11-12外研版英语七下module 2:unit 1学案【02】

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《11-12外研版英语七下module 2:unit 1学案【02】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《11-12外研版英语七下module 2:unit 1学案【02】(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、11-12外研版英语七下Module 2:Unit 1学案【02】 MODULE 2 Spring FestivalUnit 1 Were getting ready for the Spring Festival.一, 学习目标1,能够听懂关于春节的对话内容2,掌握文中的知识点3,能根据所学谈论关于春节的活动。二, 学习重难点:1,知识点的识记与运用 2,能根据所学谈论关于春节的活动。三, 学习过程(一) 课前自主学习1 My mother is (打扫) the house now.2.We have three (餐) every day.3.Are the twains making

2、( 灯笼 )now?4.What do we often do at the Spring (节日).5.They are ( 学 )English.6.We like watching a ( 龙 ) dance.翻译下列短语 clean the house cook the meal learn a dragon dance make lanterns sweep the floor 完成课本第8页a1(二) 听力训练1, 听材料一,检查a12, 听材料二,并跟读,熟悉课文,完成a3, a43, 再听材料二,将文中不明白的知识点标出 (三)互助合作将划出的疑难问题在小组内解决并展示 (四)

3、精讲点拨1, get ready for sth 为做准备,其中,get ready 意思是准备好,强调准备就绪,介词for意为为了所以get ready for sth 意思是为做准备,如果后面接动词,则用动名词形式,即,get ready for doing sth,意思是,为做做准备。2, 现在进行时的问句,一种是变为一般疑问句,一种是变为特殊疑问句。3, He is at work.其中at work是介词短语,意思是在工作,如:Where is your father?He is at work in the factory.四, 课堂展示五,达标测试1.Look! What are

4、 the boys ?A. do B. does C. doing2.What your father ?A. is, doing B. are doing C. is, do3. They are getting ready the festival.A. to B. for C. of4. Are the boys lanterns?A. make B. playing C. making5. What over there?A. is happening B. is happened C. happenChange the sentences into English1. 你在准备晚饭吗? Supper?2. 孩子们正在学舞龙.The children 3. 我叔叔在上班. My uncle .六,拓展提升和同伴谈论一下在你们家是怎么过春节的。学优中考网


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