新概念英语六年级 40

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《新概念英语六年级 40》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新概念英语六年级 40(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 40课堂用语:Now,Lets begin our new class ,are you ready ?Let”s go !Turn to page 42,new words and expressions 。Read after me,please!Please read louldly !Who can read louldly ?You ,please!Very good !Sit down please!Now , listen to the tape then answer the question Let”s check the answers !一、 课堂教学复习L

2、esson 39默写(15分钟)1.默写front careful flower 2.默写重点句子你打算如何处理那花瓶呢?我打算把它放在这张桌子上把它给我小心点(教师批改讲解,表扬 鼓励,提出要求)3.检查学生熟读课文情况练习(15分钟)练习册Lesson 39二、新课教授(25分钟)1. words(带读三遍,齐读三遍,自读三遍)1) show -v. Show me your love. Show your love to me. (顺便复习直接宾语与间接宾语)n. talk show n. 脱口秀 car show 车展2) send -v. send sb. sth.send him

3、a letter send her a bunch of roses sender3) take -bring2,语法动词 give ,show ,send 等后面结;两个宾语,即直接宾语(物)和间接宾语(人)时,如果直接宾语紧邻动词后则间接宾语之前带介词to :反之,则不带 to 。3. do exercise:句型练习:练习册Lesson 41 Pennys bag一、课堂教学1. words:(15分钟)1) sugar - sugar daddy (老色鬼) candy sweets dessert2) coffee - black coffee (pure coffee) white

4、 coffeetea: green/black/flower tea jasmine (茉莉花) teadrink: soft drink coca, tea, coffee, soda, pure water, mineral water, purified water, wine, red wine, white wine, vodica, Jean, wisky, brandy, spirit (white spirit), cocktail, cocktail party3) tobacoo - smoke. n./v. Would you like a smoke? No smoki

5、ng.2. grammar:( 20分钟)1) 不可数名词如何论量:a (glass, cup, pound, bottle etc.) +of+不可数名词 eg: a glass of water一瓶牛奶 一口袋钱 一杯茶 一包茶叶 一公斤巧克力 一磅面包 一张纸 半磅肉 参看82页2)Well, Its certainly not for me.certainly作为副词的位置,是在系动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前。Now, do exercise: 请在下列句中加上certainly 或really I dont like meat.He wants to go to Africa.Th

6、e girl is very pretty.He is a gentleman.2. 不可数名词:不可数名词包括专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词。一般来说,将物体一分为二。如果分开的物体没有名称上的变化,那就是不可数的,反之就是可数名词。气体和液体的单词通常是不可数的,粉状或颗粒状油状的单词也是不可数的,如:air 空气;smoke 烟;water 水;milk 奶;sand 沙;rice 米;butter 黄油;cream 霜(像霜一样)物体分割后没有发生变化的不可数名词:ice 冰;bread 面包;cloth 布;paper 纸;wood 木头;money 钱抽象名词都是不可数的:room

7、空间;thinking 思想;letter 文学;advice 忠告有些单词既可数,又不可数:cloud 云、ice cream 冰激凌;cake 蛋糕;fish 鱼有些单词因词意的不同既是可数的、又是不可数的:room 空间(房间) ;tin 锡(罐头) ;glass 玻璃(玻璃杯)youth 青春(青年人)常用不可数名词一览:bread 面包 beer 啤酒 cloth 布 coffee 咖啡 cream 奶油 dust 尘土 glass 玻璃 gold 黄金 ice 冰 jam 果酱 oil 油 paper 纸 sand 沙 soap 肥皂 stone 石头 tea茶 water 水 j

8、uice 饮料 wine 葡萄酒 wood 木头advice news information progress work fun weather music health luck equipment furniture progress不可数名词的语法包括:(1)不可数名词没有复数,也不用数词修饰:(2)不可数名词谓语采用单数形式:There is some in the bottle.(3)不可数名词不用不定冠词 a/am 修饰,除非特指也不用定冠词。The cat is drinking milk.用一种情况例外,就是在口语中省略介词的:Give me a wine. = Give m

9、e a bottle of wine.(4)不可数名词常和介词组成介词短语充当可数名词,但仍不改复数:There are many cup of tea.不可数名词与 of 的搭配:a bit of news 一件消息a cake of soap 一块肥皂a drop of oil 一滴油a grain of sand 一粒沙子a pane of glass 一块玻璃a piece of advice 一条忠告a pot of jam 一罐果酱a sheet of paper 一页纸a box of milk 一盒牛奶(5)修饰不可数名词的形容的词:可数 many 不可数 much a little of 两者 some/any a lot of3.课文听读(10 分钟)二、 课堂巩固练习册 (五分钟)



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