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1、WARNINGS - PRECAUTIONS - GENERALADVICEBefore starting the engine, carefully read thismanual and in particular the section “SAFEDRIVE”.Your and other peoples safety dependsnot only on your quickness of reflexes and on youragility, but also on what you know about the vehicle, on its efficiency and on

2、your knowledge of thebasic information for “SAFE DRIVE”. Therefore,get a thorough knowledge of the vehicle, in such away as to be able to ride in the traffic safely.NOTE Keep a stock of one bulb per type with thevehicle (see technical data).NOTE This manual must be considered as anintegral part of t

3、he vehicle and must alwaysaccompany it, even in case of resale.DERBI has carried out this manual with the maximum attention, in order to supply the user with correct and updated information. However, since DERBI constantly improves the design of its products, there may be slight discrepancies betwee

4、n the characteristics of your vehicle and those described in this manual. For any clarification concerning the information contained in this manual,do not hesitate to contact an DERBI AuthorisedDealer. For inspections and repair operations not expressly described in this publication, for the purchas

5、e of DERBI genuine spare parts, accessories and other products, as well as for specific advice, contact exclusively DERBI Authorised Dealers and Service Centres, which guarantee prompt and accurate assistance.Thank you for choosing DERBI. We wish you anice ride.P11警告 预防措施建议在起动发动机之前,仔细阅读安全手册特别是开车部分。你

6、和别人的安全,不仅和你的反应速度和你的敏捷性有关,还和你所掌握的车辆的功能和安全驾驶的信息有关。因此,学习该摩托车的全面的知识,以这样的一种方式可以在交通中安全的行驶。注意 保持车辆有照明灯泡(请参阅技术数据)。注意 本手册必须被视为摩托车不可分割的一部分,必须始终伴随着它,即使转售。DERBI对本手册进行了极大的关注,为了向用户提供正确和更新后的信息。然而,由于DERBI不断改关善其产品的设计,可能会和你的车辆和本手册中所描述的那些原则有细微差异。对于任何澄清关于本手册中包含的信息,不要犹豫联系一个DERBI授权经销商。 检查和修复操作本出版物中描述不明确的情况,DERBI真正购买的备件、配件和其他产品,以及具体建议,联系DERBI独家授权经销商和服务中心,保证及时和准确的援助。 非常感谢您选择DERBI。我们希望你一个美好的旅程。



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