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1、2019/1/8,1,风能利用技术,明廷臻,2019/1/8,2,“Windpower is the fastest growing source of energy in the world today. Growth rates have exceeded 30% per year over the past decade”.,2019/1/8,3,一、概述 太阳光从上而下照射大气层,使之升温。又由于地球的自转和公转,地面附近各处受热不均,大气温差发生变化,引起空气流动。空气在水平方向上的流动就形成了风。 由于风有一定的质量和速度,并且有一定温度,因此它具有能量。太阳辐射到地球的光能大约有

2、2转变为风能。尽管如此,风能的数量依然很大。它相当于全球目前每年耗煤能量的1000倍以上。,2019/1/8,4,Formation of winds by local heating and cooling,2019/1/8,5,2019/1/8,6,2019/1/8,7,太阳辐射到地球之能量中的2%变成风力,其中之0.1%可供为风力发电之用,因此只要充分利用风力之2%左右即足够人类中所需。 风力发电的风能收集器是风车叶片以吸收风的动能,然后传到旋转轴再带动发电机发电,且能够供应全国发电,可减少石油燃料的浪费。,2019/1/8,8,风能的用途,提水 风力发电 风帆助航 利用风能加热,201

3、9/1/8,9,人类利用风能的历史可以追溯到公元前。 我国是世界上最早利用风能的国家之一。,2019/1/8,10,2019/1/8,11,Dates back to 600 AD,2019/1/8,12,Used in the US for pumping water,2019/1/8,13,1st windmill to generate electricity was built in 1888.,Charles F. Brush (1849-1929),2019/1/8,14,Wind farms became popular in California in the 1980s.,2

4、019/1/8,15,二、风力发电原理 1. The Wind Rose风玫瑰图 在极坐标底图上点绘出的某一地区在某一时段内各风向出现的频率或各风向的平均风速的统计图。 前者为“风向玫瑰图”,后者为“风速玫瑰图”。因图形似玫瑰花朵,故名。,2019/1/8,16,风速的粗算,风速随高度的变化:,v为距地面高为h处的风速,v1高度为h1的风速。n为经验指数,取决于大气稳定度和地面粗糙度,常为0.1250.5。,2019/1/8,17,不同地表面粗糙度的n值 (地面100以下区域),2019/1/8,18,蒲福风级,2019/1/8,19,2.风能:空气密度和转子面积 风力透平获得能量,将风力转换

5、成风力透平叶片的转矩,风能转换成转矩的数量依赖于空气密度和风速。 空气密度越大,风速越大,可转换的风能越大。 转子扫过的面积越大,接受风能越大。,2019/1/8,20,气流动能,气流速度为v,垂直流过截面积为A的假想面,在t时间内流过该截面气流的体积和质量,在t 时间内,流过该截面的风能及其风功率:,风力透平输出功率:,2019/1/8,21,2019/1/8,22,Wind power,2019/1/8,23,三、wind turbine 风力发电机主要结构包括叶片、发电机、增速装置、控制系统、塔架、机舱.等。 风车的斜面叶片受到风的阻力,产生一股反抗的力量,力量作用而造成风车的转动就是作

6、用力与反作用力的原理。,2019/1/8,24,1. Wind Energy System Components,Tower 塔 Rotor 转子 Wind Turbine 风力透平,2019/1/8,25,Tower,Small Wind Towers: Height: 10 - 30 m Medium-size Towers: Height: 25 - 50 m Large-size Towers: Height: 50 - 110 m,2019/1/8,26,Rotor,Material: Composite Wood Fiberglass Blade Concepts: The Dan

7、ish Three-Bladed Concept Two-Bladed (Teetering) Concept One-Bladed Concept,2019/1/8,27,水平轴 垂直轴,2019/1/8,28,Wind Turbine,Small Turbines Power: 50 60 kW Medium- size Turbines Power: 50 1500 kW Large-size Turbines Power: 2 3 MW,2019/1/8,29,The nacelle(吊篮) contains the key components of the wind turbine

