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1、Unit 5,Nelson Mandela a modern hero,vocabulary,Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊曼德拉,quality: n. 品质 in the quality of 以.的身分, 以.的资格,of good quality 上等的,优质的 of poor quality劣等的 first-rate quality一等的 extra fine quality 特等的,mean:adj. 1)不客气的,无情的,刻薄的 2)小气的,吝啬的 e.g. Dont be mean to your litter brother! 别对你弟弟那么刻薄 She always

2、 been mean with money. 她在花钱方面总是非常吝啬。 be mean with sth 在某方面吝啬 反义: generous,3)v. 意欲,打算,表 示的意思,mean to do sth. 打算做某事 mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事,mean doing sth. 意味着做某事,e.g. The red light means stop! Missing the train means waiting for an hour.,meaning n.意义,意思 meaningful adj. 有意义的,意义深长的 meaningless adj

3、. 无意义的,intend to do sth. want to do sth. plan to do sth. be intended to do sth.,= mean to do sth, 打算做某事,= be meant to do sth. 打算用来做的,active: adj. 积极的,活跃的 e.g. She takes an active part in school life. be active in 在某方面很积极 take an active part in 积极参加 actively adv. 活跃地 activity n.活动,self: n. e.g. Self

4、do, self have. 自作自受. selfish: adj.自私的 selfishly adv.自私地 selfless: adj.无私的 selflessly adv. 无私地 selflessness n. 无私,He is my best friend, my second self, as it were. A selfish person does not care about other peoples problem. As a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty.,devote: vt.献身,专心于 e.g. She

5、 devoted herself to her career. 她全力倾注于自己的事业。 devoted adj. 热爱的,全心全意的 devotedly adv.全心全意地,devoteto把献给 devote oneself to致力于,献身于,专心于 be devoted to致力于;专用于 e.g. She devoted her life to helping homeless children. Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy.,object to 反对 look forward to盼望 pay atte

6、ntion to注意 lead to 引导、导致 stick to坚持 get/be used to习惯于 get down to 开始认真做,+ V-ing,William Tyndale,第一个将圣经翻译为近代英语的人 英国早期的信教改革者,以其翻译的英文版圣经而闻名于世。他曾长期旅居德国和比利时,深受德国的宗教改革家马丁路德的影响。他擅长希腊文和希伯来文,其译作生动且词汇丰富,他翻译的新约全书,摩西五书和约拿书等成为其后所有英文版圣经的蓝本。,Bible,圣经可以指亚伯拉罕诸教(包括基督新教、天主教、东正教、犹太教等各宗教)的宗教经典。 犹太教的宗教经典是指塔纳赫(或称希伯来圣经),而基

7、督教的则指旧约全书“Old Testament” 和新约全书 “New Testament”两部分。 是全球范围内发行量最大,翻译成语言种类最多的书。 也是第一本被带进太空的书。,Norman Bethune,Dr. Norman Bethune 1922Henry Norman Bethune, MD (March 3, 1890 November 12, 1939) was a Canadian physician, medical innovator, a member of the Communist Party of Canada, and humanitarian. In Chin

8、ese, he is known as “Bai Qiu-en“,found vt. 建立,建设,found founded founded 创建 find found found 发现,set up 主要用于建立组织、机构、公司 学校等 found 强调为建造的事物打下基础 They _ this company last year. His theory _ on facts.,set up,is founded,fee n. 专业服务费,咨询费,报酬 e.g. membership fee 会费 school fee 学费,pay wage fare expense price char

9、ge cost allowance,薪资,工资,侧重指旅行时所付的车船等费用,常指实际支付的费用总数额,商品在市场出售的单价,指提供服务时所索取的费用,货物的成本,也指商品的价格,可与price互换,零花钱,津贴,补贴,1. He gets his pay each Friday. 2. The manager wouldnt pay him his wages. 3. Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare. 4. Its too much of an expense for me to own a car. 5. Prices keep goi

10、ng up. 6. As long as youve paid in advance we wont charge you for delivery. 7. We must reduce the production cost.,stage n. 舞台 on the stage在舞台上 bring/put on the stage 上演 vt. 上演,演出,组织,举行 stage strikes 组织罢工,vote vt. vote on 投票表决 vote for/against 投票支持/反对 Lets vote on it. Its certain that I will vote fo

11、r it. the vote 投票总数,attack vt.攻击,袭击 e.g. A woman was attacked by a gang of young men。 一位妇女遭到一群年轻人的袭击。 attacker 袭击者,进攻人,as a matter of fact事实上,as a matter of fact in fact actually in reality,As a matter of fact, Ive never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。,equal adj. 平等的,相等的 e.g. All men are born equal.

12、所有的人生来就是平等的。 be equal to 等于,相当于 equality n. 同等,平等,e.g. He has got into /is in trouble. We must help him.,be in trouble 有麻烦,处于不幸中,make trouble 制造麻烦 have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难,get into trouble 陷入困境,willing adj. e.g. I am willing to help you in doing anything . 我愿意为你做任何事情。 willingly adv. 乐意地,自

13、愿地 unwilling adj. 不乐意的,不愿意的,turn off 关掉 turn back 折回, 返回 turn out v.结果是 turn over v.滚动,翻过来,in turn 依次, 轮流 turn down v.调低, 关小, 拒绝 turn on v.打开 turn up vt. 朝上翻, 出现,turn to 求助于,致力于,escape,1)vi. 逃跑,逃出,摆脱,逃避(常与from 连用,) e.g. He escaped from prison this prison this morning.,2) vt. 避开,避免 escape + n./doing

14、逃避做某事 She was lucky to escape punishment( being punished). 她真是幸运,逃脱了惩罚。,3)n. 逃走,逃脱,逃走或逃脱的手段,make ones escape逃跑 have a narrow/near escape九死一生,reward. 1 作动词,表示“报酬,酬金,报答,奖赏”,接介词for表示“缘故”,接介词with表示“奖赏的东西”。如: I rewarded you for your help. She rewarded him with a smile. 2. 作名词,表示“报酬,奖赏,报答,酬谢”如: She was gi

15、ven a reward for passing the examination.,3. as a reward for,作为奖赏,为酬谢 in reward of(以)酬谢, He was presented with a gold watch in reward of his services. 4.in reward 作为报答。如: We got nothing in reward for our kindness.,sentence vt. 判决,处决 e.g. The murderer was sentenced to death. 杀人犯被判死刑。 be sentenced to

16、被判处,heavy/light sentence 重/轻判 life sentence终身监禁 death sentence死刑 pass/pronounce sentence宣判 be sentenced to death被判死刑,Background information about Nelson Mandela,1918 born near Transkei (South Africa) 1937 entered university but did not complete degree 1940 completed law degree at the university 1944 formed ANC Youth League 1952 set up law office to help poor black people in Johanne



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