中考英语人教新课标七下unit 3 finding your way复习学案

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1、2012中考英语人教新课标七下Unit 3 Finding your way复习学案第9课时Unit 3 Finding your way, 7B一.【精挑细选短语】1. follow mecome with me跟我来 (p42)【知识链接】follow vt.跟随following adj.接着的e.g. the following day第二天【用法拓展】follow sbs advice采纳某人的建议 e.g. follow the doctors advice遵从医嘱2. dont be afraid别怕be afraid ofbe frightened of害怕【知识链接】Im a

2、fraid (that)恐怕。担心某事可能要发生或表示客气的回答。 e.g.Im afraid that Ill be late.恐怕我要迟到。Im afraid he is not in.对不起他不在。be afraid of sb/sth害怕某人或某物,be afraid of doing sth担心或害怕某事,be afraid to do sth(由于胆小)不敢做某事 e.g. Are you afraid of snakes? He was afraid to walk across the one-logged bridge because he was afraid of fal

3、ling into the river.因为他担心会掉进河里,他不敢过那个独木桥。3. three men in police uniform三个穿警服的男子 介词短语in作后置定语。 (p44)4. get into进入反义词:get out of走出5. at onceright awayimmediately立刻;马上,pushinto把推进6. report to a policeman report sth to sb向某人汇报某事, e.g. Please report it to the police.7. run away from Hill Building run away

4、 from逃离某地8. stop taking notes停止做笔录stop doing停止做(意思是不做),stop to do停下来去做(意思是做)【知识链接】Were too tired. Lets stop to take a rest. Stop talking. The teacher is coming.9. laugh happily高兴地笑了,ask them about that ask sb about sth询问某人有关某事10. open the back door of the van with his knifeuse his knife to open the

5、back door of the van【知识链接】use sth to do sthdo sth with sth用某物做某事 e.g. He climbed up the house with a ladder.He used a ladder to climb up the house.11. have a barbecue吃烧烤,have a picnic野餐 (p55)12. most students大多数学生,most名词复数,most of the名词复数或most of us/you/them二【百里挑一词汇】1. push推use your hands to make so

6、mething move forward,注意pull的意思是“拉”。2. police uniforma set of clothes for the police,a set of一套, e.g. a set of furniture一套家具3. 常见的交通标志(road signs):No parking.禁止停车。straight on直行,turn left左转, turn right右转,traffic lights交通信号灯,crossroads十字路口,zebra crossing人行横道线;斑马线4. over越过,“穿过桥”有两种表达:walk over/across th

7、e bridge。up向上,walk up the steps走上台阶三.【五星必背句型】1. The zoo is north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. (p43)【知识链接】东east, 西west, 南south, 北northnews即north, east, west, south四个方向的首字母,所以news是不可数名词。north-west西北, north-east东北, south-west西南, south-east东南,north/south在前, west/east在后。be north of在以北,两者不接壤,不从属;

8、其他的方向依此类推。e.g. Beijing is north of Jiangsu.北京在江苏以北。【用法拓展】A be in the north of B. A在B的北部。前者从属于后者。Xuzhou is in the north of Jiangsu.A be on the north of B. A在B的北方。两地接壤。Beijing is on the north of Tianjin. A be to the north of B.A be north of B.可以省略to the。Shanghai is north of Shenzhen.2. Paul tries to o

9、pen the door but fails. He uses a knife and tries again. (p44)【知识链接】try n.尝试 e.g. have a try试一试,vi.试一试,e.g. He tried again. tryon试穿try ones best (to do sth) 尽力(做某事) e.g. He tried his best to help me.英语中有几个动词(remember, forget, stop, try),其后跟动词不定式或动名词,意思不同。try to do sth试图、想要、设法、努力去做某事;而try doing sth试着

10、做某事。请做题辨析try to do与try doing:I usually go there by train. Why not by boat for a change?A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try goingThe bird tried , but one wing was broken.A. flying away B. to fly away C. flew away D. fly awayfailfailsfailedfailed vi.失败反义词succeed vi.不及格反义词pass。e.g.

11、fail in the exam考试不及格pass the exam考试及格;通过考试 fail to do sth不能做某事;做某事失败,注意:没有fail doing sth这种说法。e.g. Tom often fails to keep his promise.汤姆经常不能遵守他的诺言。I failed to understand what he said.I could not understand what he said.我不能理解他说的话。failure n.失败反义词success n.成功 e.g. Failure is the mother of success.失败是成

12、功之母。All his experiments ended in failure.他所有的实验最后均告失败。3. Shall we take different routes? route路线take another route走另一条路线【知识链接】the route to到某地的路线(特定路线),e.g. Here is the route to Sunshine Park.Shall we do sth? 用于向别人提建议。e.g. Shall we go to the park?4. Ill go along Six Street. Then Ill turn left into Pa

13、rk Road【知识链接】go/walk along/down/up沿着/顺着走,turn left/right向左转/向右转5. He is surprised to see the three men in the police station. 【知识链接】surprisedamazed惊讶的,修饰人,surprisingamazing令人惊讶的,修饰事物。be surprised to do sth惊讶地做某事 e.g. He was surprised to hear the news.be surprised at sth对某事感到惊讶 e.g. He was surprised

14、at the surprising news.to ones surprise令某人惊讶的是,通常置于句首。e.g. To our surprise, Liu Xiang failed in the game.in surprise惊奇地,惊讶地。e.g. He opened his eyes wide in surprise.6. 问路和指路的常见表达:【问路】Can you tell me the way to? Can you tell me how I can get to? Can you tell me how to get to? Excuse me. How can I get

15、 to?【指路】Go/Walk along the road, take the first turning on the left/right. Go/Walk along the street, turn left/right at the first crossing. Cross the road at the traffic lights. Walk past7. Will you join us? I dont want to take it all day. (p50)【知识链接】Will you join us?你愿意加入我们的行列吗?(邀请别人一起做某事。)8. When you are at the big tree, turn left and walk towards the bridge. Cross the bridge, turn right and walk straight on. Walk down the path and you will see a wooden house on your left.



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