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1、第 37 期模块 1 Units13 重点单词归纳1. lifestyle 生活方式(a comfortable / healthy lifestyle)2. peaceful 平和的,平静的(peace ,peacefully ) 3. relaxing 轻松的,放松的( relax,relaxation,relaxed)4. stressful 充满压力的,紧张的( stress n. 压力, v. 强调; stressed 焦虑不安的)5. suppose 认为, 料想; 设想, 假定(用于祈使句表建议等) (be supposed to do)6. series 连续,系列,丛书 (s

2、eries of 一系列;TV series 电视连续剧)7. complain 抱怨,投诉 (complain of / about sth );complaint 埋怨,投诉(make a complaint; a letter of complaint)8. switch 转变,改变 (switch between A and B; switch over to; switch sth from . to .; switch off; switch on; switch over) 9. remote (地点) 偏远的;( 时间)遥远的 (in the remote past / fut

3、ure;remote control 遥控器)10. alarm 惊恐,恐慌;警报(sound the alarm; set off the alarm 发出警报,raise the alarm 引起警觉; alarm clock 闹钟) ; alarming 使人恐慌的(at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度)11. urgent 急迫的,紧急的(in urgent need of 急需) ;(urge,urgency,urgently) 12. personal 私人的,个人的(personal belongings 私人财物) ;personally 就个人而言(perso

4、nally speaking) ;personality 性格,个性 13. document n. 文件, 公文, 文献; vt. 记录, 记载14. midnight 午夜, 半夜 (at midnight ) 15. bored 厌烦的, 不感兴趣的(bore,boredom, boring) 16. suffer(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难(suffer from)17. pressure 压力,紧张(put pressure on sb to do sth)18. reduce vt. 减少;缩小; vi.减弱;减轻;reduction 减少,降低19. organise 组织

5、,筹备(organisation)20. diet n. 饮食 , 节食(go on a diet 节食) ;vi. 节食 ;dieter 节食者21. stand 忍耐 , 忍受(近义词为 bear, put up with) (不用于进行时,常用于否定句与疑问句) ;stand for 代表,象征;stand out 显眼,突出;stand by 袖手旁观22. prefer 更喜欢, 宁愿(不用于进行时) (prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 宁愿不愿;prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做) ;pref

6、erence 偏爱,爱好23. volunteer 志愿者(voluntary 自愿的,主动的)24. graduate vi. 毕业,授予学位 (graduate from );n. 毕业生 (a high-school graduate) ;graduation 毕业25. challenge n. 挑战,决斗; 艰巨工作(accept / take up a challenge; give / offer a challenge; meet the challenge(s); vt. 向(某人)挑战26. support n. 支持,帮助;支撑 (in support of) ;vt.

7、支持, 支撑; supporter 支持者,拥护者27. design n. 设计,方案(work out a design 完成设计) ;vt. 设计,构思 28. advertisement 广告(advertisement for sth) ;advertise (为)做广告;advertiser 广告商,广告人员29. presentation 表演,展示; present adj. 现在的,当前的 ; n. 礼物;目前,现在(at present); vt. 展现,表现(present yourself as .)30. solve 解决, 解答; solution 解决办法,答案(

8、a / the solution to sth)31. otherwise 否则;另外32. forecast n. 预测,预报 (fore- 为前缀,意思是“预先,先于” ); vi. 预测,预报(= predict)33. crowd n. 人群,一伙人;vt. 挤满,塞满; crowed 拥挤的(crowded streets)34. distance 距离,遥远 (distance learning 远程学习;keep sb / sth at a distance 与保持一定距离) ;distant 遥远的,久远的35. sickness 疾病, 不健康; 恶心;sick 生病的,有病

9、的 36. classical 古典的(classical music) ,传统的;classic adj. 最优秀的,典型的(特指经典的,优秀的,一流的) ;n. 经典作品,名著37. formal 正式的,合礼仪的(反义词为 informal)38. generous 慷慨的,大方的 (generously, generosity) 39. violent 暴力的, 强暴的(violence,violently ) 40. character 人物 , 性格;characteristic 典型的,独特的41. spaceship 太空船 (manned spaceship)42. expl

10、ore 探险, 考察(exploration,explorer)43. reporter 记者,通讯员;report n. 信息,研究; vi 报告; 报道;传闻44. million 百万(millions of) ;millionaire 百万富翁45. found 建立,创立,创办; founder 创建者,创办者46. opinion 意见,看法( opinion on / of / about sb / sth; in ones opinion; have a good / bad / high / low opinion of sb / sth)47. equal 相等的,平等的,

11、同等的(equal right / opportunity;equal to) ;equality 平等,相等,均等(racial / social equality) ;equally 平等地,同样地,均等地48. struggle n. 斗争,拼搏 (struggle with sb;struggle for / against sth;struggle to do sth) ; vi. 奋斗,斗争,搏斗(struggle for sth; struggle against / with sb / sth)49. skillful 灵巧的,熟练的(skill,skilled,skillfu

12、lly ) 50. awful 极度的,糟糕的;非常的; 可怕的;awfully 非常,极其 (be awfully sorry about sth)51. useless 无用的,无价值的(反义词为 useful)52. compete 比赛,竞赛(compete with / against sb for sth)(competition,competitive,competitor )53. amazing 令人惊异的, 令人惊喜的( amazing success) ;amaze 使惊奇,使惊愕;amazed 大为吃惊的 (amazed at / by sth) 54. unusual

13、 不平常的,与众不同的(反义词 usual) ;unusually 特别地,不同寻常地(反义词 usually)55. champion 冠军,第一名 (the world basketball champion);championship 锦标赛,冠军地位56. keen 热心的,渴望的,喜爱,对着迷(be keen to do sth 渴望做某事; be keen on doing sth 迫切想做某事;be keen on sb / sth 喜欢某人 / 物,对着迷)57. event 竞赛;事件,大事58. fortunately 幸运地(反义词 unfortunately,unluc

14、kily ) ;fortunate 幸运的(反义词unfortunate, unlucky)59. superhero 超级英雄(super-为前缀,意为“超级的” ) 60. promote 促进,提升;促销;晋升(promote sb from . to . ) ;promotion 提升,提拔61. injury 伤害,损害;injure 伤害,使受伤;injured 受伤的,有伤的 62. commit 犯(错误) ,干(坏事) (commit suicide 自杀)63. relationship 关系 (relationship between A and B;relationsh

15、ip with sb);relation 关系,关联(relation between A and B; relation with sb); relate 联系( relate A to B); relative adj. 相关的,相对的; n. 亲戚,亲属(close / distant relative)64. react 反应,回应(react to sth;react by doing sth;react against sb / sth) ; reaction(reaction to sb / sth) 65. quality 质量,品质(quantity 数量)66. disab

16、led 残疾的,无能力的(the disabled) ;disable 使丧失能力, 使伤残;disability 缺陷,障碍67. confident 自信的,有信心的( self-confident) ;confidence 信心,信任,自信心(have confidence in sth / sb)68. admire 钦佩,羡慕(admire sb for sth / doing sth) ;admiration 钦佩,欣赏,羡慕 (have great admiration for sb) ;admirable 可钦佩的,值得欣赏的69. absolutely(强调真实无误)完全地,绝对地,极其;(absolute)70. scholarship 奖学金;scholar 学者,奖学金获得者71. traditional 传统的; tradition 传统(cultural tradition)72. include 包括,包含(


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