2016--2017年译林版选修八 unit 4 films and film events 语言点学案

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1、 Unit 4 Films and film events 语言点学案 基础回顾 高频单词 标准,原则 criterion 限制,约束 restriction 策划;密谋 hatch 赞助商;赞助 sponsor 不太大的;谦虚的 modest 广泛的 broad 看起来像,类似 resemble 驳斥;相反 contradict 迅速的 swift 令人讨厌的 tiresome 故意地 deliberately 幻想,想象 fantasy 积累,积聚 accumulate 哲学家 philosopher 逸事,趣闻 anecdote 相互矛盾的 contradictory 头晕目眩的 diz

2、zy 全部课程 curriculum 伤疤;创伤 scar 传记,传记作品 biography 进入;词条 entry 快速移动 zoom 激烈的;凶恶的 fierce 伙伴;合伙人 partner 词汇拓展 1. representative n. 代表/ adj. 代表的 represent vt. 代表 2. finance vt. 提供资金给/ n. 财政,财务 financial adj. 财政上的 3. expose vt. 使暴露;揭发 exposure 暴露;揭发 4. preference n. 偏爱;选择 prefer vt. 喜欢 5. disappointment n.

3、 失望;令人失望的人或失望 disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointed 失望的 disappointing 令人失望的 6. sincere adj. 真诚的,诚挚的 sincerely 由衷地;真心地 7. congratulation n. 庆祝;祝辞 congratulate vt. 庆贺 8. robbery n. 抢劫;抢劫案 robber 强盗,抢夺者 rob v. 抢劫 9. tense adj. 紧张的;拉紧的 tension n. 紧张;拉紧 10. thriller n. 惊险小说 thrilling adj. 令人心情激动的 thrill v. (因恐

4、怖等)使人心情激动 11. attraction n. 吸引;魅力 attractive adj. 有魅力的,吸引人的 attract vt. 吸引 12. contradict v. 否定,反驳;与矛盾 contradiction 反驳;矛盾 contradictory 矛盾的 重要词组及表达方式 1. 认为是 view as 2. 也就是说 that is (to say) 3. 为辩护,保卫 in defence of 4. 符合某人的标准 meet ones standard 5. 诞生于 be hatched back in 6. 获奖 win an award 7. 退步 take

5、 a step backwards 8. 占少数 in the minority 9. 有好的声誉 have a good reputation 10. 无法接近/利用 have no access to 11. 来的及/赶得上 be in time for sth. 12. 丧失了我们的优势 lose our edge 13. 在一起生活;容忍 live with 14. 被引入到 be introduced to 15. 和相比较 compared to/ with 16. 炫耀,卖弄 show off 17. 对情有独钟 show special favour to 18. 有做某事的倾

6、向 have a tendency to do sth. 19. 认真考虑,思考 give thought to 20. 对没有限制 make no restrictions on sth. 句式活用 1. Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Festival, Hanz Muller from the Berlin International Film Festival, Kathy Barnes from the Sundance Film Festival, Maria Bella from the

7、Venice Film Festival, Mike Taylor from the Toronto International Film Festival and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival. 【句型重点】 本句是个倒装句,正常语序为“Isabel Roseand Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival are joining us in the studio.”。在英语中,当句子的注意太长时,为了保持句子结构平衡,往往用倒装语序,将主语放在句子的后半部

8、分。 【当堂操练】附近就是他们住了二十多年的那幢房子。 Nearby was the house in which they had lived for more than twenty years. 2. Maria, do tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival. 【句型重点】助动词do/does/ did可用来强调句中动词。 【当堂操练】我确实告诉你,但是你忘记了。 I did tell you, but you have forgotten it. 3. We view film as a particular type of c

9、ontemporary art. 【句型重点】句中viewas意为“认为是”。 【当堂操练】我们都认为假期是休闲娱乐的时间。 We all view the holiday as a time for recreation. 4. I think this is more to show off the special effects than to help the films plot. 【句型重点】句中morethan意为“与其倒不如”。 【当堂操练】与其说它是一本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。 It seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar

10、 book. 要点梳理 重点单词 1. expose vt. 使体验,使接触,使面临;暴露,泄露,揭发 exposure n. 暴露,暴晒;揭发 【常见搭配】 expose sth./ sb. to 把暴露在之下;使接触到 be exposed to 暴露于 【即时演练】 A: 完成下列句子 1. Please remember _. 请记住婴儿不应暴露于强烈日光中。 2. We should _. 我们应该让学生接触电脑技术。 【答案】 1. babies shouldnt be exposed to strong sunlight 2. expose students to compute

11、r technology B: 单选 Going off to college , especially a great one, _our mind and helps us prepare better for our future. A. exchanges B. expands C. explores D. exposes 【解析】expand vt.“扩张; 使变大; 详述;接触到” 【答案】 B 2. resemble vt. 同相像,与类似 【常见搭配】 resemble in 与在某方面相似 She resembles her mother in character but n

12、ot in appearance. 她的性格像她母亲,但外表并不像。 【名师点拨】 1) resemble 不可用于被动语态和进行式。 2) resemble in = be similar to in。 【即时演练】 For the Indonesians, red _ the colour of sugar because of the plant that it comes from and white looks like rice. A. resembles B. analyzes C. registers D. substitutes 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在

13、印尼,红色是类似于糖的颜色,因为它来自白色像大米一样的植 物。 A. resembles 类似于;B. analyzes 分析;C. registers 登记;D. substitutes 代替者;根据句意可知选 A 【答案】A 3. contradict v. 反驳;矛盾 contradiction n. 反驳;矛盾 contradictory adj. 矛盾的,完全相反的 【常见搭配】 contradict oneself 自相矛盾 in contradiction to 与矛盾 be contradictory to 与矛盾 【即时演练】 A: 用常见搭配中的词组填空 1. His pu

14、blic speeches are _ his personal lifestyle. 2. Youve just _. 3. His public speeches _ his personal lifestyle. 【答案】 1. in contradiction to 2. contradicted yourself 3. are contradictory to B: 单选 It is important for parents to remain _ in educating their children as forbidding a thing one day and excus

15、ing it the next is not foundation for morality. A. conservative B. conventional C. contradictory D. consistent 【解析】句意:父母在教育孩子方面保持一致时很重要的,因为某一天禁止做一件事,第二天又找借口去做,这不利于道德的养成。Conservative“保守的”conventional“传统的,惯例的”contradictory“自相矛盾的” consistent “一致的,始终如一的”【答案】D 4. restriction n. 限制,限定;规则,规定 restrict vt. 限制,限定 【常见搭配】 place/ put a restriction on 对加以限制 remove/ lift a restriction 撤销限制 without restriction 没有限制地 restrict to 限制为 restrict sb./ oneself to (doing) sth. 限制某人做某事 【即时演练】 A: 完成下列句子 1. We _ 40 ki



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