中考英语go for it版八上units 7一8复习名师学案02

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1、2012中考英语Go for it版八上Units 7一8复习名师学案02该系列复习学案的01是:词汇、短语、句型。02是:夯实课本基础知识。03是:复习同步训练题及答案。是一套完整的Go for it版复习资源。考点精讲【重点单词短语】1turn on是动词短语。意为“打开”。 turn off是它的反义词,意为“关闭”,主要指打开或关闭各类电器,如电视、电灯、电脑等。如: He forgot to turn on the radio and thus missed the program他忘了打开收音机,因此错过了那个节目。 Turn off the switch when anythin

2、g goes wrongwith the machine如果机器出故障,就把开关关掉。 适时点津 与turn相关的短语还有:turn up(把音量)调大,调高turn down(把音量)调小,调低 turn around翻转turn leftright向左右转turninto把转变成 turn to转向 活学活用 (2011内江)Remember to your mobile phone when the plane takes off Aturn on Bturn down Cturn off 解析:本题考查词组辨析。turn on打开(家电、收音机、水龙头等);turn down调低(音量

3、);turn off关掉(家电、收音机、水龙头等)。句意:记得当飞机起飞时关掉你的手机。 答案:C 2slice n薄片 a slice of意为“一片”,复数为“slices of”。如: Please give me a slice of bread请给我一片面包。 适时点津 a slice of也可以用a piece of。 活学活用 (2011清远)Im so hungryPlease give me to eat Athree bread Bthree pieces of bread Cthree pieces of breads Dthree piece of bread 解析:本

4、题考查可数名词与不可数名词的用法。bread为不可数名词,不加s,也不能直接用数字修饰,排除A和C。量词piece(片)是可数的,要加s。 答案:B3have fan玩得高兴 “have fun(in)doing sth”意为“在某方面玩得开心”,in可以省略。如: Did you have fun camping?野营好玩吗? 活学活用 have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself=have a wonderful time 活学活用 (2011贵港)We went to the beach last Sunday,and we had great fun

5、volleyball Aplay Bplaying Cplayed Dto play 解析:have fun“过得高兴”,其后跟动词ing形式。 答案:B【重点句型】1How do you make a banana milk shake?你是怎样做奶昔的? 这是一个由疑问词how引导的特殊疑问句,how意为“怎样,如何”,用以对做某事的方法、方式等进行提问。如: How did you climb to the top of that building?你是如何爬上楼顶的? 适时点津 与how组成的疑问词有:how long,how often,how many,how much,how s

6、oon。如: How soon will you be back?你要多久才回来? In ten days十天后回来。 。 活学活用 (2010达州)My father has a computer,but he doesnt know to use it Awhat Bhow Cwho Dwhich 解析:本题考查疑问词的用法,what“什么”,how“怎样”,who“谁”,which“哪个”。句意:我父亲有一台电脑,但他不知道怎样使用电脑。 答案:B 2Were there any sharks?有鲨鱼吗? No,there werent,but there were some reall

7、y clever seals没有鲨鱼。但有聪明的海豹。 (1)there be句型表示的是“某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其结构为There be(is,are)+名词+地点状语。它的过去式是:there waswere。如:There were many people in the street yesterday昨天街上有很多人。 (2)如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语时be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的“就近原则”。如:There is an orange and some bananas in thebasket篮子里有一个橘子和一些香蕉。适时点津there

8、be后面如果是不可数名称,be动词用is。如:There is some iuice in the bottle瓶子里有果汁。活学活用(2011苏州)There are millions of websites on the Internet and there a lot of useful on the websitesAare;informations Bare;informations Cis;information Dis;information解析:本题考查there be结构。information意为“消息”,是不可数名词be动词应用单数,排除A、B、D;故选C。答案:C 【巧

9、辨异同】 1open与turn on (1)open指“用手或某工具打开某物”,如:I opened the window after I got up我起床后便把窗子打开。 (2)turn on指“打开某种电器,如电灯、电视等的开关”。如:He asked me to turn on the radio for him他让我替他打开收音机。活学活用 the Tv,I want to watch sports news AOpen BTurn on CClose DTurn off 解析:本题考查动词的辨析,根据句意是要打开电视看体育新闻; 答案:B2how many与how much (1)

10、how many意为“多少”,后面总是跟一个可数名词的复数。如: How many dynasties are there in Chinas history?中国历史上有多少个朝代? (2)how much意为“多少”。用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词。如:How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?用来询问事物的重量。如: How much does the pig weigh?这头猪多重? Eighty kilos八十公斤。 (3)how much意为“多少钱”时,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略mon

11、ey,用来询问某物的价钱、价格。如: How much is the T-shirt?这T恤多少钱? Ninety yuan九十元活学活用 milk do you usually drink every day? AHow much BHow often CHow many DHow 解析:句意:你每天喝多少牛奶?牛奶是不可数名词。 答案:A 3finally,at last与in the end(1)finally可以放在句首,也可放在动词前。有两个用法:一是在列举事物或论点时,用来引出最后一项内容;二是用在句中动词前面,表示“等了好久才”。既可指时间位置,也可指时间的先后顺序,无感情色彩,

12、只用于过去时。如:Finally we finished the work=We finally finished the work最后我们完成了这项工作。 (2)at last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语意上指经过周折、等待、耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。常常带有较浓厚的感情色彩。at last也可用来表示“等候或耽误了很多时间之后才”,语气比较强烈。如:At last,he passed the exam最后他终于通过了考试。 (3)in the end表示事物发展的自然“终结”,in theend有时还可以预测未来。finally和at last没有这种用法。如:In

13、 the end,We found the house我们终于找到了那所房子。活学活用How do you make fruit salad? cup up three bananas and a watemelonNext put them in a bowlAFirst BNext CThen DFinally解析:根据答语中Next put them in a bowl可以推测出答案应该是A,C、D选项都应该在next之后。答案:A 4there be句型与havehas there be句型表示“存在有”,havehas表示“拥有,所有”,两者不能同时使用。如:There are th

14、ree books on the desk桌子上有三本书。 I have three books我有三本书。 活学活用 (2011凉山)Ten minutes ago,there an eraser,a pen and some books on the desk Awas Bwere Cis Dhave 解析:本题考查时态及there be句型。由ten minutes ago可知应该用过去时,there be句型中谓语动词使用就近原则。 答案:A 5some与any some意为“一些”,常用在肯定句中作主语、宾语或定语;any意为“一些;任何”,常用在否定句和疑问句中,也可以用在条件状语从句中。some和any作定语时,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。如:You ought to plant some trees here你应当在这里种一些树。适时点津some还可以用在表示邀请的疑问句中。如:Would you like to have some coffee?你要来



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