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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks?,Li Junyan,Period 1,Whats this?Its a _.What color is it?Its _.,hat,red and white,Lead in,Is it nice?Yes, it is.在生活中,我们常常讨论服装是否好看,常常想知道一件物品的价格,那我们应怎样询问价格呢?今天我们就来讨论价格。,New words,much 许多;大量;多少 big大的How much ? 多少钱? small 小的sock 短袜 short短的 shorts 短裤 long 长的sweater 毛衣 woman

2、女子trousers裤子 dollar美元shoe 鞋 skirt裙子,Whats this?Its a _.What color is it?Its _.,What are these?Theyre _. What color are they? They are _.,socks,T-shirt,Whats this?Its a _.What color is it?Its _.,Whats this?Its a _.What color is it?Its _.,shorts,sweater,What are these?Theyre _.What color are they?they

3、 are _.,trousers,Whats this?Its a _.What color is it?Its _.,What are these?Theyre _.What color are they?They are _.,shoes,skirt,big,small,Presentation,¥1,one yuan,$1 one dollar,$ 2 two dollars,long,short,how much用于提问某物的价格,意为“多少钱”,其句式为“How much + be +主语?” 当主语是不可数名词或可数名词单数时,be动词用is,答语为Its+数额;当主语是可数名词复

4、数时,be动词用are,答语为Theyre+数额。如:How much is this bag? 这个包多少钱? Its six dollars. 六美元。How much are the apples? 这些苹果多少钱? Theyre two dollars a kilo. 两美元一千克。,How much is the baseball?,Its one dollar.,How much are the glasses?,Theyre five dollars.,How much is the hat?,Its three yuan.,2. socks是sock的复数形式。在英语中,成双成

5、对的物品常以复数形式出现。 例如:,shoes shorts trousers glasses chopsticks scissors,此类词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;但与a pair of (一双、一对或一副)连用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:My shoes are under the bed. 我的鞋在床下面。That pair of shorts is Jacks. 那条短裤子是杰克的。,1a Match the words with the things in the picture.,1.socks I2.T-shirt d3.shors a4.sweater c5.bag

6、 f6.hat g7.trousers j8.shoes b9.jacket h10.skirt e,Listen and circle the things you hear in the pictures in 1a.,1b,1c,How much is this T-shirt?,Its sevendollars.,How much are these socks?,Theyre two dollars.,Practice the conversation above. Then make your own conversations.,hat,T-shirt,jacket,sweate

7、r,skirt,shorts,shoes,socks,trousers,Exercises,一看图说出下列物品的英语单词,答案:1. this 2. are 3. socks 4.dollars 5. These,1. How much is (these) sweater? Its 120 yuan.2. Here (be) your shoes.3. How much are those yellow (sock)? Theyre 6 yuan. 4.The red hat is seven (dollar).5.(this) pink shorts are 70 yuan.,用所给词的正

8、确形式填空,答案:1. How much are the/those/these socks 2.the/this/that (black) bag 3. What color; How much is ; Its=It is,1. A: ? B: Theyre 2 dollars.2. A: How much is ? B: Its 200 yuan.3. A: are the T-shirts? B: Theyre blue. A: the skirt? B: 3 dollars.,看图完成对话,Listen and repeat.,2a,black,colors,white,red,gr

9、een,blue,yellow,big,small,short,long,brown,purple,Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear.,2b,Listen again. Fill in the price tags.,2c,$5,$8,$6,$7,$2,$9,2d,Ask and answer questions about the things in 2b.,How much is the green T-shirt?,Its 8 dollars.,How much is the ?,Its dollars.

10、,How much are the red shorts?,Theyre nine dollars.,How much are the ?,Theyre.,Period 2,need需要 twenty二十 look 看;看上去 Mr.先生 Pair一双;一对 clothes 衣服,服装take 买下;拿;取 store 商店ten 十 buy 买eleven 十一 sale特价出售twelve十二 sell卖 thirteen 十三 all所有的;全部的 fifteen 十五 very 很,非常eighteen 十八 price 价格 boy男孩,Role-play the conversat

11、ion.,Woman : Can I help you? Mary: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school.Woman : OK. What color do you want?Mary: Blue .Woman : How about this one?Mary: It looks nice. How much is it ?Woman : Nine dollars. Mary: Ill take it . How much are those yellow socks?Woman : Two dollars for one pair and th

12、ree dollars for two pairs.Mary: Great ! Ill take two pairs.Woman : Here you are. Mary: Thank you.Woman : Youre welcome.,2e,Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗?这是商店售货员或其他服务人员招呼顾客时的礼貌用语,相当于What can I do for you?。接受对方的帮助常回答“Yes, please.”;拒绝对方的帮助用“No, thanks.”作答。如:Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗?Yes, please. I want a pen. 是的

13、。 我想要一支钢笔。,I need a sweater for school. 我需要一件毛衣上学穿。 need是实义动词,意为“需要”。常用于以下句式中:1) need+sth.,表示“需要某物”。如: I need some erasers. 我需要一些橡皮。2) need +to do sth. 表示“需要做某事”,这时need的主语是“人”。如: You need to put on your jacket. 你需要穿上你的夹克。,Ill take it. 我要买下它。 此句是选好商品并决定购买时的常用语。若选定的物品是单数,可以说“Ill take/have it”;若选定的物品是复数则应说“Ill take/have them.”。如: The sweater is cheap. Ill take it. 这件毛衣很便宜。我买了(我要买下它)。The oranges are 2 dollars. 这些桔子两美元。Ill take them. 我买了。 (我要买下它们),Read the dialogue in 2e and fill in the blanks.,nine,blue,socks,yellow,two dollars,three dollars,( 描述一下你所买的服饰),


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