江苏省2019年高考英语总复习早读检测:module 2 unit 1 word study 教师版

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1、 Word Study for Module2 Unit11. puzzling adj. 令人费解的,用于指物给人的感受。puzzled adj. (主语)感到困惑的 a puzzled look/expression 困惑的表情be/feel puzzled by/about/at被/对感到迷惑/伤脑筋puzzle vt 使迷惑、为难、伤脑筋。常用句型:(sth.) puzzle sb.What he said puzzled everyone present. 他的话令在场的每个人感到困惑。n.c 难题、谜、无法理解的事物a puzzle to sb. solve a puzzle 解谜

2、2. step up John waited until the teacher had finished speaking, and then he stepped up. 走上前来 The factory stepped up the production. 加快,加速 拓展step (cn.) take steps/action/measures to do sth采取行动、措施做某事take a step forward/ back 向前走/向后走 step by step 一步步,逐渐地 3. 区分incident/accident/event incident常指小事件,在特殊用语

3、中,指政治上具有影响力的事件。accident 偶然的事故,尤指不幸的事故。event 历史或日常生活中的重大事件,还指体育赛事(a sporting )。(B )The Lugouqiao _ took place on July7,1937. A. accident B. incident C. things D. mattersThe program describes the historic events of 1997.He was badly injured in the traffic accident .The next event _will be the 100 mete

4、rs race.4. due to (作表语,状语)由于, 因为 His absence was due to the storm. 他的缺席是由于那场暴风雨造成的。 He arrived late due to the storm. 他由于暴风雨而迟到了。拓展 表示“由于;因为”的常用近义短语还有:because of, thanks to, as a result of, thanks to. 幸亏,由于;多亏(常表示的是正面的原因) 5.witness1)n.c 目击者、见证人(与of/to连用);证据,证词,见证(与to连用)The police found the witness t

5、o/of the murder case._ 警察找到了凶杀案的目击证人。His whole life is a witness to his honesty._ 他的一生就是对他诚实品质的证明。2)vt. 目击、亲眼看到=see Did you witness the whole event? 6.assume assume that/sb. to be 认为 It is assumed that 人们认为 Im assuming that the present situation is going to continue.I assume them to be his grandpare

6、nts. It is assumed that they will get married one day.7. occur (occurred, occurred) vi发生 When did the accident occur? sth. occured to sb./ It occurred to sb. that 某人突然想到 An idea occurred to me. 区分occur/happen/take placeoccur是比较正式的用词,可用于具体或抽象的事物,通常指按计划或规律在较为确定的时间内“发生”的事。happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的

7、事情的“发生”。take place 通常指(某事)按计划进行或发生。此外,还有“举行”的意思。Great changes have taken place_ in China. 中国已发生了巨大的变化。Has anything happened to_ him? 他出什么事了吗?It occurred to_ me that I had forgotten to bring money.8. show up = appear, turn up出现,露面 拓展 show around / round_ 带(某人)参观(某地)show off卖弄,炫耀 on show/ display/ exh

8、ibition 在展览 10. possible (adj.)-possibly (adv.)-possibility (cn./un) a). It is possible that /It is possible for sb. to do sth.有可能,也许 It is possible that hell come in time/for him to come in time. 他也许会及时来这里。 b). There is (a) possibility of doing sth/that- 可能 Is there any possibility of our getting t

9、here in time? 我们有可能及时到那里吗?11. make up She made up her face to look prettier. _化妆_ The boy made up a story; it was not true. _编造_ make up the bed for our guest _给客人铺床_ 30 boys and girls make up our class _组成_ Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence (聪明,才智). 弥补 (6) make up examinations 补考make

10、 up for补偿,弥补 make out 理解,弄懂;辨认;开出(帐单、支票等)12. injury(un./cn)injure (v. )injured (adj.) the injured 受伤的人 区分injure/wound/hurt/harm injure指意外事故中造成的伤害 wound一般指外伤,多指枪或锐器所造成的创伤,尤指在战争中受伤。hurt既可指精神上的伤害,也指肉体上的损伤,还可指对事物的损害harm指身体或精神上较小的伤害。(1)There were two people injured in the car accident.(2)Too much sunshin

11、e can harm your skin.(3)I was very much hurt at his words. (4)The bullet wounded him in the leg in the battle. 14. look into 向里面看 调查,观察,= research into/on He looked into the hole in the wall.The police are looking into the cause of the traffic accident.拓展look about / around四下环顾;朝四周 look after照看, 照管

12、look onas把看作 (= consider/count as) look out 小心 look back on / upon=think back to 回顾;回想 look up 查阅_ look forward to sth. /doing _期待_ look down on / upon俯视;轻视;瞧不起 15. base n. 基地、基础、根据地vt. 基于;以作为依据 base A on B ; A is based on B 以为基础The film is based on a novel. 这电影是根据一部小说改编的。16. dozen n. 十二个,一打adj. 一打的

13、dozens of 几十;许多a/three dozen eggs (dozen 与具体数字时不加s,用法同hundred, thousand).three dozen of these eggs/them(修饰代词或所修饰的名词前有these/the时, dozen 后加of)by the dozen 成打地;按打计算 sell by the dozen 整打出售 17. disagree with sb. about/on sth. 就某事与某人有分歧disagree with sb/what sb. says/sbs decision不同意某人的观点/某人所说的/决定agree with

14、 sb./what sb. says 同意某人的观点/某人所说的agree on 就达成一致意见 agree to 同意(某计划,建议或提议等)18. convincing adj. 有说服力的 convincing evidence令人信服的证据convinced adj.确信的 拓展 convince vt.说服、使相信convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信. convince sb. to do sth. 说服(某人)做 convince sb. that 使某人确信. be convinced that深信 Finally he convinced me of his honesty.最后他使我相信了他的诚实。 We convinced them to go with us.我们说服他和我们一起去。She convinced me that she didnt make the stupid mistake. 她使我们确信她没有犯愚蠢的错误。19. make ones way to朝走去(多指克服恐惧或其他困难)He made his way to the sh



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