〖医学〗neoplasms of genitourinary system 泌尿系肿瘤

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《〖医学〗neoplasms of genitourinary system 泌尿系肿瘤》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《〖医学〗neoplasms of genitourinary system 泌尿系肿瘤(53页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Neoplasms of Genitourinary System 泌尿系肿瘤,Adenocarcinoma of the Kidney,( Renal Cell Carcinoma, RCC, 肾细胞癌),RCC,In US(1999), 30,000 new cases diagnosed, 11,900 deaths from this disease RCC accounts for 3% of adult cancers, 85% of all primary malignant renal tumors RCC occurs most commonly in 5th6th deca

2、de, male-female ratio 2:1,Etiology,Cause: unknown Risk Factors: cigarette smoking, exposure to asbestos (石棉)and tanning(鞣革)products,Etiology,RCC occurs in 2 forms: -inherited(遗传):chromosome translocation, Von Hippel-Lindau disease -sporadic(散发),Pathology,RCC originates from the proximal renal tubula

3、r epithelium. Types: Clear cell type Granular cell type Mixed cell type RCC is most often a mixed adenocarcinoma(腺癌).,Tumor Staging (Robson System),I: Tumor is confined within the kidney parenchyma. II: Tumor involves the perinephric fat but confined within Gerotas fascia (including the adrenal). II

4、IA: Tumor involves the main renal vein/inferior vena cava.,Tumor Staging (Robson System),IIIB: Tumor involves regional LN. IIIC: Tumor involves both local vessels and LN. IVA: Tumor involves adjacent organs other than the adrenal. IVB: Distant metastases.,Clinical Findings,Symptoms & Signs A. Classi

5、cal triadgross hematuria, flank pain, palpable mass (only in 1015% advanced cases) Symptoms secondary to metastatic disease: dysnea & cough, seizure & headache, bone pain Renal tumors are increasingly detected incidentally by CT or ultrasound,Clinical Findings,B. Paraneoplastic Syndromes: erythrocyt

6、osis(红细胞增多症), hypercalcemia(高钙血症), hypertension C. Lab Findings: anemia, hematuria(60%), ESR,Clinical Findings,D. X-ray Findings: *Ultrasonography *Intravenous Urography (IVU): 75% accurate (used alone), calcification *CT scanning: more sensitive, mass +renal hilum, perinephric space and vena cava,

7、adrenals, regional LN and adjacent organs *Renal Angiography,IVU of right RCC,CT scan of right RCC,CT scan of left RCC,RCC invading renal vein,Left cystic RCC,Left cystic RCC,Differential Diagnosis,Benign renal tumors: Angiomyolipoma (血管平滑肌脂肪瘤, 错构瘤),Treatment,1. Localized disease: Surgical removal-o

8、nly potentially curative therapy Radical Nephrectomy (en bloc removal of the kidney and Gerotas fascia including ipsilateral adrenal, proximal ureter, regional lymphadenectomy (淋巴结清扫),Treatment,2.Disseminated disease: nephrectomy- reducing tumor burden radiation- radioresistant tumor, metastases 2/3

9、 effective chemotherapy- 10% effective immunotherapy- IL-2/interferon-alpha, 30% response rate,Prognosis,Stage 5-year survival rate I 88100% II 60% III 1520% IV 020%,Renal Pelvic Cancer,肾盂癌,Incidence: rare, 3% of all urothelial cancers Pathology: transitional cell 90% squamous cell 10%,Clinical Find

10、ings,A. Symptoms & Signs gross hematuria 7090% flank pain 850% B. Lab Findings: hematuria, cytology (40% positive), tumor markers (BTA, NMP22),Clinical Findings,C. Imaging IVU-intraluminal filling defect, unilateral nonvisualization of the collecting system, hydronephrosis US, CT & MRI Ureteropyelos

11、copy (肾盂输尿管镜),IVU of right pelvic Ca,CT scan of right pelvic Ca,CT of right pelvic Ca,Treatment,Standard therapy-nephroureterectomy (肾输尿管全长切除) removal of the entire distal ureter with a small cuff of bladder,Bladder Carcinoma,膀胱癌,Bladder Ca,The second most common cancer of the genitourinary system,

12、male-female ratio 2.7:1 Initiators/Promoters: cigarette smoking occupational exposure genetic events,Staging: TNM System,Histopathology(组织病理学),Transitional cell carcinoma(移行细胞癌)90% Nontransitional cell carcinoma: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell Ca, undifferentiated Ca,Clinical Findings,A. Symptoms: he

13、maturia 8590% irritative voiding symptoms B. Signs: Majority of patients have no pertinent physical signs.,Clinical Findings,C. Lab tests: urine testhematuria urinary cytologydepend on grade and volume of the tumor other markers: BTA, NMP22, telomerase(端粒酶),Clinical Findings,D. Imaging: Ultrasonogra

14、physcreen IVUevaluation of upper urinary tract CT/MRIassessment of the depth of infiltration and pelvic LN enlargement E. Cystoscopy(膀胱镜),Ultrasonography of Bladder Ca,IVU of Bladder Tumor,CT scan of bladder Ca,Bladder Ca under cystoscopy,Treatment,1. Surgery TUR (Trans-Urethral Resection) Partial C

15、ystectomy (膀胱部分切除) Radical Cystectomy(根治性膀胱全切除) 2. Radiotherapy,TUR of Bladder Tumor (TURBT),After TUR,Treatment,3. Intravesical Chemotherapy(膀胱内化疗) molecular response weight rate Mitomycin C 329 3978% Thiotepa 189 up to 55% Doxorubicin 580 mean 38% BCG 3671%,Carcinoma of the Prostate CaP,前列腺癌,CaP,T

16、he most common cancer in American men Increases rapidly with age 95% are adenocarcinoma,Clinical Findings,A. Symptoms early stage: asymptomatic(无症状) locally advanced/metastatic diseaseobstructive or irritative voiding complaints, bone pain, paresthesias(感觉异常)and weakness of lower extremities B. Signs: DREinduration(硬结),C


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