中考英语复习九年级units 4-6练习及答案(人教新课标)

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1、2012中考英语复习九年级Units 4-6练习及答案(人教新课标)一、单项填空1. The rest of the students not allowed to leave the classroom at that time.A. are B. have C. was D. were2. Whose book is this?Its not mine. Its _.A. someone else B. someone elses C. someone else D. someones else3. _ that a man _ James had come to see you.A. I

2、t said; named B. It was said; namingC. It says; named D. It was said; named4. If he tomorrow, please tell me.A. comeB. comesC. will comeD. came5. Im afraid of _ at home alone.A. staying B. be C. to stay D. live6. If I you, I a big house.A. was, would buyB. were, would like to buyC. were, would buyD.

3、 was, bought 7. The film _ for 5 minutes.A. has begun B. has started C. has been onD. began8. Lets see _we can find some information about the city.A that B if C what D which9._his bike is lost? He has to go to school on foot.A. What if B. How about C. Can you tell meD.I dont know10. This didnt trou

4、ble him .A. at the moment B. the slightest C. no longer D. in the slightest11. If you take my _,you wont tell anyone about it.A. the advice B. advice C. an advice D. advices 12. -Your wife is unhappy. Who _her_?-Maybe her sister, Ms Liu?A. takes down B. looks up C. puts up D. lets down13. At the cla

5、ss meeting, all the students _a lot of useful advice to help each other.A. came up with B. came out C. stayed up D. came up14. I found _ very difficult to learn math well.A. what B. it C. that D. this15. He is afraid of_ English in public.A. speak B. speakingC. spokenD. speaks16. My sister has been

6、in America for a year. She _ the life there.A. is use B. used to C. is used to D. uses17. Mike _ his homework three hours ago.A. finished B. has finished C. is finishing D. is going to finish18. I dont know _ he lives.A. what B. how C. where D. which19. If a friend said something bad _ you, what wou

7、ld you do?A. about B. on C. for D. to20. I dont know _.A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to do D. to do what21. He is too tired _ any longer.A. not to walk B. to walk C. walking D. not walking22. He went to school without _ to school.A. go B. goes C. going D. to go23. He is afraid to speak in _

8、public.A. the B a C. an D. /24._people in the world are sending and receiving e-mails every dayA. Million of B. Many millions of C. Several million of D. Several millions25. I would rather _ the chance than _her.A. not to take, to hurt B. not take, hurt C. not taking, hurting D. dont take, to hurt26

9、. The teacher told us to _another way to make sentences with the new words.A. thinks over B. think about C. thinking over D. think27. The old man feels _ , maybe he is _ ill.A. terribly, terrible B. terrible, terribly C. terribly , terribly D. terrible, terrible.28. Do you have _ friends in your sch

10、ool?A. a lot B. a plenty C. lot of D. plenty of 29. -Did you go to Jacks birthday party?-No, I _A. am not invited B. wasnt invitedC. havent invited D. didnt invite30. The old man lived _but he didnt feel _A. lonely , alone B. alone ,alone C. alone ,lonely D. lonely , lonely 31. If you go to the park

11、 tomorrow morning,_A. so will he B. so he willC. so he does D. so does he32. She spends too much _ clothes.A. in B. for C. on D. over33. _ I entered his room, he was writing a letter.A. When B. Since C. While D. As34. Suddenly I heard a strange _ downstairs, then came a mans _,“Who is over there?”A.

12、 sound; voice B. voice; sound C. noise; sound D. noise; voice35. Jack always _ to study French.A. stays up B. wakes up C. grows up D. gets up36. -I wonder if I _ smoke here.-No, you_.A. can; mustnt B. shall; wont C. must; cant D. may; mustnt37. There were so many kinds of toy cars that I couldnt dec

13、ide _.A. what to buy B. which one to buyC. to buy which one D. which one should buy38. Someone is doing homework. Could you please _ the TV a little?A. turn upB. turn onC. turn downD. turn off39. - Can you tell me _?- Sorry, Im new here.A. where is the bookstoreB. how I can get to the cinemaC. is there a bookstore near hereD. which bus shall I take40. - Lin, is this Bens book?- No, it _ be his. Hes too young to read it. A. mustnt B. cantC. mightD. can41. I



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