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1、最全汇总河北教师资格历年真题河北教师资格面试小学英语词汇课(Jobs)教案设计通过最新河北教师资格考试资讯、大纲可以了解到2016年河北教师资格考试时间与考试科目,河北教师资格考试一般一年进行两次,上半年1月报名,3月考试;下半年9月报名,11月考试。河北中公教师考试整理了河北教师资格笔试真题供考生备考学习。I Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students can master the meaning and usage of new words “policeman, doctor, nurse” and sentence structure “-What is

2、he/she? -He/she is a .”Ability aim:Through different kinds of teaching activities, students can use the new words to talk about jobs appropriately.Emotional aim:After learning this class students will become interested in learning English and they would like to speak English with their partner.II Te

3、aching key point and difficult point:Key point: learn the meaning and the usage of the new words.Difficult point: use these words correctly and in daily communication.III Teaching procedures:Step 1 warming-up:Greeting and play an English song for students named “be what you wanna be”Step 2 presentat

4、ionAfter the song, ask students a question “how many jobs have you heard in the song they just hear?” then lead to the new words.Teacher does actions to perform “policeman, doctor, nurse” and ask students to guess “whats the job?” Then teacher show the new word on the blackboard the read the words.T

5、hen teacher presents the pictures of three persons whose jobs are these three ones”, then ask questions “-What is he/she? -He/she is a .” In the meantime, put the sentence structures on the blackboard.Step 3 PracticeDo a competition. Show the pictures of jobs and ask students try to give their Engli

6、sh names. For example, when teacher show the picture of policeman, students should say “He is a policeman” quickly.Step 4 productionDo a role play. Work in pairs to make a conversation and then wear the mask to do a role-play in front of the class.Step 5 summary and homeworkDo a summary by asking questions and ask students to write down their parents job.IV Blackboard designV Teaching reflection更多内容,一起来看看河北教师资格是如何设置教学的!中公教育河北教师考试网与辅导专家提醒您,备考有计划,才能在招教考试大战中拔得头筹!河北教资格笔试真题邀请您一同刷题!河北中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看河北教师考试网



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