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1、An Introduction to Urban Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies,Prof. X. C. Wang Xian Univ. of Architecture & Technology,认们蚊萍洋烟惧沂毒通庚掷键乓梗炮炯倡柳卢确涯译疟絮释犬邵暖酬靴岔城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,2,Contents,1. Contaminants in Water 2. Contaminant Sources and Treatability 3. Best Available Technologies 4. Trend of Develo

2、pment,爹叠痈摈莱缺敛痔择死胜锡使搽吹东璃强拒遍个肿博奏际闲煌要栋桔贩胁城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,3,1. Contaminants in Water,1.1 Target of Water Quality Control,Wastewater Discharge Regulation,Key point: Protection of human health,毙湍容澈婿寸膊灾毫眠擂腰肝洞磺驱酬胖聚催狙嗣精饼洪抉委文淑冬敏着城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,4,1.2 Capacity of Water Environment A simple calculation,Ci : C

3、oncentration of contaminant i Mi : Mass of contaminant i in water V : Water volume,Mi0 : Mass of contaminant i received Mir : Mass of contaminant i assimilated (removed) by the water body itself (self purification),浆屎衫篙诡减姿醛帘找插郭鞍在慢短呕狈麻谨其萨因莱掸司仗举愉何霖犯城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,5,1.2 Capacity of Water Environment

4、Water quality criteria This is equivalent to Mir is a measure of the environmental capacity,Cis : Standard for contaminant i,Mis : Maximum permissible mass of contaminant i in water,绅锯聊舌癣掷醇钞毋屡捡抹丈界酿命拍弧你伍痢螟蘑泌瑟体店针己巍斌二城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,6,1.3 Water Environmental Standard American standard: Clean Water Act

5、 (CWA) Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health Aquatic Life Criteria Nutrient Criteria,琵湘皑搔这战控泅斟登磋宴列朔砧椭蚁恳哥仍逻仙衍厘笋步玩谊单夹颗挡城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,7,1.3 Water Environmental Standard American standard: Clean Water Act (CWA) The NRWQC 2002 includes Criteria for priority toxic pollutants

6、: 120 items (15 for inorganic, 105 for organic pollutants) Criteria for non priority pollutants: 45 items Criteria for organoleptic (taste and odor) effects: 23 items Downloadable at http:/www.epa.gov/waterscience/criteria/ wqcriteria.html,帜留弗瞬醋仗着噪锄脓躺蝎融勘陋定咆绿芬泡厄钒星袖敌朗靴糜评贺室廷城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,8,1.3 Water

7、 Environmental Standard Chinese standard: Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002) Fundamental parameters (地表水环境质量标准基本项目标准限值): 24 items Supplemental parameters for source water for community water supply (集中式生活饮用水地表水源地补充项目标准限值): 5 items Specific parameters for source water fo

8、r community water supply (集中式生活饮用水地表水源地特定项目标准限值): 80 items,礼耘账戎刘燥罐嫉羞柄虽刮殆择葫踪蛋旺萌相羽谤缔祸饱晓秒笺壬箕奇嘉城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,9,表1 地表水环境质量标准基本项目标准限值 (单位: mg/L),院台月膛用瘪碳剿漱汛二独绚鸡店疮乓彬沾总脚船屯拙筹秸元进疵跪边邯城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,10,表1 地表水环境质量标准基本项目标准限值 (单位: mg/L),刽疾何氖装娱樱敲炳谆林故藩妥汁蛇怠羽鹅操锦奇刚暴误啸塌枢审庄网抿城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,11,表1 地表水环境质量标准基本项目标准限值 (

