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1、2012中考英语总复习102:中考听力测试题型中考听力测试的题型纵观全国各地的中考试卷听力测试题的题型有以下几种:1. 听句子,选择能够应答该句子的最佳答语:这个类型的听力测试题主要考查学生对于英语日常交际用语的理解和应答能力。考查的内容主要有:对别人的赞美、感谢、问路;或者给别人提出建议、对别人劝告、祝愿或者是向别人提出请求、许可;向别人请求帮助或者提供帮助;谈自己的打算;向别人提出邀请及应答等。这种听力测试题目一般比较简单,所听的句子比较简短和简单,情景比较单一,学生很容易理解,一般按照英语日常用语的交际习惯来应答,选择正确的答案是比较容易的,也是得分比较高的题目。例如: 录音中有五个句子

2、,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Thats a good way B. You are welcome. C. Good idea. D. No problem.2. A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Oh, I know.C. It doesnt matter. D. Of course.3. A. Of course not. B. Yes, I would.C. No, I wouldnt. D. OK.4. A. Its too cheap. B. Its very cold. C. It is too

3、far. D. Its too dea.5. A. By bus.B. In the bus.C. In a school. D. On her foot.听力材料:1. Why not go and see our teacher in the hospital after school?2. Id love to go with you, but my mother is ill in hospital. I had to look after her.3. Would you mind opening the window? Its too hot.4. Whats the weathe

4、r like in your city now?5. How does your mother often go to work?答案与解析:1. C。这是考查向别人提出建议是日常交际用语的用法,所听的句子是用why not来提出建议,其最佳应答是Good idea,或不接受建议,一般应该回答“Id love, but”,然后说明原因。2. A。本题是考查对于听到别人不幸的消息后用I am sorry to hear that.来应答的日常交际用语的用法,表示对别人的同情。3. A。本题是考查对别人提出请求的应答,别人用Would you mind doing something?来提出请求,

5、其肯定应答是Of course not.4. B。本题是考查谈论天气的英语日常交际英语,所听的句子是询问天气的,所以应答用Its very cold.5. A。本题是谈论做某事的方式,所听句子是用How does your mother often go to work?来询问你妈妈经常怎么去上班的。所以用bybus来应答其上班的方式是乘坐公共汽车。2. 听句子,选择符合句子意思的图片:这个类型的听力测试题主要利用图片考查学生对日常交际用语的快速反应及应对能力。例如:涉及学生日常行为和活动、日常用品、时间的问与答、交通提示符号、天气预报符号、城市典型建筑物、奥运会的会徽及运动员和运动项目标志等

6、。这类型的听力测试题也是比较简单的题型,主要考虑图画和句子的意思相符合。例如: 听下面的句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。听力材料:听下面的句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。1. Lucy likes to ask questions in class.2. The sun is shining. And the birds are singing. What a bright and beautiful world!3. Students like swimming in the pool during their summer holidays.4. The p

7、anda is one of the most popular animals in the world. Its a national treasure of China.5. Dont throw away rubbish everywhere. We should keep our environment clean.答案与解析:1。B。本题听力的关键信息是ask questions in class,而图画B是举手问问题的,所以和句子的意思相符合。2. A。本题的关键信息是the sun is shinng。所以表示天气晴朗阳光灿烂的图画是A。3. A。本题听力的关键信息是swimmi

8、ng in the pool,而图画A是表示在游泳池里游泳。4. B。本题是关键信息是panda是熊猫,图画B是熊猫,所以与听力材料相符合。5. B。本题听力的关键信息是Dont throw rubbish,所给的三个图画A是表示禁止吸烟、B表示禁止乱扔垃圾、C是表示禁止拍照。所以B是和听力材料相符合的图画。3. 听五段小对话和问题,选择能够回答问题的最佳答案或者图片:这种听力测试题主要考查学生对所听对话及相关信息的理解能力。小对话一般是二到三个句子,所涉及的内容是常见的和经常用到的交际话题。例如:讨论天气、时间、购物、打电话、看病、运动和相约的地点等小话题。听力问题有的是很明显的,直接从对话

9、信息中很容易判断的;有的是比较隐形的,需要根据对话的内容或者情景加以分析、判断或者推算,才能解决的问题。一般是根据对话的信息用特殊疑问句提出问题。也可以涉及对话人的身份、关系、观点或者态度等。另外为了减少学生的阅读负担,有时听力测试题用图画、图片代替文字,即选择能够回答问题的图画、图片。学生在听力测试之前,需要认真阅读问题或观察图片,带着问题有目的地去听,听录音的时候,紧紧围绕着话题和情景,捕捉与问题有关系的重点和具体的信息。可以边听边记录,这种听力测试题一般朗读二遍。例如:. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。1 How often does the woman go swimming?

10、A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Every day. 2. Who are the two speakers?A. Theyre workers. B. Theyre old friends. C. Theyre classmates.3. Where did Cathy go last Saturday?A. To the lake. B. To the beach. C. To the park.4. What does the boy want to do in this conversation?A. Buy a pen. B. Change a pen. C.

11、Take a pen.5 What does the man think of the CD?A. Its a very good one B. Its too expensive C. Its not his favorite听力材料:1. M: How often do you exercise? W: I keep running every day, sometimes I go swimming, but I never play ball games. Q: How often does the woman go swimming?2. W: Hi! I dont know if

12、you remember me. My name is Maria. M: Sure, I remember you. You sat next to me. W: Yeah, thats right. How are you doing? M: Fine. Nice to see you again. Q: Who are the two speakers?3. M: Hi, Cathy! What did you do last Saturday? W: I had a picnic near the sea with some friends. M: Then you must have

13、 had a good time. W: Sure. Q:Where did Cathy go last Saturday?4. M: Excuse me. I bought a pen here yesterday. But I cant write with it now. W: Whats the problem? M: It doesnt work. Would you mind giving me another one? W: Sure. Here you are. Q: What does the boy want to do in this conversation?5. M:

14、 How much did you pay for it? W: 200 dollars. M: 200 dollars for a CD like that? I dont believe it. W: What do you mean? M: Its not worth it. Question: What does the man think of the CD?答案与解析1. A。听力材料提到运动有running,go swimming和play ball games,但听力的重点在go swimming上面,关键是听时间状语,本题有三个时间状语every day,sometimes和never,和go swimming有关系的时间状语是sometimes。2. C。本题是考查说话人的关系,从对话中“You sat next to me.”可以了解他们可能是同桌,所以他们之间的关系是同学关系。3. B。本题是考查事件发生地点的,从对话的句子I had a picnic near the sea with some friends关键信息near the sea可以判断对话的地点是在海滩。4. B。本题是考查听力细节理解的。从对话的


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