end up 的用法大全

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《end up 的用法大全》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《end up 的用法大全(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、end up with 后面的宾语是其主语的一部分,而 end up in 后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果。:The meeting ended up with a song.(a song 是主语 The meeting 的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束).Their effort ended up in failure(failure 是主语 Their effort 的结果). with、 in、 doing 只是 end up 的不同搭配end up: 结束,告终例句与用法: 1. The people who design Americas nuclear bomb

2、s believe they helped win the Cold War. But now that the war is over, many wonder whether theyll end up out in the cold. 设计美国核弹的人相信他们帮忙打赢了冷战,可是既然冷战已经结束,很多人不知道他最终会不会受到冷落。 2. If you do that, youll end up with egg on your face. 你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终 3. These affairs always end up the same way, he grumbled,ev

3、erybody looking to me to tell them what to do. Oh? Id have thought that was just your scene! 这些事情总是以同样的方式而告终, 他抱怨道,大家指望我告诉他们做什么。哦?我还以为那正合你的口味呢! 4. Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。 5. You could end up running this company if you play your cards right. 你要是处理得当, 到头来这个公司能归你掌管 . 6. If

4、 you continue to steal youll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱. 7. If he carries on driving like that, hell end up dead. 他照这样开车, 早晚得死於非命 . End in 以.结束/结尾(加抽象名词)The demonstration end in a violent clash with the police.游行示威以与警察的激烈冲突而告终Most plural nouns in English end in s.英语的复数名词多以 s 结尾.Life does not en

5、din death.生命不在死亡中结束。Although i know our love will endin nothing.只要是真正的爱情,也一样惊心动魄 .9. NOTICE: Your installation will endin step 8.注意:您的安装将结束在步骤8。10. Youve owned that it would probably endin misery for us.你已经承认了,这件事结果也许会给咱们带来苦恼。Some say the world will endin fire, (but) some say in ice.有些人说世界将结束于愤怒(火)中

6、,但有些人说结束于冷漠(冰)中。英英解释: Where to go? What to do? So many choises that all endin pain, endin death.去哪里?做什么?太多的选择可这一切都会在痛苦与死亡中终结At current rates, we can expect about half of all marriages to endin divorce.按目前的势头,我们可以预期一半左右婚姻将以离婚而告终。Sadly, some amateur launchings endin tragedyThink of love as a state of

7、grace,not the means to anything,but the alpha and omega,an endin itself.请把爱情想成一种优雅的状态,它并不是一种手段,它如其所在,如其所是。爱始于爱,终于爱。Despite the disappointment of such a late defeat Rafa still insists the season could endin glory.“尽管表达了对被绝杀的失望之情,拉法坚持说这赛季将以荣耀来结束。 ”the countrys quick economic growth would endin economi

8、c depression.Often relationships begin with a flurry of romance and then endin great dissonance, argument or strife.经常的,关系以浪漫激情开始,而以巨大的不和谐、争执或冲突而结束。Heightened expectations can endin disappointmentEnd up withHis false accusations kicked back and ended up with himself in prison.他的诬告反而害了自己,落得个坐牢的下场。Lov

9、e is as smile start, as kiss grow, endupwith tear. ?A trio of beauties try to conquer the male world and endupwith a deeper understanding of men.三个女人组成的红粉兵团企图征服男性世界,最终更深地了解了男性世界。 I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than endupwith a mouthful ofif onlys later on.因此,我决心继续向前走而不是将梦想仅仅结束在口头上的“

10、如果”。就这样,A vote at the trusts board could endupwith a draw, as the German government may prefer a different bidder than GM.信托委员会的投票结果可能出现平局,因为德国政府与通用汽车可能会各自青睐不同的竞购者。At some point consolidation of development is going to occur at Autodesk and were going to endupwith fewer choices.如果一些重要的开发计划和新产品都出现在欧特

11、克公司,那我们用户很可能最终只能有非常少的选择权利。she is likely to endupwith a happy home she has helped to buildWere not saying you should endupwith your clone, but ideally it should be someone who complements your personality (see the next rule for more details).我们并不是说你应该和你的 克隆人在一起,但是理想情况应该是那个人和你具有互补性(请详见下一条规则).Every tim

12、e we answer a question, we endupwith 25 more questions.“我们每次解答一个问题,我们总共有25个问题。This crisis will end sooner than later, and if you dont manage yourself through this crisis properly you can endupwith problems going forward.经济危机迟早会结束,如果不能设法让自己平稳度过危机,最终麻烦会一直跟着你。They are both doing well, and Hillary Clint

13、on may endupwith a few more delegates in the last few contests, but she is not going to catch him.他俩都干得不错,而克林顿可能在最后几次角逐中会多赢得几名代表,但是她不可能赶上奥巴马。Players that buy ISK and spend it on cool stuff will endupwith a negative wallet balance and in some cases cannot get out of debt.玩家购买了 ISK 并花掉也会让你的钱包的结余是一个负资产

14、,有的甚至有可能不再恢复正值。As Mark Twain once said, “Studying humor is like dissecting a frog you may know a lot but you endupwith a dead frog.正如马克吐温曾经说过, “研究幽默就像解剖一只青蛙也许你能获益良多,但最终得到的只是一具青蛙尸体。 ”We could endupin the same mess all over again.如果一切从头开始,我们还是会陷入同样的混乱之中So formulate a plot fore I endupin jail or shot.我

15、需要耍点手段,要不然就只剩坐牢或被射杀的命运You will endupin prison if you continue to steal.如果你继续偷东西你最终会坐牢的。Many young people endupin a job to which they are not suited .许多年轻人最终还是干了一件不适合他们的工作。Many endupin landfills and that is where the trouble really begins.很多(电脑显示器)最终都是填埋处理,而麻烦也正是从这里开始的。Some detainees from US military

16、 detention facility at Guantnamo Bay, Cuba could endupin Europe.几名来自美军古巴关塔那摩湾拘留中心的囚犯可能会被关押在欧洲。Often these individuals endupin the military or navy of ones country, and may never leave, making the military their career.经常地,这些人会成为自己国家陆军或海军的一员并永远不会离开,把从事军事作为自己的职业生涯。Little is currently known about where such particles endupin the atmosphere and what overall effect they have on the climate.现在几乎每人知道这些浮质到大气层何处会消失,也不了解这些浮质究竟


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