八年级英语牛津译林版上导学案:unit 1 welcome to the unit

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1、8上 Unit1 第一课时课 题8A Comic strip and welcome to the unit主 备姚桂芹主核孙亚莉使用者张军红课 型New使用日期2015.9.【学习目标】 Teaching aims:1. To arouse the students interests in talking about ones best friend.2. To learn some expressions about describing ones best friend.第一次集体备课(通案)第二次备课(个案)【导入新课】Lead-inAsk Ss the following ques

2、tions to draw their attention to the topic in this lesson.Do you have a friend?Why do you like being friends with him/her?【板书课题】 Unit1 Friends Comic strip and welcome to the unit【学习目标】1. To arouse the students interests in talking about ones best friend.2. To learn some expressions about describing

3、ones best friend.【自学指导】Task1 Discussion 1. When you are happy, who will you talk to? 2. When you are sad, who will you talk to? 3. When you have problems, who will you talk to?4. Can you talk to your friends about anything? Task 2 Read and complete Part A.Ask: What are your friends like? Let Ss talk

4、 about the qualities of their good friends by using some expressions in Part A on page 7. Then complete Part A.Task 3 Listen and answer1.What qualities are important in good friends?Good friends should be honest, interesting ,helpful.What makes good friends?Amyhonest and helpfulShe can trust them be

5、cause they never tell lies.Danielinteresting and helpfulThey can tell him funny jokes.Listen to the conversation in Part B, then fill in the form.2. Make up a new dialogue Task 4 Listen and answer1. Listen to Eddie and Hobos conversation for the first time and answer: Is Eddie kind to Hobo?2. Listen

6、 again and answer:1) What does Eddie give Hobo?2) Is there anything else in the fridge?3) What else does Hobo want to eat?3. Read and act 1.Read aloud the conversation then act it out in pairs. 2.Talk in pairsTask 5 Language points 1. be hungry 感到饿 be thirsty 感到渴 e.g. Are you thirsty after a long wa

7、lk?2. something to drink 一些喝的东西 something to eat 一些吃的东西 e.g. Would you like something to drink? Is there anything to eat in the fridge?不定代词 something 通常用于肯定句和表示请求、建议的问句中,anything 常用于否定句、疑问句和表示强调的肯定句中。nothing在句中表示否定 = not anything - Is there _ to eat in the fridge?- No, theres _ to eat, but we have _

8、 to drink. 3. Can I have some more food? 我能再吃一些吗? some或数词 + more + 名词 表示在原基础又增加了一定数量。如:Do we need some more water?He wants to eat two more apples.4. (1)make sb. + adj. 使某人 e.g. I like my dog because it can make me happy. (2)make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事【堂清知识】1.What makes your friend so special? make sb. +

9、adj. 使某人(怎样)e.g. 1. 这首歌使他很悲伤。 This song makes him really sad. 2. Max总能使我高兴。 Max can always makes me happy.2.have problems with sth. (在方面)有问题e.g. 1. 他在英语学习上有些问题。 He has some problems with his English. 2. 你在作业方面有问题吗? Do you have any problems with your homework?【当堂检测】用动词的正确形式填空一 . Phrases1.再要一些食物 2.一些喝

10、的 3.关心某人4.告诉某人一切 5.保守秘密 6.与我共享快乐7.使我快乐 8.准备好做某事 9.说谎10.给某人讲笑话二 Fill in the blanks.1.Miss Lee_(care)about nothing but our studies at school.2.-What_(make)your friend so happy just now? -He read a funny story on the magazine.3.The teacher_(trust)you if you tell her that you did your homework on your o

11、wn.4.Its very important for us_(keep)a secret between good friends.5.Id like something_(drink)now.Answer the questions学生活动指导:1独立完成2组内互相问答学生活动指导1自己准备,限时3分钟大声朗读并说出答案。2小组合作核对答案,解决疑难。帮扶D生过关。3展示环节,听口令抢答!Listen and answerListen and understand then try to use them.学生活动指导:1.限时2分钟,自己准备,有疑问问A生。2限时快速写下答案。3组内互换

12、核对答案,并查漏补缺。日清内容一. 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Nobody taught you how to swim. I think you taught_(you)to do it.2. The young man never tells any_ (lie), so we can believe him.3.-Can you talk to your friend about_ (something)? -No.4. Mike is my good friend and he is also_ (friend) to other people.5.-Will you p

13、lease tell the something about_ (teenager) problems? -All right. Ill do that if I have time.二、Complete the sentences.1. 我能喝点什么吗? Can I have _ _ _? 2.冰箱里什么也没有。 Theres _in the fridge.3.你碗里的比萨饼怎么样? _ _the pizza in your bowl?4.你相信他说的话吗? Do you believe_ _ _?5. My friend _ (很诚实).6. I can _ Amy _. (对讲任何事情).7. There is not enough bread for supper. We need to _ _ _ (再买一些).8. I often _ _ _ (让他开心).9. He always helps me when I _ _ (有困难).第三次备课(反思)得:大部分学生能用简单的英语谈自己的好朋友。失:不能用英语对话。改:在课堂上尽量让学生多说英语。


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