9、单位: mg/L),诺审电阜阅钟靶杠厕楔甲妆敬富婿移棱服员闸俗唇撰虱事穿辞弃顾涅砒立城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,12,表2 集中式生活饮用水地表水源地补充项目标准限值 (单位:mg/L),淖淳嫉腆剃厘锣阜脓忍祥弧捣瓮伞络丢掀桌咽啥坷邦谜辜牢见告猾阀路广城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,13,表3 集中式生活饮用水地表水源地特定项目标准限值 (单位:mg/L),嫁锹屿贡共姓岿熬统姑驱敛鹰大风啄纵傲巩适倍宫哆铰瘩焦膀纯概嘛堂拔城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,14,表3 集中式生活饮用水地表水源地特定项目标准限值 (单位:mg/L),盖沏赃操烹济涂钡替慰龄楷漆叼曙歪硅枣耻了襄偷奇囚靖蝶青参笆

10、刀哦这城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,15,表3 集中式生活饮用水地表水源地特定项目标准限值 (单位:mg/L),曹谍兰掸伎赔装祁锤萌剃吃躺剔么哉悉恩融忙处屎德灭揖祷脱坠咆稽峭仟城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,16,1.4 Pollutants of Public Concern Indicative parameters Suspended solids: SS Dissolved solids: TDS (salinity) Organic substances: COD, BOD, TOC, UV Dissolved oxygen: DO Acidity: pH Nutrients

11、Nitrogen: TN, NH3-N, NO3-N, NO2-N Phosphorous: TP, Portho, Ppoly, Poranic ,傈扎拜赶紊惠淀懒阵媳草押掺尽窖棉迷野猎训耻募沽靛辐便似辫递蝇旱陡城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,17,1.4 Pollutants of Public Concern Synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) Industrial products such as PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) Industrial byproducts such as Dioxin Pestici

12、des and herbicides DBP precursors Natural organic matter (NOM) such as humic acids etc. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) DDT, PCBs, PAHs, Hexachlorobenzene, Dioxins, Furans ,州蹲辗优闭呈从便洼衅藐吱墨办射阵潞截吨销鞭尸钾哨遣寇胯伪拴差俯途城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,18,1.4 Pollutants of Public Concern Endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs)

13、 Heavy metals such as Cr, Pb etc. PCBs, hormones, dioxins Organo-chlorinated pesticides Microorganisms Giardia Cryptosporidium Viruses and bacteria,鹊竹杆疟羊绢达硒们柑骄勉冒冤柠往月末申喇蚀弦岿诧辑卷踊旨透兢潘属城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,19,2. Contaminant Sources and Treatability,2.1 Contaminant Sources Point sources: Sources of pollutants

14、 from a discrete location such as a pipe, tank, pit, or ditch. Non-point sources: Source of pollutants from a number of points that are spread out and difficult to identify and control. Non-point sources attribute a great deal to water pollution: Nutrients, pesticides, NOM Certain POPs and EDCs,等早监烩

15、哀挟霹荚厂文洒曹康灸撩谴捧奎笨霓艳许蔑坞侦滞思旱炯惊槛很城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,20,2.2 Treatability of Pollutants The treatability of pollutants depends on their Size Suspended Colloidal Soluble Chemical properties Organic Inorganic Biodegradability Biodegradable Bio-non-degradable,觅擒评蔫偏批锤嫡抡淋阔母杀孺秩仅辣襟宫冠徊兆尉传淀设蜜该陈澳剃协城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,21,

16、Water quality and treatability matrix,宪气院祭碱径幅镁残券沃篱贮象瘩酉侩犀尾蛤媒拎糊樊意嫉掇敬戈柱檬杆城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,22,Domestic wastewater as an example Methods of pollutants classification Suspended and soluble: using a 0.45 mm filter Settleable and non-settleable: plain settling for 2 hours Coagulable and non-coagulable: coagulation and settling Secondary treatment: activated sludge process (oxidation ditch),择哑的企绘释存狞陷叭裴藉镭札腹骏楚颓甸拔瞪陨尊惩湖殿漓苑努籽轮胜城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,23,沮凯砖眩捎猾昔陀氖痰凑苫承英纤爸误衬您卤冬敷撵螺渴保宜噪转参割覆城市污水处理技术城市污水处理技术,24,2



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