斯柯达速尊上市策略及创意物料 0302 中英文 (压缩)

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1、Superb Derivative 速尊上市策略及创意物料 Superb Derivative launch strategy & creative materials 2014/2/22,2013年1月底,原装进口Superb Derivative 速尊将开始正式销售。与此同时,总部将在全国20个城市范围内重点推广速尊旅行车; 为配合销售,在销售展厅中吸引更多消费者关注进口车,除在各销售展厅设立专门的“进口车专区”区域外,还需对进口车专区在展示上提供必要支持; 4月,在电商渠道(例如天猫Tmall等渠道)、二手车网站,针对原装进口Superb Derivative速尊销售也会采取更大力度的配

2、合;Digital方面自有媒体、网络专区和竞品拦截也将有更多举措。 At the end of 2013 January, FBU Superb Derivative launched. At the same time, the SKMT will start promoting of Superb Derivative in 20 key cities, To generate sales and attract more consumers to showroom to be aware about the FBU Superb Derivative, more support will

3、 be provided in addition to the “import car zone” in the showroom. In April, in digital channel (for example Tmall), the second-hand car website, more effort will be put on Superb Derivative, and digital media, network area and competitive comparison will also be taken place.,背景 Background,1,31-50岁的

4、男性为主 接受或崇尚西方文化 3口之家为主 主要是在政府、国企、事业单位或服务类行业工作的员工 家庭年收入处于中等偏上的水平,Superb Derivative的消费者,人群定位 Consumer Position,事业进取 Success in business,务实进取,事业成功 对事业有强烈的企图心并为之不断努力 Always looking for the top quality of life, and has ambition on business,热爱家庭 Love family,能让家人享受优渥的生活是他们的幸福 也是他们追求更大成功的原动力 有效分配时间,努力工作也陪伴家人

5、 不让外在事情打扰与家人共度的时光Has ability to afford high quality life to family. They are happy, hard-working and enjoy time with family,崇尚西方品质生活 Aspire to European quality lifestyle,理性消费,不随波逐流 重视内在价值,也追求外在品味与品质理性和感性兼顾 追求更高品质的生活 Always looking for high quality life and believe in rational consumption,Superb Deri

6、vatives consumer,31-50 age male, Accept or admire European culture, Staff in the government, enterprises, institutions or service industry The annual income of the family in the mid to upper level.,速尊上市传播策略:Superb Derivative launch communication strategy,线上推广 ATL communication,4,目的:Target 建立速尊原装进口旅行

7、车的品牌形象,塑造为一个真正来自于欧洲的旅行车 Set up the brand image of FBU Superb Derivative: A genuine station wagon from Europe.,传播主题 Communication theme:,欧洲写意人生 Aspiring Life in Europe,传播渠道 Communication channels: 硬广、电台 Prints ad & Radio,媒体策略 Media stategy,5,网络传播 Digital communication,6,目的 Objective: 让消费者通过亲身体验了解速尊产品

8、本身的优势,同时通过现场的设计和布置让消费者实实在在地体验到速尊带来的生活体验 To show product advantages and life experience of Superb Derivative by consumer experiencing.,线下推广 BTL communication,7,路演活动 Roadshow 主题Theme:真正欧洲生活就在咫尺 Authentic European life is around you. 做法Actions: 在主要销售的20个城市里,选取具优势地点进行路演,让消费者体验速尊带来的生活。Play roadshow in th

9、e 20 key cities to experience life Superb Derivative brings. 活动设计 Design: 将会加设欧洲生活氛围装饰,同时一旦预约试驾可以在现场休息区获取免费咖啡 Decorate with European life elements,and free coffee for booking test driving. 地点选取方向 Location: 工作日 - 甲级办公楼、节假日 市内主要公园;大篷车路演 Workdays: Grade A offices, Holiday-Main parks and roadshows.,展厅设计

10、 Showroom design 主题Theme:迈入欧洲写意人生 Start your European life 策略Strategy: 在展厅外面引出“打开写意人生大门”的信息引起消费者兴趣,随着消费者进入速尊区域通过高档次设计展示和欧洲氛围烘托,吸引消费者产生购买意欲。Show messages about ”Open your European life ” to attract consumers interest. While consumers step into FBU zone in showroom, the POSM and atmosphere of European

11、 will attract consumers purchase intention,KV,8,Headline: Accommodating whole familys life, open up unlimited possibilities of your loved ones. New Europe imported SKODA Superb Derivative,门贴 Gate stickers,9,链接:http:/ 密码:finv,吊旗 Hanging flags,10,正面,背面,http:/ Flying flags,11,http:/ Price sheet,12,http

12、:/ 展示台效果图 iPad display stand,13,展厅拱门 Arches in showroom,14,链接:http:/ 密码:g1yl,展示道具 Display property,15,行李厢展示 Display of the compartment,高尔夫球包建议品牌:ADMAS GOLF,销售人员胸卡 Chest card,16,链接:http:/ 密码:0h6t,Leaflet,17,链接:http:/ http:/ Accommodating whole familys life, open up unlimited possibilities of your lov

13、ed ones.,Catalogue,20,3,Catalogue,21,4,Catalogue,22,5,Catalogue,23,6,Catalogue,24,7,Catalogue,25,8,Catalogue,26,9,Catalogue,27,10,Catalogue,28,11,Catalogue,29,12,台卡 Table standee,POSM,30,Headline: Accommodating whole familys life, open up unlimited possibilities of your loved ones. New Europe import

14、ed SKODA Superb Derivative,http:/ Standee,POSM,31,Headline: Accommodating whole familys life, open up unlimited possibilities of your loved ones. New Europe imported SKODA Superb Derivative,http:/ Accommodating whole familys life, open up unlimited possibilities of your loved ones. New Europe imported SKODA Superb Derivative,33,



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