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1、谢谢 谢!谢! Promoting Urban Green Travel - Vision 、Strategy and policies 促进城市绿色出行促进城市绿色出行 愿景、策略与政策愿景、策略与政策 中国城市交通发展面临的挑战与机遇中国城市交通发展面临的挑战与机遇1 更加科学的城市交通政策调控路线图更加科学的城市交通政策调控路线图2 促进城市绿色出行的愿景促进城市绿色出行的愿景3 六个方面的政策建议六个方面的政策建议4 目录 Contents 一、中国城市交通发展面临的挑战与机遇 Opportunities and Challenges 3 近年来中国绿色出行分担率特别是自行车与步行分担

2、率下降的速度非 常快,许多城市十年间下降了10%以上。Rapid decline of green travel mode share, in particular cycling and walking but still higher than in most western countries 中国许多城市近五年来小汽车增长的速度已超过20%。The number of cars increased by 20% over the past 5 years in many cities 中国特大城市和部分大城市交通拥堵与空气污染日益严重,并正向中 等城市蔓延。Extensive urba

3、n traffic congestion and air pollution - now spreading to medium-size cities 4 尽管面临诸多问题,中国城市机动车的保有量仍非常低,步行与自行 车出行比例远也高于发达国家城市,为构建一个公平、高效、绿色的城 市提供了一个独特而难得的机会。 Current low number of motor vehicles as well as higher rates of walking and cycling than developed countries provide unique chance for constru

4、cting fair, economically and resources efficient cities 但是,如果中国城市政府不能尽快给潜在的小汽车消费者提供高吸引 力的绿色出行系统,并采取足够影响小汽车消费的果断、有效的管理政 策,中国城市将错过培育绿色出行方式的最佳时机。 However, without a sufficiently attractive green travel system for potential car consumers and effective car ownership and use management policies, Chinese c

5、ities will miss this opportunity to cultivate green travel modes. 中国城市交通发展面临的挑战与机遇 Opportunities and Challenges 4 时间 发展周期 Development cycle Policy focus on cars 小汽车主导的交通政策( _ ) Number of cars 小汽车数量(- - - ) ? 这个过程是否可以缩短?这个过程是否可以缩短? Can this process be short-circuited? 二、更加科学的城市交通政策调控路线图 Can China sho

6、rt-cut the car policy trajectory? 你规划的就将是你得到的!You get what you plan for! 如果一味规划并修建道路,那么道路交通将越来越拥堵,直到耗尽所有的资源 无论是空间或是金钱! If you plan for roads and build roads you will get road traffic 城市道路投资 Urban car focussed investment 基于道路交通的选址 Location decisions based on car transportation 可达性 Accessibility Chang

7、es 容量 Capacity Problems Until you run out of resources: space or money! 三、促进城市绿色出行的愿景 Vision 让不同社会队层群体-无论是银行家、政府高官、普通清洁工还 是老弱妇孺、残障人士都愿意乘坐公共交通工具。 Make public transport attractive so that all social groups including bankers, senior government officials, cleaners and the disadvantaged are all willing t

8、o use it. 让全体城市居民能够放心选择有利健康、又舒适环保的步行和自 行车方式出行。 Providing safe and convenient environment - for all citizens to walk and cycle 原则与策略 Strategy 公交引导城市发展 Transit Orientated Development 强化交通需求管理 Transport Demand Management 优先发展绿色交通 Prioritizing Green Travel 避免Avoid 转移 Shift 改善 Improvement http:/ 31/23597

9、9/index.html http:/ 373450143.shtml 政策研究的方式创新-引进公众参与 Public involvement in policy research 人民网-环保专题-酷中国项目 公众参与城市交通问题的影响分析 Analysis of urban transport impacts 公众参与交通需求管理政策制订 TDM policy making 10 政政 策策 建建 议议 1.出台出台中国城市绿色出行纲要中国城市绿色出行纲要 Outline of China Urban Green Travel Implementation 2.实施更有力的财税支持政策实施

10、更有力的财税支持政策 Stronger fiscal policies 3.出台合理使用小汽车指导意见出台合理使用小汽车指导意见 Policy guidelines for the rational use of cars and road space 4.健全体制机制、鼓励公众参与健全体制机制、鼓励公众参与 Cross ministry/department coordination, performance appraisal and public participation 5.完善促进绿色出行国家相关法规完善促进绿色出行国家相关法规 Laws and regulations 6.实施实

11、施促进绿色出行示范工程促进绿色出行示范工程Demonstration Projects of Promoting Urban Green Travel 四、四、6 个方面的政策建议个方面的政策建议 建议:引导城市建立起现代化的城市绿色交通系统 Establishing a modern urban green travel system: 对不同社会阶层群体均具有吸引力的、低排放的、高运营效率的公共交通系统; Be attractive to all social groups, have low emission and high operation efficiency; 对城市普通居民与

12、特殊群体(残疾人、老年人、儿童等)均适宜的步行与自行车 出行环境及无缝换乘的便利条件; Be walking and cycling friendly and have convenient links to public transport 与城市发展相适应的小汽车使用管理措施;Implement management measures for private vehicle ownership and use, and; 高效土地利用的、生态宜居的城市发展布局,以较低的时间与经济成本提供便利 的工作与生活服务条件。 Ensure that city development makes ef

13、ficient use of land and provides all residents with a liveable environment and safe access to basic services and jobs without undue travel time and cost burdens 1. 国务院在建设生态文明与走新型城镇化道路的国家战略框架下, 出台中国城市绿色出行实施纲要 The State Council should issue the Outline of China Urban Green Travel Implementation as par

14、t of the national strategy for building an ecological civilization and to reform urbanization 2.中央政府需确保地方城市能够筹集足够的、可持续的地方资金,使 得城市公共交通企业有足够的资金支持。 The Central Government should: a) enable city governments to raise sufficient and sustainable local sources of revenue to fund local public transport compa

15、nies and; b) provide targeted financial support for specific projects. 建议: 增加地方公共交通发展资金来源,并将其作为一种常态化的财政保障工具。 Cities should be able to raise adequate funds locally through new forms of taxes 中央政府明确对地方政府财政支持的引导性资金来源。重点支持大容量公共交通、 慢行交通、综合客运枢纽等基础设施建设,节能型运输装备购置与更新,智能公交 建设等领域。The central government shall s

16、pecify the use of supporting funds to cities, which should mainly be used for supporting high capacity public transport, non-motorized transport modes, comprehensive passenger transport hubs, low energy consuming transportation equipment and intelligent public transport. 加强对不同类型城市的公交成本核算与票制票价形成机制的分类指导,扭转过度追 求低票价造成的城市公交企业亏损状况。Strengthen central government guidance on the public transpo


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