 不可数名词, 注意发音于 “flower 相同, 但 “flower” 是可数名词, 一般会用复数 “flowers” be covered with盖满 at exactly that monent就在那时,no one could be/have been没有人. no one could be /have been fatter没有人更胖了 nothing could have been cheaper 没有什么东西更便宜了 no face could be uglier没有一张脸更丑了

5、 (ugly no books could be more interesting 没有书更有趣了 nothing could have been more exciting 没有什么事情更令人激动,pick up the receiver捡起话筒 persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事 it takes sb some time to do sth花费某人多久做某事, “it” 作形式主语 ring back : 1、回电话, 2、再打电话 hang up挂起 hang up the receiver挂断电话 no sooner.than. / hardly.when.,e

6、nough n adj adv 足够的 1、n. I have/had had enough. 我已经够了 2、adj enough+n, n+enough 修饰名词 I have enough time/time enough. Enough 修饰名词放在被修饰词的前面或后面,3、adv 不修饰动词只修饰adj或者adv Enough 修饰adj或者adv时一定要放在被修饰词的后面; enough to do sth 足以用来做某事 he is rich enough to buy the whole city 他富有的可以买下整个城市,I am hungry enough to eat s

7、th 在dead, young, old前面可以直接加the the+adj表示.一类人 the rich富人 the young 年轻人 the blind瞎子 the deaf 聋子 the English英国人 Englishman, Englishwoman,重点词 (annoyin;dismay;persuade;mess;sign) 句型 1 Nothing could have been more annoying. 2 loud enough to wake the dead.,【Key structures】,the + adj : 表示一类人 the most : 最 mo

8、st : 非常 most of the : 大部分的 most of the young people : 大部分年轻人,Lesson 55,Not a gold mine 并非金矿,【New words and expressions】,gold n 金子 gold n /golden adj sth be made of gold由金子做成的 gold watch; gold ring,golden sun金色的太阳 Silence is golden沉默是金 (silence n.静, 寂静, 沉默, 静默 vt.使沉默, 使安静 v.压制) golden : 金色的, 宝贵的 gold

9、en opportunity宝贵的机会 (opportunity n.机会, 时机) golden sentence黄金句型,I am honoured to have the opportunity to do sth. I am glad to have have the golden opportunity to do sth. I am glad to have the golden opportunity to stay with you.,用gold或golden填空 : 1 All that glitters is not _. glitter vi.闪闪发光, 闪烁, 闪光 n

10、.闪光 allis not不是所有的 All that glitters is not gold. 部分否定 not all 2 Silence is _. Silence is golden. goldfish n 金鱼 (众口铄金) platinum n.白金, 铂,mine n 矿 treasure n 财宝 (为总称, 没有复数) treasure island 金银岛 jewel n 宝石 珠宝, (可数) jewelry n.珠宝, 珠宝类 珠宝(总称, 不可数) I have some jewels./I have some jewelry. people/police/catt

11、le (总称) diamond钻石 jade 碧玉 (不可数名词) jade palace:翠宫饭店,revealer n 探测器 reveal揭示 invent v 发明 invention n detect v 探测 detective n,bury v 埋藏 cave n 山洞 seashore n 海岸 pirate n 海盗 pirate n.海盗, 盗印者, 盗版者, 侵犯专利权者 vt.盗印, 盗版, 掠夺, 翻印 vi.做海盗 arm v 武装 army n 军队 hold ones arm,Farewell! Arms永别了, 武器 Farewell n.辞别, 再见, 再会

12、 int.再会,别了!(常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思) Soldiers should be armed well 士兵应该要很好的武装 the youth should be armed with knowledge.年轻人应该用知识武装自己,youth n. 青春, 青年时期, 初期, 少年, 青年们 be covered with the teacher should be patient.( patient 5peiFEnt n. 病人, 患者 adj.忍耐的, 耐心的) the teacher should be armed with patience.,soil n 泥土 ear

13、th泥土 (泥巴) soil土壤 (能生长植物的地方) entrance n 入口 exit n. 出口, 太平门, 退场, 去世 vi.退出, 脱离, 去世 entrance of/entrance to entrance of the park / entrance to the park,finally adv 最后 worthless adj 毫无价值的 thoroughly adv 彻底地 completely/thoroughly/totally trunk n 行李箱,confident n 有信心的 confidence n be confident of doing sth

14、be confident that value n 价值,【课文讲解】,dreams come true 梦想成真 dreams ended 梦想破灭了, 梦断了 dream of dream of doing sth,I dream of flying in the sky.(dream v) dream of flying in the sky comes true.(dream n) 一句话中只有一个动词, 如果再出现动词, 可以用and并列连接, 也可以变成复合句, 用when, because连接, 还可以使这个动词表示动词意思, 但不做谓语, 即非谓语动词 过去分词做定语, 表示

15、“被”,ploughed field (plough plau n .犁 v.耕, 犁, 犁耕, 费力穿过, 艰苦前进, 在考试中淘汰) n+called the plane called a “Pilatus Porter” 如果用短语修饰其他词, 则把短语放在被修饰词的后边 be used to do被用来 used to do,同位语从句中的引导词只要一个that in the ground (更习惯于用 “under the ground” ) it is said是插入语 “据说” used to过去常常 where 修饰 cave ; 一个地点状语从句 where: in whic

16、h 翻译时译为 “在那儿” This is the river where I swim. would一般表示从过去看将来, 但此处表示 “used to” 过去常做,【Key structures】,当我们提到过去某一特定时间时, 我们有时可用would来代替used to. 但是, 我们不能在下面这个句子中使用would: This sort of novel used to be very popular.这种小说过去很流行.,be armed with they were armed with. went into the cave they went into the cave. hoping to find they hoped to find.,如果几个句子的主语是同一事物, 则可以把几个句子合并为一个句子 在把握中心句子的前提下, 注意其他成分的合成. 如果



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