8、。,The rotor blades capture the wind and transfer its power to the rotor hub(轮毂).,2019/1/8,30,The low speed shaft of the wind turbine connects the rotor hub to the gearbox. 变速箱 On a modern 1000 kW wind turbine the rotor rotates relatively slowly, about 19 to 30 revolutions per minute (RPM). The shaft

9、 contains pipes for the hydraulics system to enable the aerodynamic brakes to operate.,The hub of the rotor is attached to the low speed shaft of the wind turbine.,2019/1/8,31,The high speed shaft rotates with approximately. 1,500 revolutions per minute (RPM) and drives the electrical generator.,The

10、 gearbox has the low speed shaft to the left. It makes the high speed shaft to the right turn approximately 50 times faster than the low speed shaft.,2019/1/8,32,electrical generator. On a modern wind turbine the maximum electric power is usually between 600 and 3000 kilowatts (kW).,2019/1/8,33,风向会经

11、常改变,为了有效地利用风能,必须要有自动迎风的装置,它根据风向感测仪测得的风向信号,由控制器控制偏移电机, 驱动小齿轮再推动塔架上的大齿轮,使整个机舱藉此自动控制的系统,能够一直对向迎风面。,2019/1/8,34,The anemometer and the wind wane are used to measure the speed and the direction of the wind.,2019/1/8,35,The electronic controller contains a computer which continuously monitors the conditio

12、n of the wind turbine and controls the yaw mechanism(偏移装置).,The hydraulics system is used to reset the aerodynamic brakes of the wind turbine.,2019/1/8,36,The cooling unit contains an electric fan which is used to cool the electrical generator. In addition, it contains an oil cooling unit which is u

13、sed to cool the oil in the gearbox. Some turbines have water-cooled generators.,2019/1/8,37,2).Wind Turbine Towers The tower of the wind turbine carries the nacelle and the rotor. Towers for large wind turbines may be either tubular steel towers, lattice towers, or concrete towers. Guyed tubular tow

14、ers are only used for small wind turbines (battery chargers etc.),2019/1/8,38,Tubular Steel Towers,Lattice Towers,Hybrid Towers,Guyed Pole Towers,2019/1/8,39,3). Size of Wind Turbines,2019/1/8,40,四、风能利用 风能是利用风力机将风能转化为电能、热能、机械能等各种形式的能量,用于发电、提水、助航、致冷和致热等。,2019/1/8,41,风能利用-风力发电,风力发电并非一个占地宽敞的工厂,也不需要高压电塔

15、、变电所来进行输配电。 以一台1000千瓦的风力发电机为例,塔筒高约60m,叶片直径达5060m,底座地上面积为16m2,基座附有小型变电器,由地下电缆将低伏电直接连接上附近电网。,2019/1/8,42,现代风力机每台设计寿命为二十年,每半年维护一次,其设计为遥控自动,无人看守,可连接到工程师的手机,一有问题可利用装有遥控系统的手提电脑马上解决。,2019/1/8,43,风力发电制造过程图1,地下电缆将低伏电直接连接上附近电网,2019/1/8,44,风力发电制造过程图2,底座,2019/1/8,45,风力发电制造过程图3,衔接塔柱,2019/1/8,46,Turbine Parts Tra

16、nsportation,By Land Transportation,By Sea Transportation,By Air Transportation (Air Cargo),2019/1/8,47,2019/1/8,48,风力发电制造过程图4,发电机与变速箱,2019/1/8,49,风力发电制造过程图5,叶片,2019/1/8,50,2019/1/8,51,风力发电制造过程图6,2019/1/8,52,风能利用-风力提水 风力提水自古至今一直得到较普遍的应用。至20世纪下半时,为解决农村、牧场的生活、灌溉和牲畜用水以及为了节约能 源,风力提水机有了很大的发展。 现代风力提水机根据用途可以分为两类。 一类是高扬程小流量的风力提水机,它与活塞泵相配, 提取深井地下水,主要用于草原、牧区,为人畜提供饮水。,2019/1/8,53,活塞式风力提水机是利用风能作动力,经过曲轴或变速箱,直接带动活塞等方式,将地下井水或河塘水提出。 主要用于风况较好的地区的农田,苗圃,绿地等水利灌溉,水产养殖,人畜饮水。 特别适合北方地区冬季鱼塘活水,可


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