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1、Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.,The food we have,cany,chocolate,apple,sandwich,chicken,biscuit,beef,strawberry,rice,ice-cream,watermelon,fish,tomato,cabbage,potato chips,Group work,Work in groups and write down the food you know.,Vegetables: tomato, cabbage, _ Meat:

2、 chicken, fish,_ Fruits: apple, banana, _ Staple: rice, wheat, _,Write down the food you usually eat.,I usually have _ for my breakfast. I usually have _ for my lunch. I usually have _ for my supper.,key points,1.be careful (not) to do sth.当心(不)要做某事 Be careful to cross the road. 过马路要当心。 2.illness意为“

3、疾病”,是ill 的名词形式。常与sickness通用,用于指抽象的疾病。,key points,1. take care of =look after 照顾,照看 2.eat too much salt or suger 吃太多的盐或者糖 3.eat too much candy or ice cream 吃太多的糖果或者冰激凌 4. a healthy drink 一种健康的料饮,key points,1. force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 The policeman forced him to stay in room. 警察强制他待在家里。 2. a glass o

4、f milk 一杯牛奶 3.be always doing sth 老是,一直做某事 带有一定的感情色彩。 He is always forgetting my name. 他总是忘记我的名字。,key points,1. during Michaels childhood 在迈克尔小的时候 2. have to 不得不 3.eat many vegetables and fruits 吃许多的蔬菜和水果 4.keep healthy 保持健康,key points,1.as soon as 意为 “尽快” 也可以指“一. 就.” Please write to me as soon as p

5、ossible. As soon as Michael saw it,he got mad. 迈克尔一看到它,就很生气。 2.make sb do sth 使某人做某事 His mother made him taste it. 他的妈妈想让他尝一尝。 The monkey makes us laugh. 这只猴子使我们发笑。,key points,1. get mad 感到生气 get是系动词,后加形容词,构成细表结构 类似结构有look happy 看起来高兴 sound interesting 听起来有趣 turn warm 变暖 taste good 尝起来好,key points,1

6、.be surprised to do sth 很惊讶地做某事 He was surprised to find that it was delicious. 他很惊讶的发现白菜很美味。 I am very surprised to find him here. 在这见到他我很惊讶。,Key points,3. His mother made him taste it. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 Eg: 妈妈总是让我学习英语。 My mother always makes me study English.,4. He was surprised to find that

7、 it was delicious. be surprised to do sth. 对做某事很惊讶 Eg: 她很惊讶地发现她的新自行车不见了。 She was surprised to find that her new bike was lost.,预习导纲: 1、单词互译与记忆 1)tomato (复数形式) 2) potato_(复数形式) 3) illness 4)weak 5) surprise _ 6)taste_ 2、短语互译与记忆 1) take care of 2) force sb. to do 3)leave for 4)一 就 5)让某人做某事 _ 3、句子理解与熟读

8、 1) Be careful not to eat too much salt or sugar. 2) But her mother always forced her to drink it. 3) As soon as Michael saw it , he got mad. 4)But his mother made him taste it. 5) He was surprised to find that it was delicious!,选词填空 tomato weak ill sugar taste 1) Eating too much salt may cause _. 2

9、)I like the pizza with _. 3) Be careful not to eat too much_, its bad for our teeth. 4) Mom, the beef _very good. 5) You look thin and _. You should do more exercise.,( ) 1.We were all _to see him here. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprises ( ) 2. The boss forced the workers _for 12 ho

10、urs a day before. A. work B. working C. to work D. works ( ) 3. My mother always _ me very well. A. takes care of B. takes care C. cares for D. cares of ( ) 4. _ my father saw the broken bike, he got angry A. As soon as B. So C. Before D. While ( ) 5. Dont eat too much chocolate _candy at night. A.

11、and B. or C. but D. with,1b,Listen to 1a and match the following sentences with the pictures.,录音1a-P39,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),Drink milk. B. Dont eat too much salt or sugar. C. Eat vegetables and fruit. D. Dont eat too much candy or ice cream.,A,D,B,C,1c,Watch the flash and circle True or False.,Kangkang l

12、iked to eat much sugar when he was a child. True False 2. Marias teeth were not strong because she liked eating ice cream. True False 3. Jane didnt like drinking milk. True False 4. By chance Michael found that cabbage was good. True False 5. Often our mothers advice is good for our health. True Fal

13、se,视频1a-P39,Retell the passage,Kangkangs mother often told him _ because it _. Marias mother said that she _ because Marias teeth _.,not to eat too much salt or sugar,might cause illness,mustnt eat too much candy or ice cream,were very weak,Retell the passage,Janes mother often forced her _ because

14、its _. Michaels mother asks him _ because they can _.,to drink milk,a healthy drink,to eat many vegetables and fruit,keep him healthy,Task,Look at the foods that Danny eats and discuss if they are healthy. If not, give your advice.,Dannys meals Breakfast: sandwich, potato chips Lunch: rice with a lot of meat, such as chicken, beef, etc. Dinner: fish, strawberries, ice cream At night: candy, chocolate, biscuit My advice: _ _ _,Discuss whether Dannys eating habits are healthy.,H



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