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1、2012中考英语专题讲解及提分练习题:被动语态 教学目标:通过对被动语态的复习,让学生了解被动语态使用的场合,熟练掌握其结构以及不同时态和一些特殊结构的被动语态,进而将学过的知识系统化。教学重点:1被动语态的结构:be + V-ed2各种时态的被动语态(时态变化体现在be动词上)教学难点:1一些特殊结构的被动语态(双宾语、不带to的动词不定式的被动语态)2不使用被动语态的场合学情分析:现在已是初三下学期,进入复习阶段。学生已在课本或练习中多次接触到被动语态的用法,也就是说学生手中已经有了一颗颗散落的珍珠,我们需要帮助学生将它们串起来,以便于理解、记忆和运用。另一方面,学生此时的两极分化也较大,

2、所以在教学过程中要注意到由易到难,逐渐深入。教学准备:1布置预习作业,复习动词的过去式和过去分词2制作powerpoint课件教学步骤:一、复习引入1写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词fall, enjoy, do, practice, cost, try, write, hear, plan, teach2总结变化规则 一般情况,加-ed,如:enjoy规则变化 以e结尾,加-d,如:practice 以辅音字母加y结尾,变y为i,加-ed,如:try 重读闭音节,双写,加-ed,如:plan不规则变化:见不规则动词表,如:do(设计意图:通过复习过去式和过去分词,让学生牢记变化规则,明确它们的

3、使用场合过去式用于一般过去时的句子,而被动语态中用到的是过去分词)二、考纲分析12006年考纲:考查三种时态被动语态的用法(一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时)。22007年考纲:考查被动语态的用法。(设计意图:初中学过的英语时态不仅包括上面提到的三种,还有进行时和完成时。通过对比这两年考纲,可以看出今年被动语态的考查面其实是加大了。)三、被动语态须掌握以下几点:1结构:be + V-ed2分清主动与被动:eg:Now many kinds of work can be done by robots. (do)I didnt go to the party because I wasnt in

4、vited. (not invite)I asked him if he would come the next day. (ask)We are told not to swim in the river. (tell)(点拨:主动还是被动?通过主谓关系来确定)3确定时态:各种时态被动语态的构成be + V-ed一般现在时am/is/are + V-ed一般过去时was/were + V-ed一般将来时will be + V-ed现在完成时have/has + V-ed现在进行时am/is/are being + V-ed情态动词can be + V-ed(点拨:时态的千变万化体现在be动词

5、之上)A lot of water is wasted every year. (waste)A new bridge was built over the river last year. (build)The job will be finished in ten minutes. (finish)Many man-made satellites have been sent into space since 1960. (send)-Have you moved into you new house?-No. The rooms are being painted. (paint)(点拨

6、:时态的确定需找关键词,或根据上下文暗示)4如何由主动变被动:eg:We clean the classroom every day.-The classroom is cleaned every day (by us).My mother doesnt allow me to drive.-I am not allowed to drive by my mother.When did Bell invented the telephone?-When was the telephone invented?Exx:More and more people speak English.-Engl

7、ish is spoken by more and more people.Who invented it?-Who(m) was it invented by?/By whom was it invented?(点拨:主动变被动分三步走:找主定谓补全)四、被动语态考点分析1不同时态的被动语态2注意短语动词的完整性改错:The old should be spoken politely. -spoken toThe population problem must be paid attention. -paid attention to(点拨:短语动词中的介词、副词容易漏掉,须注意)3带双宾语

8、的被动语态give sb. sth. -sb. be given sth.give sth. to sb. -sth. be given to sb.sim: send, show, pass, sellbuy sb. sth.-sb. be bought sth.buy sth. for sb.-sth. be bought for sb.sim: make, draw(点拨:带双宾语,物做主语,注意介词to还是for)4省略to的动词不定式的被动语态使役动词makemake sb. do sth.-sb. be made to do sth.感官动词see, watch, hearsee

9、sb. do sth.-sb. be seen to do sth.注意:see sb. doing sth.-sb. be seen doing sth.(点拨:省略to的动词不定式变被动补充to)5不用于被动的情况不及物动词happen, take place判断正误:( T )What happened?( F )What was happened?( T )What is happening?( T )What has happened?连系动词look, sound, taste, smell, feeleg: Whats wrong with the orange? It C te

10、rrible.A. is tastingB. is tastedC. tastesD. tasted某些可和well, easily等副词连用的动词,如:sell, wash, write, rideeg:The book sells well. 这本书销路不错。The cloth washes easily. 这种布料好洗。His new pen writes well. 他的新钢笔写起来流畅。(设计意图:让学生了解到并非所有的动词都可用于被动语态,并且有些动词在某些场合可用主动来表达被动意思)五、挑战中考1-How clean and tidy your bedroom is! -Than

11、ks. It _ every day.A. cleansB. is cleanedC. was cleanedD. is cleaning2Oh, this is really a big shop. Do you know when it _?A. builtB. was builtC. has builtD. has been built3The village is building a school. I hope it _ before August this year.A. finishesB. will finishC. is finishedD. will be finishe

12、d4These apples _ well because they _ nice.A. are sold, are lookedB. sell, lookC. sell, are lookedD. are sold, look5His schoolbag _ away by a woman ten minutes ago.A. was takenB. had takenC. tookD. were taken6-Mum, may I play football this afternoon? -You can if your homework _.A. has doneB. will doC

13、. is doneD. will be done7It was raining heavily outside. The kids were made _ in the classroomA. stayB. stayedC. stayingD. to stay8The woman still doesnt know what _ in her hometown while she was away.A. happenedB. happensC. will happenD. was happened9The flowers _ every day, or theyll die.A. must w

14、aterB. should waterC. can be wateredD. must be watered10Today, the forests have almost gone. People must _ down too many trees.A. stop to cutB. stop from cuttingC. be stopped to cutD. be stopped from cuttingKey: BBDBA CDADD(设计意图:通过具体的题目具体分析解题思路和技巧)教学反思:这是一节复习课,由于复习内容多,容量大,所以我制作了powerpoint课件,黑板留作给学生练习之用。本节课的成功之处在于:1复习全面,思路清晰,由浅入深,层层递进;2课件制作美观、实用,“主动变被动”环节设计精巧;3讲练结合,调动了学生的积极性,学生参与踊跃。不足之处:内容稍多,占用了几分钟下课时间。“挑战中考”环节可在下一节课进行,题量也可以加大,一可以检测学生的复习效果,二可以留给学生更多的时间思考,进而点拨解题技巧。学优中考网


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