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1、1注:05 黄浦一模,全称为 05 学年黄浦一模试题,即 2006 年 1 月进行的一模考试,依次类推。A句子 出处 建议分值1.尽管付出的努力不可估量,但那些偏远山城都已通车,这让全国人民感到无比自豪。(accessible)Although the efforts made are beyond measure, those remote mountainous cities have been accessible to cars, which makes all the Chinese people / the whole nation feel very proud/full of

2、pride.09 虹口二模 5 分2.虽然空气污染被公认为是这个地区最严重的问题,但是当地政府所采取的行动还远不尽如人意。 (action)Although its generally accepted that air pollution is the most serious problem in this area, the action (that) the local government is taking is far from (being) satisfactory.06 七区联考二模5 分3.如果你真的想解决问题,你必须在情况变得更糟之前,立即采取行动处理它。(action

3、)If you really want to solve this problem, you have to take immediate action to deal with it before the situation/ it gets worse.11 黄浦二模 5 分4.毋庸置疑,近年来,由心理压力引起的问题已经影响到了越来越多的中学生。(affect)There is no doubt that problems caused by/ resulted from psychological pressures have affected more and more middle

4、school students in recent years.09 嘉定一模 5 分5.虽然全球性的金融危机使就业问题雪上加霜,大学毕业生还是对未来充满信心。 (Although)Although the global financial crisis has added to the difficulty of employment, university graduates are still full of confidence about their future.08 徐汇一模 5 分6.虽然大家对整容的看法在某种程度上已有所转变,但必须承认它带来的风险。 (Although)Al

5、though peoples view on cosmetic surgery has changed to some extent, we must acknowledge that risk goes with it/ there is risk.10 徐汇二模 5 分7.Jenny 非常希望她的父母能允许她独自一人去日本旅游,但令她失望的是,他们不同意,还给出了 N 条理由。(anxious)Jenny was anxious for her parents to allow her to travel around / in Japan alone / on her own, but

6、to her disappointment, they disagreed, giving / and gave / with several reasons.11 黄浦一模 5 分8.谈判双方只关心各自利益,且对各自应承担的责任意见相左,至今没有在该问题上达成最终协定。 (As)As negotiating parties only care about their own interests and hold different opinions on the duties they should take (respectively), so far no final agreement

7、 on the issue has been reached.09 闵行一模 5 分9.世界各地的导演、演员不远万里齐聚一堂,令本次电影节受到了广泛的关注利报道。 (attention)Directors and actors from all over the World have traveled all the way to gather here, making the film festival receive widespread 11 闸北二模 5 分2attention and coverage.B句子 出处 建议分值10.中国达人秀(China Talent Show) 吸引

8、了成千上万名各个年龄层的人,因为它给普通人以展示自我的机会。 (because)China Talent Show has attracted thousands of people of all ages, because it offers ordinary people opportunities to show themselves.11 卢湾一模 5 分11.很多年后他才明白,每个人,无论强弱贫富,只要他对社会做出了贡献,就应该得到尊重。(before)It was many years before he realized that everyone, strong or weak

9、, rich or poor, should be respected as long as he had made contribution(s) to the society.09 黄浦一模 5 分12.在孩子们能够表达或理解一门语言之前的很长一段时间,他们靠面部表情和发出噪声和大人们交流。 (before)Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they can communicate with adults through facial expressions and by making nois

10、es.Children can communicate with adults through facial expressions and by making noises long before they are able to speak or understand a language.11 奉贤一模 5 分13.今天我们开会的目的是要讨论如何来解决问题,而不是谁造成了这个问题,所以请不要再浪费时间争论该责备谁了。(blame)The purpose of our meeting today is to discuss how to solve the problem, not who

11、 (has) caused it, so please dont waste time arguing about who is to blame (any longer).09 黄浦二模 5 分14.整个周末他都在忙着复习备考,只在吃饭的时候才歇一歇。(busy)He was busy reviewing his lessons and preparing for the exam the whole weekend, only taking a break at meal time.10 徐汇松江一模5 分C句子 出处 建议分值15这么寒冷的天气里他还坚持在河里游泳,这使我不得不钦佩他的勇

12、气和毅力。(cant help)He keeps swimming in the river in such cold weather that I cant help but admire his courage and perseverance.11 杨浦一模 5 分17.年轻人如果不知道他们的人生目标,也不为之而努力奋斗,那注是定要失败的。 (certain) 09 长宁二模 5 分3It is certain that young people will ( are to ) fail if they dont know (unless you know) what their amb

13、itions / goals are and strive for / work hard for them.18.如今,很多机场使用电子设备来检查旅客携带的行李中的违禁物品。 (check)Nowadays, many airports use electronic equipment to check the forbidden items in the luggage passengers carry.11 闸北一模 5 分19.毋庸置疑,她将会被选为 2010 年世博会志愿者,因为她有很强的沟通能力。 (choose)There is no doubt that she will be

14、 chosen as/ to be a volunteer for the World Expo 2010, because/ for she is good at communication/has great/remarkable ability to communicate (with others). 08 浦东二模 5 分20.我们被告知任何情况下都不可以用办公室的电话处理私事。(under no circumstances)We have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the of

15、fice for personal affairs.09 崇明二模 5 分21.这种药品不如广告上说得那么有效,因为他服了药后,远没有缓解他的咳嗽。(claim)The medicine was not so effective as it was claimed in the advertisement, for it was far from relieving his cough after he took it.11 静安一模 5 分22.人们开始钟情于徒步旅行(hiking),因为可以接触大自然,同时还能锻炼身体。(come to)People come to favor/like

16、hiking (as way to travel) because they can get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. 07 徐汇二模 5 分23.即使朝鲜半岛(Korean Peninsula)能实现和平,仍然有许多问题有待解决。 (come to)Even if peace should come to Korean Peninsula, many problems would remain to be solved./ Even if peace came to Korean Peninsula, many problems would remain to be solved. / Even if peace comes to Korean Peninsula, many problems remain to be solved.10 长宁一模 5 分24.研究与观察的结果表明,随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活的质量。(concern)The findi


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