加拿大paper写作--Customer value

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《加拿大paper写作--Customer value》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《加拿大paper写作--Customer value(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心加拿大paper写作-Customer valueCustomer value is customer perceived value. At present, there are 6 views in the study of customer value: trade-off theory, satisfaction theory, emotion theory, preference theory, synthesis theory and overall evaluation theory. Customer value is different

2、from customer satisfaction, which is the premise of customer satisfaction. Customer value includes perceived quality and perceived price. Customer value is hierarchical and dynamic. Product quality, service quality, price, brand equity and relationships are the drivers of customer value. Customer va

3、lue can be identified from the perspective of enterprise and customer, but customer value identification from the perspective of enterprise and the concept and connotation of customer value produce internal logic inconsistency, which may lead to misdirection of enterprise operation.In the early 1980

4、s, drucker argued that the real point of marketing is to understand what is valuable to the customer. Since then, the discussion of customer value has gradually become a hot topic in theory and industry. The customer is no longer the passive recipient, which is an improvement of marketing theory res

5、earch. However, what exactly is customer value, scholars explain different definitions from different perspectives. These definitions can be summarized as the following:One is customer value tradeoff theory. Porter defines customer value as a trade-off between buyers perceived performance and purcha

6、se cost. Jackson argues that value is the ratio of perceived benefits to prices. The price here includes the price of the purchase and the risk of failure such as acquisition, transportation, installation, ordering, and so on. Benefit refers to the net benefit of all costs other than price incurred

7、by the customer in the process of obtaining the expected benefit.Philip kotler in the marketing management, 1994, began to introduce the concept of customer value. Although he did not define customer value in this book, he defined customer transfer value. Customer transfer value is the difference be

8、tween total customer value and total customer cost. Total customer value refers to a group of benefits that customers expect from a particular product or service. Including product value, service value, personnel value and image value four aspects; Total customer cost is the estimated cost of the cu

9、stomer arising from the evaluation, acquisition and use of the product or service. It includes currency value, time cost, energy cost and physical cost. The value of customer assignment can be expressed by absolute number or relative number. When expressed in relative terms, the value/price ratio. K

10、otler defined customer value in the introduction to marketing. Customer value is the difference between the value a customer gets from owning and using a product and the cost to obtain the product. In 2000, kotler revised and republished the 10th edition of marketing management. He listed customer v

11、alue, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty as the second chapter, and took this as the foundation of the whole book, showing his emphasis on customer value.DE luce argues that value is customer satisfaction at the lowest cost of acquisition, ownership and use. Albrechts definition of customer

12、value is: customer value is the customers perception of the degree to which a particular demand is met. The measure of customer satisfaction is the measure of customer satisfaction. Therefore, his definition of customer value is customer satisfaction. The higher the customer perceived satisfaction,

13、the greater the customer value. Although the logic of this view is questionable, his theory of customer value hierarchy has some significance in the study of improving customer value. He divided customer value into four levels: basic needs; Expected demand; Desire for needs; Unexpected needs. The si

14、gnificance of this research lies in that he pointed out that in order to gain a place in the fierce market competition, enterprises must first meet the basic needs and expectations of customers. Then, in order to gain the unique differentiation advantage, we must try to meet the customers desire and

15、 unanticipated demand.These scholars believe that customer value is an emotional connection or link between customers and products. Butz and Goodstein believe that after customers use products provided by the company, we establish an emotional connection between the customer and the product and find

16、 that the product provides added value to the customer.According to Woodruff, customer value is the preference and evaluation that customers perceive to product attributes, attribute preferences and the results generated by use that may hinder or promote the realization of customers goals or purposes. In short, customer value includes product attribute, attribute preference and result evaluation. This definition studies customer value from



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