Essay写作范文—Leadership Models in Practice

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1、 留学生活网 专业留学生essay代写网站Essay写作范文Leadership Models in PracticeIntroductionEffective leadership is important to the success of any organizations. With effective leading, managers send a clear organizational vision to subordinates and influence them to achieve certain organizational goals. As a hot topic

2、 which has been researched for decades, a lot of leadership models or theories have been created. These models demonstrated the nature of effective leadership and tried to figure out the factors which influence effective leadership. Among these models or theories are trait model, behavior model, con

3、tingency model and full range leadership model. These models help people understand the way leadership works and give suggestions about how to be better leaders in organizations. Most of the models came from experiment and lacked of application. Whether they are useful in reality is more important t

4、han models themselves. Without application, models are meaningless. However, examples of challenging occur everywhere. It is necessary to evaluate these models from the scores they get in application. This essay will firstly discuss what effective leadership is and how effective leadership affects s

5、ubordinates performance. Following this, it will demonstrate a clear explanation for a range of leadership models. These models include trait model which focuses on what leaders are like, and behavior model which focuses on what leaders do, and contingency model which takes consideration of the situ

6、ation variables, and full range leadership model which based on the theory of transactional leadership and transformational leadership. Following each model, this essay identifies some existing problems and shortcomings in the practice of these models. Finally, it will come up with some common facto

7、rs such as gender and knowledge which may affect the results in reality. It is necessary to reconsider these factors before using certain models.Effective LeadershipLeadership is a management process. During this process, leaders can influence subordinates and enlist the aid and support of others (C

8、hemers, 1997). During this process, leaders can inspire, motivate and direct other members activities and achieve group or organizational goals.Leadership is an important process in all organizations. These organizations include for-profit organizations such as companies and nonprofit organizations

9、such as government and schools. It is also important for all lever of management: first-line management, middle-management, and top management. In general, a good leadership needs to satisfy the needs of the organizations as well as subordinates. The needs of organizations may include healthy operat

10、ions and certain profit demands. As a leader, it is his or her responsibility to maintain a good condition of the organizations. However, having a high profit does not mean leaders are effective. Effective leadership means leaders can use their power or personality to motivate subordinates and help

11、them understand their roles in organizations. With a clear understanding of their roles and extra motivations, subordinates tend to perform at a higher level than usual. Different people hold different opinions about the question that what type of leadership is the best. Early researchers found some

12、 common traits or behaviors that effective leaders share. For example, effective leaders are people who often communicate with their subordinates. Ken Chenault, as the president of American Express Company, is respected by colleagues for his personality and open door policy. He is willing to open hi

13、s door to his subordinates and listen to their voice. Some leaders can take advantage of their power and others may prefer empowerment.Trait ModelThe trait model holds the belief that certain characteristics or traits lead to effective leadership.According to this model, effective leaders have some

14、common personal characteristics or qualities. With these characteristics and qualities, they are different with ineffective leaders and with people who never become leaders. These certain traits include knowledge, intelligence, expertise, self-confidence, dominance, high energy, stress tolerance abi

15、lity, honesty and maturity (Bass, 1990). Take high energy as an example, most of the older may sleep over ten hours everyday, while Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, still maintain the habit to attend Saturday morning meeting even when he is 70 years old(Shelley & Edwin, 1991). However, there is a fa

16、ct that some effective leaders do not possess all of these traits. Whats more, some leaders who do possess these traits are not effective in their leadership roles. According to Peters (1996) research, leaders and followers often held same kinds of characteristics. There were no differences between them with respect to traits. Sometimes, people who possessed these traits tend to be ineffective. As a result, even though this m


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