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1、Session 8,主动与被动,Active vs. Passive,They arrived at the summit on the fifth day. The fifth day saw them at the summit. (Halliday) A behavioral pattern vs. A psychological pattern What people have done to the world vs. What the world reflects of peoples behaviour,Active vs. Passive,一进房间他就闻到了一股浓烈的花香。 一

2、进房间一股浓烈的花香扑鼻而来。 Psychological process of apperception vs. The role of the real world on apperception,Active Voice vs. Passive Voice,Voice enables us to look at actions in a sentence from two perspectives, without any change to the fact. (Quirk) eg. The butler murdered the master. The master was murd

3、ered by the butler.,Active Voice vs. Passive Voice,Passive the opposite of Active (J. Vendryes) Active voice emphasizes the action itself. Passive voice emphasizes the condition after the action is taken.,Active Voice vs. Passive Voice,eg. My brother broke the teapot. (active, dynamic) The teapot wa

4、s broken by my brother. (passive, condition of the teapot) The teapot was broken. (passive, condition) The teapot is broken. (passive, stative),English vs. Chinese,English: 1) more variations of verb forms 2) clear division between man and nature 3) distinction between being subjective and objective

5、 4) no strong need to emphasize doer Chinese: 1) few variations of verb forms 2) unity of man and nature 3) no clear distinction between being subjective and objective 4) always emphasizes doer,Examples Analysis:,1. 我生于北京,在广州参加工作。 I was born in Beijing, and joined the workforce in Guangzhou. I was b

6、orn in Beijing, and got employed in Guangzhou. 2. 老虎被 他们打死了。 老虎被打死了。 老虎打死了。,Passive Voice: A Closer Look,1. Syntactic Passive: passive voice in the form and structure as being passive 2. Notional Passive passive voice not in the form and structure as being passive, but offering a passive notion (Jes

7、person),Syntactic Passive,1. 施动者方面的原因 1)说不清施动者 eg. Tom was killed in World War 2. 2)不必说出施动者 eg. China fought against Russia in the womens volleyball match and Russia was beaten. 3)不愿意说出施动者 eg. Some rude comments on the plan were made at the board meeting.,Syntactic Passive,2. 受动者方面的原因 1)心理上的原因 eg. M

8、adame Currie will long be remembered as the discoverer of radium. 2)信息结构上的原因 eg. Unfortunately, this message was not put across by the speaker.,Syntactic Passive,3. 修辞的需要 subject, cohesion, etc. 4. 文体的需要 science, journalism, business, etc.,Notional Passive,1. 由及物动词或系动词构成的谓语表示事物特征。 eg. The new book r

9、eads well. The dish smells wonderful. The rice is cooking. The suggestion needs further consideration. 2. 由系动词+介宾短语构成系表结构表示事物状态。 eg. The railway is under construction.,Translating Active Voice into Passive Voice (C E),1. 无主句 10% - 40% Chinese sentences are without a subject. eg. 装配和调试的时候应该把所有零件清洗干净。

10、 When being assembled and adjusted, all parts should be cleaned.,Translating Active Voice into Passive Voice (C E),2. 泛指人称句 Sometimes Chinese sentences take a generic person as the subject. eg. 众所周知,改革开放二十年来经济发展取得了显著的成绩。 It is well known that marked success has been attained in economic development

11、since China implemented the policy of reform and opening-up some 25 years ago.,Translating Active Voice into Passive Voice (C E),3. 话题评说句 eg. 这个问题我们正在研究。 This problem is being considered (by us). eg. 这些工作中遇到的困难应当给予高度重视。 Great attention should be given to the difficulties in the work. eg. 长江上已经建起了上百座

12、大桥。 Over 100 bridges have been built across the Yangtze River.,Translating Active Voice into Passive Voice (C E),4. “由”字句 eg. 这个任务由小刘完成。 This task will be completed by Xiao Liu. eg. 所有被邀请出席会议的国家都由政府首脑代表。 All the countries that are invited to attend the meeting will be represented by the heads of the

13、ir governments.,Translating Active Voice into Passive Voice (C E),5. “把”字句 eg. 你把她吓得哭了起来。 She was scared to tears (by you). eg. 把我冷得直哆嗦。 I was made shivering by the cold air.,Examples Analysis,我们两国人民贸易的交往可以追溯到很久以前。 Trade contacts between our two peoples can be traced back to long time ago.,Examples

14、Analysis,团结统一,深深地印在中国人的民族意识中。 Solidarity and unity have been inscribed in the hearts of the Chinese people as part of their national identity.,Examples Analysis,在美国的对华政策上,现在显然经济利益放在比较重要的位置上。 In terms of the China policy of the US, obviously economic interest is now placed on a more important positio

15、n.,Examples Analysis,品牌名称是能看得见、能说出来、能写出来的,而品牌标识是只能看得见而不能说出来的。 A brand name can be seen, spoken out and written out, whereas a brand logo can only be seen instead of being spoken out.,Examples Analysis,秦朝的时候,修建了交通要道,统一了文字和货币,并且把长城连接了起来。 During the Qin Dynasty, a road system was developed, writing and

16、 coinage were standardized and the Great Walls were joined into one.,Examples Analysis,对发展中国家提供经济援助,应当严格遵守受援国的主权,不附带任何政治、经济条件。 Economic assistance to the developing countries should be granted in strict observance of the sovereignty of the recipient countries with no political or economic conditions attached.,Examples Analysis,这两份文件都是花了大工夫的,我看都是比较成熟的。 Much effort has been put into the drafting and in my opinion, both documents are well thought out. Both documents have b



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