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1、cI|: 1002-2082(2009) 01-0101-04op;Y(赵晶丽1, 王惠卿2, 冯晓国1, 梁凤超1(1.SS=;,=130033;2.=v3,=130022)摘要: 通过对离心法在凹球面上涂布光刻胶过程进行分析,阐明了离心状态下光刻胶在凹球面基底上的流动机理,结合试验提出影响凹球面涂布光刻胶膜厚均匀性的主要因素有胶液粘度、旋涂速度、旋涂时间, 列举了以上因素引起的各种现象, 并进行了理论分析。引用凹球面旋涂光刻胶的膜厚公式,建立了膜厚与速度关系数学模型; 利用流体力学原理解释了有限圆形空间中流体速度对膜层均匀性的影响,从而解决了大曲率凹球面上制备微细图形结构的关键工艺问题,对

2、非球面上制备微细图形具有借鉴作用。关键词: 光刻胶; 涂胶; 凹球面; 旋涂ms|: TN305. 7DS: AUniformity of photoresist film coated on concave sphereZHAO Jing-li1, WANG Hui-qing2, FENG Xiao-guo1, LIANG Feng-chao1(1. Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS, Changchun 130033, China;2. Graduate School, Changchun Univ

3、ersity of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China)Abstract: The flow mechanism of the photoresist on the concavesphereunder centrifugal stateiselaborated by the analysis of the photoresist coating process with centrifugation force. Thecritical factors that affect the evenness of photosensiti

4、ve resist and the film forming quality, suchas viscosity of photoresist solution, velocity of spin coating and time of spin coating, areinvestigated with experiments. The various phenomena occurred due to these factors are listedand analyzed theoretically. A mathematic model which describes the rela

5、tionship between layerthickness and velocity is established by quoting the formula for the spin coating of photoresistfilm on the concave sphere. The effect of the fluid speed on the uniformity of the layer in thelimited circular spaceis explainedaccording to theprinciple of fluid mechanics. Accordi

6、ngly, thekey technology for preparing microstructure patterns on the concave spherical surface isachieved.Key words: photolithography; film coating; concave sphere; spincoating;Y/T%F1o/Xpp=H,q%BS,m1M1mFig. 1 Film thickness versus rotaryvelocity for spin coatingbTT,b|S。p=bATKbW,5KbWT3 ,1T:v= ka2a2- b

7、2(r-b2r ) ( 4)T: a; bp=; r_; k。a、p=b、_r-4/,vkL1,9v,9|19v。b9vBZPAs?Fy,YA#T;6BZFy,Yf8。qAbf,TvVCIE,ErAM|YAfE,CuwCqVC,YV。yN,V4、(。2. 2T(Y;YTY,Tv,A,(4e,CW、Hf。TAz,TV,ATl,p,b9Fy,bZ1Vb9v7y9v,vATH,|AV,T/,Vfl,dC。;YBP212,YV1T;Y,T9T,z;YMpok,0A,LwLm2U。m2;YT1wLFig. 2 Film thickness versus viscosity of photoresistm

8、2V,X0. 4m 0. 6m,;Yd4131P。2. 3pHW(Ys3,pHWe(d1。pHWV,AVsV,3Ws。pHWV9,pHW,VfT/。3LTo;Yp,、T、HW(YM,pV418In。V311d;YBP212,TR=150 mm,g100 mm(THHqoqgv1. 632R)oq,VQpk?(1pT,V1U。V1pTable 1 Technical parameters for coating of photoresistp/r m- 1pHW/s300 500 10p2 000 3 000 201 000 20V1Up,m3103;2009,30( 1)u,:op;Y(UwL

9、。m3_r)Fig. 3 Thickness of film at radial location r4Yo;Yp(y,7OyY8T,5T、pHWyYs,A1LHq/,7yT/T。YVvL-sL=,o=Vp;Y1il,ido=Vp;YkT。ID:1 De FOREST W S. Photoresist: materials and pro-cess M . New York: McGRAW-HILL BookCompany, 1974.2 FENG Xiao-guo, SUN Lian-chun. Mathematicalmodel of spin-coated photoresist on a sphericalsubstrateJ. Optics Express, 2005, 18(13): 7070-7075.3f,O.bf8E9ZE)J.S



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