2016--2017年译林版选修八 unit 1 the written world 语言点学案

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《2016--2017年译林版选修八 unit 1 the written world 语言点学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016--2017年译林版选修八 unit 1 the written world 语言点学案(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 The written world 语言点学案基础回顾高频单词小说;虚构的事 fiction章;时期 chapter虐待;辱骂 abuse 慷慨的;宽厚的 generous故事情节;密谋 plot弯曲的;天赋 bent 主题;主题音乐 theme改革;改造 reform古董,文物 antique 转折;蜿蜒 twist虚荣的;徒劳的 vain反抗,抵制 resist 快速旋转;纺纱 spin重逢;再结合 reunite救援,营救 rescue 名誉,名声 reputation段落 paragraph 至高无上的 supreme债务,欠款 debt 吐唾沫 spit热爱,爱慕 ad

2、ore 纪念碑;古迹 monument信封 envelope死板的;坚硬的 rigid 词汇拓展1. poetry n. 诗歌,诗(总称) poem n.(诗) poet n. 诗人2. novelist n. 小说家 novel n. 小说3. desperate adj. 不顾一切;很渴望的 desperately adv.绝望地;不顾一切地4. criminal n.犯人 / adj. 犯罪的 crime n. 犯罪5. violent adj. 剧烈的;厉害的 violence n. 暴力,暴行;剧烈 violently 激烈地;粗暴地 6. characteristic adj. 独

3、特的/ n. 特征 character n. 性格;人物 7. intend vt. 打算,意图 intended adj. 有意的;故意的 intention n.意图8. civil adj. 市民的,国民的 civilization 文明;文明国家 civilize vt. 使开化,教化重要词组及表达方式1. 向某人推荐 recommend sth. to sb.2. 在有一席之地 have a place in 3. 从改编 adapt sth. from 4. 每次, 一次 at a time 5. 出版;发行 come out 6. 以为背景 be set in 7. 为感到羞耻

4、be ashamed of 8. 查出 find out 9. 很重要 be of great significance10. 举办艺术展 put on an art exhibition 11.下定决心要做某事 be bent on doing 12. 迎合 appeal to 13. 被送上法庭 be taken to court 14. 躲避;忙碌 on the run 15. 救援某人 come to ones rescue16. 精疲力竭的;废旧的 worn out 17. 谈及,涉及 touch on18. 把比作 compareto 19. 打算做某事 be intended t

5、o do sth. 20. 发出悲叹 let out a sad sigh21. 远非;决不 far from 22. 越越好 canttoo23. 无法描述 beyond description24. 有做某事的倾向 tend to do sth.25. 靠做维持生计 earn ones income by doing 26. 不辜负某人的期望 live up to ones expectations 27. 和没有联系 have nothing to do with 28. 对有更好的了解 have a better understanding of 句式活用1. Pips sister

6、often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. 【句型重点】 句中would rather do sth. than do sth.意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。 【当堂操练】 作为一位母亲,她情愿自己挨饿也不愿孩子 受到任何的伤害。 As a mother, she would rather starve than see any harm come to her child. 2. They have not disappeared

7、 and still have a place in the world. 【句型重点】句中词组have a place in意为“在有一席之地”。 【当堂操练】如果你想在IT业获得一席之地,就得加倍努力。 If you want to have a place in the IT world, you will have to double your efforts. 3. English literature, especially English fiction, is of great significance in the literary world. 【句型重点】 句中be of

8、 great + n. 结构等同于be very + adj.。 【当堂操练】 运河的出现对许多行业具有重大的意义。 The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries. = The arrival of canals was very valuable to many industries. 4. You cant be too careful when collecting these statistics. 【句型重点】 句中cant too意为“越越好;再也不为过”。 【当堂操练】 你越注意你的阅读技巧越好,因为这是非

9、常重要的。 You cant pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.要点梳理重点单词1. resist v. 抵制;阻挡;抵抗 vt. 抵挡;忍住 【常见搭配】resist (doing) sth. 抵抗 cant resist doing sth. 抵挡不住做某事的诱惑 Its hard to resist an invitation like that. 很难拒绝那样的邀请。 Nowadays some students cant resist playing computer games d

10、uring the weekdays. 现今一些学生抵挡不住在学习期间玩电脑游戏的诱惑。 【即时演练】 (湖北省武汉武昌区2013届高三期末调研联考) One way to species under threat of extinction whatever the cause is to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there. A. betray B. resist C. preserve D. dispute 【解析】句意:保护受到灭绝威胁的物种的一种方法,无论什么原因,就是把他们移到动物园或公园,并且在那儿饲养它们。pre

11、serve“保存;保护”;betray“背叛”;resist“抵制”;dispute“争论”。 【答案】C2. debt n. 债务,欠款 【常见搭配】in debt 欠债be in debt to sb.= be in ones debt 欠某人人情get/ run/ fall into debt 借债,负债be/ get out of debt 还请债务 【即时演练】A: 用常见搭配中的词组填空1. Although my family was poor at that time, we never _.2. When he was young he was always _.3. I _

12、 him for all his assistance to me.【答案】 1. got/ran/ fell into debt 2. in debt 3. am in debt to B: 单选He did not look forward to being _ because his restaurant was no longer popular. A. out of debtB. in debtC. into debtD. run into debt 【解析】句意:他可不希望由于餐馆不再受欢迎而负债。be in debt“欠债”。 【答案】 B3. reputation n. 名声;

13、信誉 【常见搭配】have a good/ bad reputation 有好/坏名声have a reputation for 以而出名live up to ones reputation 不负盛名,名副其实earn/ establish/ build a reputation 赢得/确立/树立声誉damage/ ruin ones reputation 有损/毁坏某人的名声 【即时演练】A: 用常见搭配中的词组填空1. The weather in England is _.2. He _ as a doctor.3. What he said at the meeting yesterd

14、ay _. 【答案】 1. living up to its reputation 2. has a good reputation 3. damaged his reputation B: 单选 (江苏泰州市2014届高三模考) The main cause of differences in intelligence is not intelligence itself, but non-intelligence factors including _, confidence and willpower.A. occupationB. reputation C. motivationD. contribution 【解析】句意:智力上的差异的主要原因不是智力本身,而是非智力因素包括动机、自信和意志力。motivat



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